Chapter 278: Clear the field, ready to fight!

Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang sat in the corner, which became the target of the entire conference room.

Many people were swearing, trying to get the two little ghosts who didn’t know where they came from to get out.

What is this place? Xue’s meeting room in Gangdong City! All the people sitting here are descendants of the Xue family!

“Get out of here! Where did you come from?”

“Where’s the security guard? Do you eat dry food? Why did you put these two people in? Go out and call the security guard!”

“Which mental hospital was released? Hurry up and go by yourself! Don’t let us do it!”

Ji Kun sat on the chair arrogantly and said to Yan Kexiang:

“Brother Feng, are they in place?”

Yan Kexiang held his chin with one hand, and said in a deep voice:

“It’s in place. Brother Feng means that when the meeting begins, these shareholders will come together before the fight. You know, these remaining shareholders were so scared that they all hid. Today is the best opportunity, just in time. I can round them up!”

Ji Kun smiled and nodded, and said in a deep voice:

“I’m afraid that all these people will leave Gangdong, otherwise it’s hard to find, but it’s all right now.”

The two people chatted without anyone else until Xue Hong opened the door with a gloomy expression. He had confirmed just now that Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun had indeed taken 52% of the shares of Kaitian Group!

This is difficult!

No matter what resolution you propose, you can only use one veto!

“Everyone, be quiet! All of our remaining shareholders can’t be contacted. There should be a problem! The problem lies with these two people! They are Lin Moyuan’s people!”

Hearing what Xue Hong said, the shareholders in the room stood up one after another, shocked!

In recent days, many shareholders have been unable to contact them, and there are rumors that all those shareholders have been secretly killed!

So these shareholders are flexible in their minds and hid them one after another!

I didn’t expect this incident to be true! The shares are in the hands of these two people, so… what about those shareholders?

“Little bastard! What did you do to Lao Li and them?”

Upon hearing this, Ji Kun looked at the person who asked the question curiously, and said in a deep voice:

“What does it have to do with you? Obediently sit down and wait! If you really miss Lao Li, I will let you see him soon!”

Xue Hong also came to Ji Kun with a gloomy expression at this time, and said in a deep voice:

“Boy, you are still too young, thinking you can come up and talk to me directly with a few shares in your hand? You don’t weigh yourself, how many catties are there!”

Ji Kun licked his tongue and said with a smile:

“Xue Hong, do you really think of yourself as a person? Frankly speaking, starting from today, this conference room, this Kaitian Group, will be under the control of our Lin Group and the Wang family! Take the initiative to hand over the equity, and I will give You have a way to survive!”

What Ji Kun said was like throwing a stone into a pool of stagnant water. All the shareholders were like cats with their tails on their tails, blown up!

“Little bunny, don’t you want to go out alive today! Damn it!”

“Daddy grows so big, I have never met such a crazy person!”

“Come on! Where’s the security guard? Throw these two men out of here for me!”

Yan Kexiang took out his mobile phone silently and sent out a short message, just two words.

“Let’s fight!”

After that, Yan Kexiang took the swinging stick out of his arms and drew out a cloth strip, wrapping the swinging stick around his hand.

The shareholders, who had been clamoring for a very powerful one, saw that this muffled boy was actually taking the trouble, and they suddenly withered and began to back away.

At this time, the door of the conference room was opened and a team of security rushed in.

Seeing this scene, Ji Kun also took out the swinging stick from his arms, and tied the swinging stick to his hand just like Yan Kexiang.

As for why this is done, because there is a Xue Hong here!

Xue Hong and Ye Feng came from the same unit, so their skills were not much worse.

Therefore, Xue Hong must be very proficient in disarming, and it is very embarrassing that Xue Hong may take away the baton.

So the two brothers thought about it left and right, and came up with such a way.

Lin Moyuan meant that the situation can no longer be delayed, and the Xue family must be resolved immediately so that he can concentrate on dealing with Ye Feng, so any tricks are used, as long as it works, regardless of whether he is bright or not!

At this moment, there are more than 20 security guards in the room. These people are all on the floor below. There are probably more than 300 security guards in the entire building. It looks like a lot, but in fact it is just a pile of loose sand.

Many of these security guards are members of the security company. The entire security company is raised by the Xue family. The situation is similar to that of the Dongcheng Security Company, but the quality is far worse.

The Xue family’s security companies are all social idlers, and there is no way to fight against formal security.

During this period of time, the Xue family was suppressed by the Wang family too badly, and the total assets were less than 10 billion, which seemed to be a lot, but just for this amount of money you want to gain a foothold in Gangdong City? That’s just kidding!

Today’s shareholders meeting is held. In fact, Xue Hong’s purpose is to get all the shares back!

These shareholders are members of the Xue family’s surnames. They used to eat with the Xue family’s thighs. They might not be able to stand up to help the Xue family in times of crisis. In order to prevent these shareholders from taking a bite, the Xue family does not intend to The equity is handed over to them.

But I didn’t expect that the two people, Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang, had already appeared at the meeting before they even started talking.

This is also just right. Take down these two doglegs of Lin Moyuan first, and Ye Feng will feel a lot easier!

More than 20 security personnel have surrounded Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang one after another, their eyes gloomy.

Ji Kun took the lead and knocked a stick on the head of a security guard. The security guard immediately fell to the ground. This stick was full of energy. This security started with a money concussion.

Seeing that Ji Kun started so darkly, the other security guards were a little bit upset. What kind of identity is Ji Kun? They also heard about the Young Master from Yunhai City. If this hurts someone, come from Yunhai City. Hold accountable, who will carry it for them?

Xue family?

Now there have been some rumors, saying that the Xue family is no longer good, and that they are not the opponent of the Wang family at all!

The Xue family would only find a few ghosts to go out for the dead!

It is precisely for this reason that none of them dare to go.

Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun reacted instantly, these security guards didn’t dare to do anything! So the two of them rushed out of the encircling circle, one left and the other right!

One shareholder did not react, and he was knocked to the ground by a swing stick!

Ji Kun stepped on this shareholder and said sharply:

“Count the fiercest you just called! Stand up for me? Why didn’t you scream?”

When Xue Hong saw this scene, his face instantly became gloomy!

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