Chapter 272: Surprise!

Gangdong City, in front of the small clinic.

When Ji Kun looked at the genius doctor in front of him, the expression on his face suddenly became very exciting!

Isn’t this the man who stopped them at the entrance of the hospital that day?

What does it mean?

Is this kid the genius doctor in the legend?

He also saw Ji Kun in dialect, but the current situation made him very distressed. The two young people didn’t care about the three-seven-two-ones, and they had to drive the old man out when they came in, saying that they would be treated first…

The dialect itself is naturally rejected, because the old man’s illness is quite serious, and it can be relieved as soon as possible. Now what is the matter of a jump in the queue? It was for this reason that the dialect clashed with the two young people.

“What do you mean? Treat my old man first, don’t you understand?”

Putting down the medicinal materials in his hand, the dialect said solemnly:

“This is not a problem! But you have to go to the door to queue for me first! Do you understand?”

The young man from the Yuan family suddenly turned gloomy!

“Damn! A doctor, we came to you to treat your illness to give you Face! How dare you talk to us like this? I’m from the Yuan family! Do you understand?”

Standing at the door, Ji Kun smashed his tongue when he heard what this kid said. This is just one of the Xue family’s affiliated families. They are so crazy, enough to see what’s going on with the Xue family!

If the Xue family were all such defiant idiots, and a few shrewd people like Xue Hong, they would be able to sink the Xue family in a week!

In the clinic, the dialect face was very gloomy, and he said in a deep voice:

“I don’t care who you are from, even if Xue Hong is here, you have to line up for me if you want to see a doctor!”

Hearing the words in the dialect, one of the Yuan family guys was immediately annoyed and kicked on the counter!

“Fuck, you’re a little doctor crazy? I’m telling you, you must treat me for this disease today! It’s just a half-dead old man, even if he is not cured, what can he do? This old man has my father Is it important?”

Hearing this sentence in dialect, his face became gloomy for a moment!

“Get out! I won’t treat you today!”

Upon hearing this, the Yuan family guy immediately said to his companion next to him:

“Give it to me! You smashed this store for me today! Break the old man’s leg and throw it to me outside the door!”

His companion nodded, and immediately prepared to rush forward.

Standing outside the door, Ji Kun saw this and was already ready to take action. As a result, his phone rang as soon as he was about to walk into the store.

It’s still a video call!

Ji Kun frowned suddenly, what does this mean?

The call was from an unfamiliar number. Although it was a little bit confusing, Ji Kun still got the call.

After the video was connected, a figure appeared on the phone screen, just a back figure, but Ji Kun felt very familiar.

At this moment, that figure turned around. At this moment, Ji Kun almost couldn’t hold his mobile phone!

This person turned out to be Lin Moyuan!

But isn’t Lin Moyuan already dead?

The hospital even opened the Death certificate!

Why does it appear in the video?

Lin Moyuan smiled and said to Ji Kun:

“What? Not happy to see me? Stupid?”

Ji Kun rubbed his own eyes, and after confirming that Lin Moyuan in front of him was not an illusion, he suddenly laughed and said:

“Boss, I know you are not that easy to die! I always say to that bastard Yan Kexiang, our boss is dead hard! Where is it so easy to die! He still doesn’t believe it!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said on the other side of the video:

“Because the plan requires it, I have to hide it from you. By the way, what’s the matter with you? Why is it so noisy? It’s a fight?”

When Ji Kun heard this, he immediately adjusted the lens, facing the direction of the clinic, Lin Moyuan happened to see two young men in their twenties, smashing things in the clinic!

At this moment, Lin Moyuan’s mind suddenly heard a system prompt!

【drop! Discover the son of luck! Target current luck value: 500! 】

Lin Moyuan’s pupils suddenly shrank slightly, and stood up from the seat!

Son of luck? I really trust it!

Ye Feng hasn’t solved it yet, why did this happen again?

And it’s actually a genius doctor!

According to several people in the video, Lin Moyuan can basically analyze who is the real son of luck, and he must be the owner of this clinic.

Lin Moyuan immediately asked:

“Kunzi, who opened this clinic?”

Ji Kun replied subconsciously:

“It’s a young doctor called dialect, the one in the white shirt is!”

Lin Moyuan said immediately:

“Watch him. This kid has a problem. You and Yan Kexiang will stare at me to death! In addition, you can’t listen to the movements of the Xue family. Please sort out the shares in your hands. When I get to the Xue family, let’s Make the final blow!”

After Ji Kun nodded, Lin Moyuan hung up the phone.

Lin Moyuan sat in Own’s office with an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

The current problem is no longer a protracted battle with Ye Feng, and Ye Feng must be suppressed as soon as possible!

The appearance of another son of luck was unexpected by Lin Moyuan. He didn’t expect that he would just call Ji Kun, and he could find another son of luck!

Can’t give this kid called dialect too many opportunities for development!

Once he makes his wings plump up, then he is finished!

Now this kid has more than 500 luck points!

Only 459 points on own!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan immediately sent Ji Kun a message, asking Ji Kun to investigate the dialect, check the background of the dialect, where it came from, who was around, and who had contact with it.

Ji Kun was also very confused when he received the information. Why is the boss so interested in the dialect?

And there seems to be some hostility?

But this is not what Ji Kun should have thought about. Since the boss thinks this kid has a problem, he can check it out himself.

Isn’t it a chance to get close to this kid right now?

A smile appeared on the corner of Ji Kun’s mouth, and he walked directly into the door of the clinic.

“Yeah, I thought it was a rogue who was making trouble. It turned out to be the two Young Masters of the Yuan family? What’s the matter? Start collecting protection fees?”

Hearing what Ji Kun said, the two young men in the Yuan family turned around, and when they saw that it was Ji Kun who was talking, the swear word that had reached the very end, they were swallowed back!

They were all present when Ji Kun brought the ink-style people to the Yuan family rush!

This Ji Kun’s attack is simply too dark, and none of the Yuan family’s thugs can stand and leave!

Why did the King Yama come here?

“Don’t get out? Want me to invite you to go?”

The two young men from the Yuan family looked at each other, gritted their teeth, helped Yuan Zhuofeng and left the clinic.

No way, they dare not leave!

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