Chapter 269: Black and White?

Ji Kun looked at the floral shirt already kneeling in front of him, and said with a smile:

“I asked you to show the person behind you to see who he is. What are you doing on my knees?”

Flower Shirt said in a deep voice:

“Master Kun, I don’t have eyes, but I don’t know Dage! This thing really has nothing to do with Dage!”

Ji Kun stretched out his hand and patted Hua Shirt’s face, using his hands more vigorously, leaving a few marks on Hua Shirt’s face, and said with a smile:

“What I’m most annoying is people like you, don’t treat poor people’s children as human beings, use this bastard father to trick other people’s daughters, what do you want to do? Tell me!”

Hua shirt turned pale, and said tremblingly:

“This…I can’t help it. This old man owes us two hundred thousand, and someone has to pay it back…”

Ji Kun kicked on Hua Shirt’s face, and Hua Shirt directly hugged his face and lay on the ground!

“You shut my dog’s mouth! Come and clean you up later!”

Having said that, Ji Kun turned around and kicked Lu Guang!

“You are paralyzed, I fucking let you bet!”

Ji Kun had already noticed that this old bastard just wanted to sell his daughter because he had no money to pay for his gambling!

Yan Kexiang had already come to Lu Xiyao’s side, and said in a deep voice:

“This is your father? My father?”

Lu Xiyao came back to her senses only now and nodded silently.

Yan Kexiang sighed, took out a cigarette from his arms, lit one by himself, and said:

“This world is like this. There are a lot of bastards. We are people who are good at muddying the water. We often meet them, but they are like people who can sell their daughters for money. I have heard it, but this is the first time I have seen it. arrive.”

A tear slowly appeared at the corner of Lu Xiyao’s eyes, she stretched out her hand to wipe it off, and said in a deep voice:

“thank you all……”

Yan Kexiang waved his hand and said:

“No thanks, my brother has been in a bad temper during this time. Dage just left after an accident and his body was not found. It’s okay to let him vent.”

Lu Xiyao nodded, saw the hospital gown inside Yan Kexiang’s coat, and asked curiously:

“Are you also a patient in the hospital?”

Yan Kexiang nodded, “I’ve suffered a little injury, and I will soon be better off. You can go home if there is nothing wrong, and your father will take care of it here.”

Lu Xiyao wiped her tears again, bowed to Yan Kexiang, and said in a deep voice:

“Thank you! I will definitely repay you!”

After that, Lu Xiyao looked back again at his father who was still being beaten up by Ji Kun, a little bit of reluctance appeared in his eyes, but when he thought of the completely unfamiliar face when his father said he was going to sell the owner, Lu Xiyao bit. He gritted his teeth, turned and left, no longer hesitating.

When Ji Kun saw Lu Xiyao turn around and leave, Shen Sheng said to Lu Guang:

“Tell me, what do you think? I’m curious, don’t you have human feelings? Why do you sell your own daughter?”

Lu Guang said in a deep voice:

“Of course you rich people don’t understand! I want to play, but I don’t have money, how can I play? I raised my daughter so big and sold her? What does it have to do with you people? Why do you guys? Nosy?”

When Ji Kun heard this, he took a deep breath, and only felt his heartbeat speed up, as if he was about to explode!

What the hell is talking about human?

Ji Kun took out his own phone, and then kicked a kid who got in the way. This kid was one of Huayi’s most trusted people. Just now he made some small movements and was seen by Ji Kun.

After getting a kick, I had to squat down and didn’t dare to move.

Ji Kun said to the phone:

“Bring me a few people, just a little bit more neatly.”

Not long after I hung up the phone, a black Mercedes-Benz business stopped on the side of the road, and five people walked down from it. If you count the driver, there are six people.

Ji Kun said in a deep voice:

“Let this bastard disappear in Gangdong City, do something neatly!”

The leader nodded, came to Lu Guang’s side, picked Lu Guang up from the ground, turned around and left.

Lu Guang was dumbfounded now, how could he not hear what Ji Kun meant?

Suddenly Lu Guang began to struggle, and yelled:

“You can’t do this! I want to call the police!”

Before he could say the second sentence, the man directly punched Lu Guang’s lower abdomen, and Lu Guang convulsed with pain in an instant, and passed out.

Ji Kun twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Yan Kexiang who was watching the show.

“How do you deal with the remaining ones? It’s not that I said you, it’s that you have to jump out and take care of your nostalgia, why am I dealing with it now?”

Yan Kexiang shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile:

“Where do I know, you are more active than me, okay?”

Ji Kun sighed helplessly, then kicked the flower shirt and whispered:

“I hope you are a smart person. If you want revenge, most of you don’t dare to attack us and start with the mother and daughter? If you move that little girl, I will let Mo Feng sit on top of you when you turn around. As soon as you sit down, you also know that Mofeng needs Liwei now, so be careful with you!”

Hua shirt nodded repeatedly, and whispered: “Don’t worry! We will never go out to make trouble! Never retaliate!”

Ji Kun nodded, and said in a deep voice:

“Fuck off! Don’t let me be an eyesore here!”

Hua Shirt nodded again, and then left Huajing Park with a few younger brothers.

Looking at the backs of these people leaving, Ji Kun sighed, but Yan Kexiang said with interest:

“What’s wrong? I thought you were going to deal with this group of people as well.”

Ji Kun spread his hands and said:

“I killed all damn people. These little guys are just pawns. They don’t have their lives in their hands. It’s too wrong to explain to me. Besides, you don’t have any lives under your hands?”

Yan Kexiang sighed, looked in the direction of the hospital, squinted and said:

“Do you know what we are called now? Black and white! None of the shareholders of the Xue family are fuel-efficient lamps. Sooner or later they will find trouble with us if they keep them. Although I am a rich second generation, it does not mean me. I’m a fool! I just want to avenge the boss, they want to stop, am I used to them?”

Ji Kun patted Yan Kexiang on the shoulder, and the two walked back to the hospital side by side.

As soon as they returned to the entrance of the hospital, a handsome young man stopped the two of them.

“Two, thank you for saving Xi Yao!”

Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun looked at each other, both of them were very puzzled.

“Who is this? Do you know?”

“I don’t know, that little girl’s family just now?”

Ji Kun looked at the young man in front of him and asked suspiciously:

“Who are you?”

The young man said with a smile:

“My name is dialect, and I am Xi Yao’s friend.”

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