Chapter 291: This is the beginning!

Yanjing City!

Lin Moyuan sat at the counter of the Mint Bar with a gloomy expression.

I just got the specific news, and it can almost be confirmed that the disappearance of Mohe is the ghost of Ye Feng.

Moreover, Ye Feng and Mohe are inside the base, but Lin Moyuan has no way to get close!

The reason is simple. This is always a military unit. What happened to Lin Moyuan when he broke in?

But Lin Moyuan found a way, and that was to use Xue Hong to threaten Ye Feng.

Xue Hong is Ye Feng’s weakness, as long as he catches Xue Hong, Ye Feng has no other way to go.

But the news that just came, Xue Hong has been taken away! The Xing family took it to the Beidi Hotel and hid it!

What exactly does the Xing family want to do? It goes without saying.

The Xing family definitely wanted to use Xue Hong to negotiate with the Wang family to get shares in Kaitian Group!

This incident also proved that the Xing family was the mastermind of the killer incident!

And behind the Beidi Hotel are the three big families. Don’t say the Wang family, the Zhang family must be aware of it, and acquiesced to the behavior of the Xue family!

The Xue family went up and down, and Xue Hong had some value. I have to say that the Xue family’s situation is very sad.

Sitting in front of Lin Moyuan was Ye Ping. Ye Ping’s face was very calm, and he asked in a low voice:

“What we are holding now can move Ye Feng, why is it still not moving?”

Lin Moyuan replied in a deep voice:

“It’s not an opportunity yet. Once Ye Feng has my person in his hands, once he reacts excessively, the problem will be big. Second, only when we rescue the person can we have all the physical evidence! In this way, it succeeds. The odds will be greater!”

Ye Ping rubbed the wine glass in his hand, and said in a deep voice:

“Do you still have a hole card?”

Lin Moyuan nodded solemnly, and said in a deep voice:

“Yes, if this card is played, it will definitely be effective immediately! I’m waiting, within ten hours, there will definitely be a result!”

Just now Lin Moyuan had already called and gave Wang Can, Ji Kun, Yan Kexiang, and Mo Feng for ten hours to let them catch Xue Hong, even if they were facing the Shangbei Di Hotel!

Starting from the Northland Hotel is undoubtedly a taboo. Xiao Fan was kicked out like this at the beginning, but now the situation is completely different. The Wang family is one of the backstages of the Northland Hotel, breaking the rules by himself, and the other two big families. What can you say?

Ye Feng wanted to kill Mohe within ten hours because Lin Moyuan wanted to buy a murderer, and Lin Moyuan also wanted to catch Xue Hong within ten hours!

This coincidence is somewhat unexpected.

Outside the Northland Hotel, dozens of black cars encircled the hotel into iron buckets, and the water couldn’t escape.

These cars belonged to the Xing family. The Xing family had a plan for a long time. After Xue Hong was taken to the hotel, the Xing family almost came out of the nest and used cars to set up defenses. The purpose was already very obvious, but they didn’t want to be handed over.

The Zhang family didn’t say anything about it. Zhang Qiyan stood on the balcony of the highest floor of the hotel, holding a glass of red wine in his hand, looking at the magnificent scene below, not knowing what he was thinking.

Standing behind Zhang Qiyan, Zhang Qiqian whispered:

“Dad, the situation is a bit grim now, which side should we stand on?”

Zhang Qiyan narrowed his eyes and said in a low voice:

“Let’s take a look at the situation for now, don’t stand in line easily.”

Zhang Qigan nodded silently, for Xue Hong, he was a little pity.

Yes, it is pity, but there is also some sympathy.

The Xue family was defeated, and Xue Hong ended up in such a fate, what if one day, the Zhang family was also defeated?

Is he inferior to Xue Hong?

Zhang Qiyan seemed to know his son’s thoughts and whispered:

“The road is chosen by oneself, no one can contend with fate, maybe we will have such a day, but if we lose, we have to straighten my waist to face it! The Zhang family, no one lives on knees!”

Hearing Zhang Qiyan’s words, Zhang Qigan nodded silently and sorted his mind.

At this moment, commercial vehicles slowly appeared on the periphery, blocking all roads.

In the front car, a young man walked down in a black suit with a stern look.

Wang Can of the Wang Family!

Behind Wang Can, Ji Kun, Yan Kexiang, and Mo Feng also walked down one after another.

With hundreds of commercial vehicles, this lineup can be said to be very spectacular.

Most of the security companies under the Wangs and Mofeng also came out.

Zhang Qiyan looked at the scene below, tugged at the corner of his mouth, and whispered:

“The rules of the Northland Hotel are probably going to be broken. The remaining three families will all start to stand in line.”

Hearing what Zhang Qiyan said, Zhang Qiqian was taken aback for a moment and asked in a low voice:

“You mean… the Wang family is going to do it?”

Zhang Qiyan nodded and said:

“Tell our people, don’t do it!”

Zhang Qiqian nodded and took the phone out of his arms.

It seems that the Zhang family has to wait and see.

Wang Can walked to the door of the hotel and met Xing Feng.

Xing Feng’s face was gloomy. He was reprimanded by Own’s father for exposing Xue Hong’s location. He was not in a good mood. When he saw Wang Can daring to appear at the door of the Northland Hotel, he exploded immediately!

“Wang Can! What are your kings doing? Are you tearing up the covenant?”

Wang Can sneered and whispered:

“It’s your Xing family who intervened in our affairs first? What’s the matter? You don’t have the same hair, and you want to touch us?”

When Xing Feng heard these words, he started to scold him, but was stopped by an older man. The man was wearing gold glasses and looked gentle.

Seeing this person, Wang Can suddenly narrowed his eyes.

This person is Xing Feng’s Dage, Xing Chuan.

Xing Chuan is the young owner of the Xing family, and he is very cruel, and his style of behavior is very sour.

“Wang Can, isn’t your Big Brother back? Where’s the man? Come out and let me see it. It’s been a long time since we have seen it. There is still a game of chess between us that hasn’t been finished!”

Wang Can twitched the corner of her mouth, this kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

At this moment, Wang Yan’s voice came from behind Wang Can.

“I said Xing Feng, don’t scare me Little Brother, it’s been a long time since I saw you, your mouth is a lot better!”

Xing Feng’s face became a lot more serious. Maybe Wang Can is not To put in one’s eyes, but Wang Yan can’t!

Wang Yan walked out from behind Wang Can and said in a deep voice:

“Xing Chuan, you leave me a bottom line, what exactly are you Xing family going to do?”

The relationship between Wang Yan and Xing Chuan was originally very good, but the relationship between the Wang family and the Xing family is hard to say.

Xing Chuan helped his glasses and whispered:

“Wang Yan, I won’t lie to you, Xue Hong, the Xing family is about to make an appointment!”

Wang Yan’s face became gloomy!

It seems that this time the matter is going to be bigger.

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