Chapter 283: Ye Feng’s counterattack! Mohe was caught!

Mo He was in a very difficult situation at this time.

Now there are only two roads in front of Mo He, one is to use the remaining three bullets, try to see if you can rush to the window, as long as you rush to the window, with the help of night cover, Mo He can run. Going out, after so many years of assassin’s experience, Mo He thinks that these people who are handsome and scumbags are no problem.

But once someone lie in ambush outside, Mohe is equivalent to throwing himself into the net, which requires a bet before the result can appear.

The second way is to use the mobile phone in his hand to send a message to Lin Moyuan and let Lin Moyuan find a way to save himself!

There is no light in the entire living room now. As long as Mohe takes out his mobile phone, it will take a few seconds at most, and those people will rush up.

Mohe still trusts Lin Moyuan very much. Once he does this, it is equivalent to handing over his own life to Lin Moyuan’s hands.

Mo He didn’t know what these people were here for, or what would happen if he fell into their hands, but the only thing Mo He could be sure of was that these people were definitely brought by Ye Feng!

The only enemy of Lin Moyuan in Yanjing City was Ye Feng.

Mo He gritted his silver teeth, and while raising his hand to suppress the four people in the living room with a gun, he quickly took out his mobile phone and edited a text message to Lin Moyuan!

The third group in the living room noticed that there was light, and immediately noticed something was wrong, and rushed straight up!

The M9 in Mo He’s hand heard a sound of hammering and hitting the air. Everyone knew that Mo He had no bullets.

Then the four people immediately stepped forward and directly controlled Mo He!

At this moment, Mo He had just finished sending the message and threw the phone directly out of the fish tank in the living room.

The phone screen slowly went out, and a smile appeared on Mo He’s face.

“Report to the team! The target has been captured, but No. 3 was shot!”

“Received by the team! The helicopter will be here soon! Three minutes!”

“Team three understand!”

A man wearing a tactical mask bent down, grabbed Mo He’s short hair, and said in a deep voice:

“The killer outside the area, right? Do you know what this place is? Do you dare to come here to run wild?”

Mo He just stared at this man with a cold look, without saying a word.

This person seemed to smile, and then continued to whisper:

“Your good days are over, someone will teach you the rules! Take it away for me!”

Several people held up Mo He, twisted Mo He’s hands behind him, tied a pair of black handcuffs, and then put on a pair of black fetters. One of the tall people carried Mo He on his shoulders. After putting on the black headgear, he took Mohe away.

A few minutes later, a helicopter slowly landed from the sky. After everyone boarded the plane, under the cover of night, the helicopter slowly flew north.

Mint bar, top floor.

Lin Moyuan was sitting on the deck, chatting with a few young people.

These people are all Ye Ping’s friends in Yanjing City. They all seem to be young, but the power in their hands is scary!

On the left is a young man in a flowered shirt called Gu Yuan. His family has something to do with the finance department. The old man is the imperial minister of the finance department.

By Gu Yuan’s side, looking at the girls in the swimming pool, it seemed that a young man in a plaid shirt was called Suo Yi. In terms of the transportation department, his family had the biggest say in Yanjing.

On the far right, sitting a gloomy young man, although the posture is a little lazy, but the faint heroism between his brows is unstoppable.

This young man was named Richemont, and he was the second in command in military and political affairs at home. He was also a school-level military officer, and he usually wore a pair of pants with Ye Ping.

The identities of these three people are far from being as simple as the rich second generation. It can be said that they are not only rich, but also powerful!

These people are all old oils on the ground in Yanjing, one by one, they are all human spirits, knowing what Ye Ping meant to invite them all over.

“Brother Lin, I haven’t seen you before, you should be… from the south, right?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and looked at Gu Yuan, and said in a deep voice:

“Yes, I’m from Yunhai City, I have a small name, not worth mentioning!”

Ye Ping smiled and patted Lin Moyuan on the shoulder, and said to Gu Yuan:

“Yuanzi, you are abrupt, do you know the Lin Group?”

Gu Yuan was stunned for a moment. Of course he had heard of such a resounding name as the Lin Group!

The Lin Group’s ascending momentum is very strong now, Gu Yuan’s father said, give this Lin Group two more years, Yanjing’s upper class circle, can have a place in the Lin family!

This is not a joke, since Gu Yuan’s father gave such an evaluation, then the name of Lin, a southern enterprise, must be stable!

So Gu Yuan immediately changed his attitude and said to Lin Moyuan with a smile:

“It turns out to be a friend of the Lin Group. The identity of that friend is…”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Where is there any identity, it’s just a coolie, a messenger in the group, this is still a position obtained by the old man…”

Speaking to this level, it is already very clear.

This Lin Moyuan is currently the only heir of the Lin family!

If this has a good relationship with Lin Moyuan, he will have the right to speak in the South in the future!

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of Gu Yuan’s mouth.

These second generations of officials, which one doesn’t want to make some own achievements? Living in the shadow of their parents all day, they have long been ready to move and want to do their own business!

Not to mention anything else, starting a small company is at least financially independent! Instead of lying at home every day, waiting to take over!

“Lin Shao, what you said is not quite right. Just because of Lin Shao’s ability to help Chairman Lin solve problems, isn’t that the right thing to do?”

While talking, Gu Yuan raised the wine glass in his hand and joked to Lin Moyuan with a smile:

“That’s it, Lin Shao, when I first met, it was a bit sudden. Ye Ping, a scammer, didn’t tell me that you are coming. I didn’t bring any gifts. I would offer you a glass. If anything goes wrong with me in the future, maybe I have to take refuge in you!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and raised the wine glass, and whispered:

“Where is Gu Shao, if I want to take refuge in you, I am taking refuge in you! Come, let me go!”

As soon as the two of them finished drinking, Suoyi said with a smile:

“Lin Shao, you also know that I have some connections in the traffic area. If you are in Yunhai City, can you introduce me to some big guys so that I can hug my thighs?”

Lin Moyuan still replied with a smile on his face:

“That’s for sure. Our group happens to have a road and bridge project now, and we can’t find a contractor. If you say this, Suo Shao, I’m looking for your help!”

When Suo heard this, he smiled and raised his glass.

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