Chapter 296: Unwilling! Take the risk!

In the bar, the negotiations between Ye Feng and Lin Moyuan went smoothly on the surface, but no one knew what kind of calculations the two people were making behind their backs.

Lin Moyuan held the idea of ​​completely overthrowing Ye Feng. In Ye Feng’s heart, there was no idea at all. Will he be led by Lin Moyuan honestly and compromise Lin Moyuan’s conditions?

Of course not!

The two set the replacement time for five hours. Lin Moyuan would ask someone to pick up Xue Hong from Gangdong City, and Ye Feng must release Mohe within these five hours.

“I hope you can tell the truth!”

Before leaving, Ye Feng looked directly at Lin Moyuan and dropped such a sentence.

But Lin Moyuan said disdainfully:

“I hope you can figure out the current situation! You are not qualified to talk to me on what terms, understand?”

【drop! You successfully aroused Ye Feng’s murderous intent! villain value +9999! 】

After hearing the system’s prompt tone, the expression on Lin Moyuan’s face did not change, but he secretly warned in his heart!

Aroused Ye Feng’s murderous heart? What does it mean?

Is it possible that Ye Feng wants to do it?

Although Lin Moyuan was not afraid of the current Ye Feng at all, what could he do if Ye Feng turned over the mysterious troop to help again?

It is impossible for Ye Feng to be anxious, to take down himself, and then exchange for Xue Hong with himself!

Lin Moyuan frowned and thought for a while, sitting still watching Ye Feng’s car slowly disappearing from the corner of the street, a plan emerged in his heart!

As long as this plan can be successful, then Ye Feng will be finished this time!

Just when Lin Moyuan was thinking about it, Ye Ping opened the door and walked in.

At this moment, Ye Ping didn’t have the same angry look on his face long ago, but a treacherous smile on his face.

Lin Moyuan sighed slowly, this Ye Ping… really deserves to wear a pair of pants with himself who has the villain system!

It’s just a standard villain…

“How is it? Lin Shao, my acting skills are pretty good, right?”

Lin Moyuan looked at Ye Ping with a smile, and whispered:

“I’m going to call to find a TV station and get you a little golden guy!”

Ye Ping smiled and waved his hand, and whispered:

“It doesn’t need to be the case, just remember to give me some shares in the company on the North Second Ring Road!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and patted Ye Ping on the shoulder, and whispered:

“You helped me so much, and I want your company? There is no such reason! I only need 20% of the shares, and this company will be handed over to you! In this way, Ye Feng’s words in the family Power will be weakened again.”

Ye Ping was stunned for a moment when he heard the words. Obviously, he didn’t expect Lin Moyuan to hand over this company to him!

This is one of the lifebloods of the Ye Family!

Ye Ping shook his head slowly, and said in a deep voice:

“If I provoke you, it’s probably the worst decision Ye Feng has ever made in his life.”

Lin Moyuan shrugged his shoulders, noncommittal.

“By the way, you call Richemont, five hours later, let him…”

After a while, Ye Ping looked at Lin Moyuan in surprise, and asked subconsciously:

“Is this method a little exciting? Ye Feng won’t be able to do it yet, right?”

Lin Moyuan sneered when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice:

“This kid can’t wait to cut me a thousand times! Believe me, he will never let go of such a good opportunity!”

Ye Ping sighed slightly, and then told Richemont of Lin Moyuan’s plan.

Two hours later, Mohe, who was detained in Base No. 9, was put on a black hood, and then held by two soldiers, led out of the base, and got into a car.

Mo He didn’t know that Lin Moyuan had already grasped Ye Feng, thinking that he was going to be executed, and his heart was ashamed.

Although his face was a little pale, Mo He still gritted his teeth and said nothing.

I don’t know how far they have gone, the vehicle slowly stopped. The two soldiers once again carried the ink lotus, got out of the car, and did not go too far, loosened the ink lotus, and took off the headgear of the ink lotus.

Mo He squinted his eyes and adjusted to the sunlight that he hadn’t seen for a long time. He thought he would see a row of pitch-black muzzles, but he didn’t expect that Lin Moyuan was standing in front of her!

Lin Moyuan stood in front of Mo He with a smile, and whispered:

“How? How is the wound?”

Before Mo He recovered from the shock, Lin Moyuan took her hand and walked to the own car.

“I hired a killer as a bodyguard, but I had to rely on me to save my own bodyguard. You bodyguard is a bit incompetent!”

Mo He’s face turned a little blush, and he said in a deep voice:

“Why save me? Will you leave Ye Feng a handle?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and replied in a low voice:

“Ye Feng is already at the end of a strong crossbow, just by him, is also worthy to fight with me?”

Although Lin Moyuan’s voice is not loud, it is full of confidence!

When negotiating with Ye Feng, Lin Moyuan had already figured out Ye Feng’s current luck value!

Only a little more than a hundred left!

With this level of luck, although it is not possible to directly kill by force, it is not enough to be afraid of!

Mo He nodded silently, although Qiao’s face was still blushing, she still held Lin Moyuan’s hand tightly.

Feeling the temperature from Mo He’s hand, Lin Moyuan raised a smile on the corner of his mouth.

“Don’t worry about the children in your hometown. I have already paid for them to build a teaching building and hired local armed forces to provide them with protection. Don’t worry.”

Hearing this, Mo He’s pretty eyes suddenly became wet!


Three hours later, Fengshan.

This will be autumn. Fengshan Mountain is one of the most beautiful sights in the whole city. The whole Fengshan Mountain is full of tourists who come to take pictures.

Fengye flew up and down in the air with the autumn breeze, which made people feel a little desolate.

Ye Feng frowned and looked at the empty mountain, with an ominous premonition lingering in his heart.

Ye Feng felt that something was wrong since he first came here, but he couldn’t tell.

“Captain, brothers are all in place, when will the target appear?”

A soldier wearing a camouflage uniform, standing behind Ye Feng, asked respectfully.

Ye Feng looked down at his watch and replied in a low voice:

“Ten minutes, go and observe again to see if there are any suspicious people around!”

The soldier nodded, turned and concealed his figure into the already withered woodland.

Immediately after the soldiers left, the sound of communication came from Ye Feng’s earphones.

“This is No. 3, and there is a vehicle approaching on the winding road!”

“Received on the fourth! The target has been locked!”

When Ye Feng heard this, his eyes slowly narrowed!

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