Chapter 276: Gangdong City, the sword refers to the Xue family!

Because of the arrival of Lin Moyuan, Yanjing City has become undercurrents. The Ye Family has been aloof these years, and there are many enemies behind it, so fundamentally speaking, there are not one or two people who want to engage in the Ye Family.

They didn’t know Lin Moyuan’s arrival, but these forces in Yanjing City knew that the Qi family, who had a decent relationship with the Ye family, took action!

Lin Moyuan himself took Qi Yanyu to Qi’s house.

Ye Feng also turned his attention to Lin Moyuan’s hiding spot in Yanjing, preparing to act.

In the hiding spot, there is also Mohe, who Ye Feng had missed!

Ye Feng didn’t know that there was another assassin, and followed Lin Moyuan to Yanjing.

The situation in Yanjing can already be said to be on the verge of breaking out.

The situation in Gangdong City is actually not much better.

The Wang family has to understand that at present, all of the Xue family’s industries are left with only the Kaitian Group. This group has the jewelry industry, the transportation industry, and the international trade industry, so the market value is not small. The Wang family is early I’ve been watching it for a long time.

After all, the only shortcoming of the Wang family now is the aspect of transnational trade. As long as this aspect can also be done, then the strength of the entire Wang family can be strengthened again.

Ji Kun got on the line with the dialect. Under Lin Moyuan’s instructions, Ji Kun successfully flicked the dialect. After all, the dialect had just come down from the mountain, and he didn’t quite understand the twists and turns of humanity and sophistication, so Ji Kun took it. The news at hand has fooled the dialect.

It was the Xue family who sold a lot of fake jewelry to cheat money.

The dialects recognized that the Xue family was such a group of people, plus the previous affiliated family of the Xue family, the Yuan family, had come to make trouble, and felt very uncomfortable!

“Brother Fang, let me tell you, this Xue Hong is not a good thing! Sending a killer to my boss, he almost hurt the innocent! It was at the entrance of the hospital! That was a hospital! The assassin started shooting and killing people. There are many innocent citizens in the hospital…”

What Ji Kun said was slobbering, and his dialect’s impression of the Xue family was getting worse and worse.

However, the dialect has now taken Xue Hong’s money, and can only cure Xue Hong’s illness, but the dialect is ready to decline Xue Hong’s request from a private doctor.

Just kidding, the money that dialects make now is the money of those squeezed poor citizens! This makes the dialect feel very sorry.

Ji Kun sat in the suite of Shangri-La Hotel and said to the phone:

“No problem, now the dialect has regarded me as a good brother. I have never seen a Xiaobai like this! To be honest, boss, I can’t bear to punish him! Really!”

Sitting on the sofa, Yan Kexiang pouted frantically when he heard Ji Kun’s words.

The whole Gangdong City is your kid’s darkest heart! Still pretending to be innocent here!

Pity this dialect, such a simple child, it’s rare to see this age!

Yan Kexiang is very curious, why does Lin Moyuan want to use the dialect? Isn’t this kid just a doctor?

And he’s still a genius doctor!

What Yan Kexiang didn’t know was that although the dialect was completely inferior to Lin Moyuan, Lin Moyuan’s luck value was no match for the dialect!

It can be said that luck saved the life of the dialect, otherwise it is like a novice player like dialect… The day Lin Moyuan knew that he was the son of luck, he sank him into the lake!

Lin Moyuan also inquired that there was no ID card in the dialect, and guessed that this kid should have followed the Master on the mountain to practice. There are many such scenes in the novel!

So I asked someone to apply for an ID card. These things seemed to help the dialect, but in fact Lin Moyuan held the dialect in his palm!

This fake ID is used as a constraint!

Once there is any follow-up action in the dialect, or if Lin Moyuan’s luck exceeds the dialect, then this fake ID can be sentenced to death in the dialect!

Of course, dialects have no knowledge of all this.

Yan Kexiang turned off the game in his hand and asked curiously:

“Tomorrow we will have a showdown with the Xue family, what should we do?”

Ji Kun put down the phone in his hand, sighed, and said in a deep voice:

“The boss has handed this matter over to the two of us. Now that we have the right to decide on the shares in our hands, I am not afraid of the Xue family. I am afraid that when the Xue family holds a general meeting of shareholders, they will get red eyes and start directly. !”

Together, the shares held by the two people have reached 52%! At present, the Kaitian Group of the Xue family has basically been acquired by the two brothers!

But the problem is that Xue Hong of the Xue family has now officially stepped up to dominate the family affairs, and this kid has a veto right!

When the general meeting of shareholders was held, if Xue Hong voted to veto the shares in their hands, wouldn’t it be a waste of fun?

The Wang family means that all the liquidity of the Kaitian Group is handed over to the Lin Group, and as long as the Kaitian Group’s overseas sales channels, that is, foreign trade, the group’s shares are handed over to the Lin Group for distribution. , The Wang family didn’t know that Lin Moyuan was not dead, so he was afraid of Lin Shengtian’s revenge.

The sincerity of the Wang family is already on the table. It has to be said that Wang Kaifang is still very good at life. Knowing that Lin Moyuan and his little brothers are the main force in dealing with the Xue family, so the sincerity is very good.

In fact, Zhao Duan also went to Wang Kaifang privately, and he clearly told Wang Kaifang to make a good choice and stand on the team, because this time the previous battle between the two families was won by the Wang family, but will the other two big families let the Wang family go?

Obviously not! They sit in the mountains and watch the tigers fight, and after watching the two big families fight, they should move immediately!

Therefore, the only ally of the Wang family is the Lin Group! As long as the Lin Group is stationed in Gangdong City, then the Wang family can be regarded as having a backstage, and there is no need to worry that the Xing family and the Zhang family will attack the Wang family!

Therefore, the Wang family now has no choice but to follow Lin Shengtian.

Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang, as the two main forces under Lin Moyuan’s command, will soon sound the horn of the general attack at the shareholders meeting of the Xue family tomorrow. The Xue family will definitely not let the shares fall into the hands of Ji Kun, so At the headquarters of Kaitian Group, there is bound to be a big battle!

The Gangdong City Police Department had no plans to intervene. The building wanted to fight and fight, so Ji Kun and the two came to Mofeng’s residence, ready to pick some people and prepare to fight.

Without thermal weapons, Mofeng has an absolute advantage here! These hundreds of elites are all veteran-level figures.

The meaning of Mo Feng is also very simple. It will be fine if you come here, and you can hit it harder. Tomorrow, you must let the Xue family know who is Dad!

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