Chapter 293: Break the Northland Hotel!

In the center of Gangdong City, the most fascinating place in the entire bustling city is the Northland Hotel jointly operated by the four big families.

The Northland Hotel is divided into four parts, all operated by the four major families.

The first is the financial department, which is in charge of the Zhang family, and people from other families can intervene or supervise at any time.

The second is the procurement and publicity department, which is mainly in charge of the Xing family. The other is the operation department and service department, which is in charge of the Xue family.

Finally, the security and transportation departments are in the hands of the Wang family.

The situation tonight is very embarrassing. The department that is mainly responsible for security is the department of the Wang family, but the people who want to enter the hotel forcibly to snatch people are also from the Wang family!

After the fall of the Xue family, the entire operation and service department was staffed by the three major families, so there were people from the Wang family, Xing family, and Zhang family.

Outside the king’s family, and the employees of the security company, have already started with the Xing family, and the entire periphery of the Northland Hotel has become a battlefield.

However, there is no private enmity between them, so the hand is still divided, the most is to knock people to the ground, lose the ability to resist, and there is no people’s situation.

Many citizens came to watch, but no one called the police.

This is a matter for the three major families, and it has always been internalized by the three major families.

Ji Kun held the arm of a Xing family’s thugs with one hand, and punched the thugs with his other hand. The thugs suddenly knelt on the ground, his body curled up into a ball.

At this moment, from behind Ji Kun, a Xing family thug rushed up, still holding a rubber baton in his hand.

Seeing that the truncheon was about to fall on Ji Kun’s head, a figure suddenly rushed out from the side and directly knocked the Xing family thugs into flight.

Ji Kun turned around, but Wang Can pressed his thugs to the ground.

“Good brother, please come back for a drink!”

Wang Can smiled, just about to say something, but suddenly shouted:

“Behind you!”

Ji Kun reacted quickly and immediately squatted down, and a baseball bat wiped his scalp and swung it out!

In the distance, Yan Kexiang slammed a thug who was lying on the ground while shouting loudly:

“Hurry up and think of a way! When do you continue to fight like this, when will you be tall?”

Next to Yan Kexiang, Wang Yan patted him on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice:

“We have a hole card, but if we bring it out, we can’t look back! You also know what the Northland Hotel is!”

Nodding solemnly, Yan Kexiang stood up, observed the wound on his body, and said in a deep voice:

“Wang Yan, let me give you a suggestion. You can see what the situation is now. Since your Little Brother Wang Can rushed into the road and bridge company in Xingjia, Yuancheng District, we have no way to look back! If we can’t catch it. Xue Hong, how do your family explain? The Zhang family and the Xing family, will they still accept you?”

Wang Yan sighed softly when he heard the words. He just wanted to say something, but suddenly turned around and grabbed the wrist of the Xing family who wanted to sneak attack him, and threw away the swing stick in his hand.

That’s right, now the Wang family has no way to turn around!

“Okay, then I will show my king’s hole card!”

After turning around and knocking down the Xing family’s thugs, Wang Yan shouted:

“Xiaochan! Put the signal!”

When Wang Can heard the words of his Big Brother, he immediately took out a letter/number gun from behind and pulled the trigger against the night sky!

A red signal flare exploded in the night sky, and the atmosphere around the Northland Hotel suddenly became serious.

Xing Feng and Xing Chuan brothers looked at the signal flare in the sky, and an ominous premonition rose in their hearts at the same time.

“Brother, what does their Wang family mean?”

Xing Chuan whispered after hearing this:

“Could it be that you are calling people? No, isn’t everything the Wang family can fight here? Is there any security…”

Suddenly a terrifying thought slowly emerged in Xing Chuan’s heart!

“Security? The security of the hotel! Wang Family! You are so cruel!”

The hotel’s originally closed door was suddenly opened, and then a group of people in security uniforms stood at the door of the hotel!

These people are the security staff of the hotel, but they are from the Wang family!

This flare is a horn against the water!

“Wang Yan! You have to think about the consequences of doing this! You are against the entire Northland Hotel!”

Wang Yan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile:

“Isn’t this what you Xing family want to see? People from the Wang family, rush in with me! Grab Xue Hong!”

When the Wang’s thugs heard Wang Yan’s words, they immediately shouted in unison:

“Rush in! Rush in!”

Afterwards, a full fifty people acted as pioneers and charged towards the main entrance of the Northland Hotel!

The Xing family thugs who had been guarding the front door had all been taken down by the security guards inside the Northland Hotel.

So fifty people rushed into the hotel smoothly and began to look for Xue Hong.

Wang Yan frowned slightly when he looked at the huge hotel lobby.

How big is the whole hotel? Can they find it?

If Xue Hong ran away, wouldn’t it be over?

At this moment, Xing Chuan’s figure appeared in front of Wang Yan.

“You won’t stop, will you?”

Wang Yan looked at this friend who had grown up almost since childhood, and said in a deep voice:

“The choice of the family is my choice!”

Xing Chuan sighed and whispered:

“1801, brother, this is the last time I have helped you. You saved my life before, but I can’t pay it back. From now on, we will stand on the opposite side!”

Wang Yan nodded, and the two passed by. Xing Chuan took off his own glasses, but Wang Yan suddenly turned his head and asked in a low voice:

“How is Qingyuan’s illness?”

Xing Chuan was stunned when he heard the words, and said in a deep voice:

“much better,”

Wang Yan nodded, gritted his teeth, and rushed to the elevator door resolutely, and the rest of the Wang family quickly followed.

Xing Chuan looked at the back of his former brother and sighed.

The Qingyuan in Wang Gan’s mouth is Xing Chuan’s current girlfriend, whose surname is Xu, and his name is Xu Qingyuan.

Wang Yan has always liked Xu Qingyuan, but after learning that Xing Chuan also likes her, he decisively chose to quit.

The relationship between Wang Yan and Xing Chuan is actually very delicate, but after tonight, the two are officially on the opposite side of each other!

The entire Northland Hotel is now in chaos. Hundreds of people up and down perform all martial arts in the hotel. The rules of no disturbance in the Northland Hotel have been ignored.

At this time, Wang Kaifang was sitting in the huge conference room of the hotel. In front of him, Zhang Qiyan and Xing Shao were sitting.

“Wang Kaifang, are there any rules in your eyes?”

Hearing Xing Zhuo’s words, Wang Kai said with a smile: “Rule, isn’t it just for breaking?”

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