Chapter 263: Fly to Yanjing!

Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun in Gangdong City were still secretly buying shares. The Xue family did not know about this. In fact, in order to deal with Lin Shengtian’s anger, the Xue family had already suffered a lot.

Xue Hong was ready to fight to the death, even if the jade was burned, he would not hesitate.

In fact, Ye Feng didn’t expect that Xue Hong had no intention of ending the war at all.

However, Lin Moyuan was able to guess some of them. The reason was very simple. Naturally, there were people arranged by the Wang family in the Xue family, so it was not difficult to know that Ye Feng was leaving.

What did Ye Feng do? Lin Moyuan was able to guess that he must have gone to rescue soldiers.

Lin Moyuan naturally couldn’t let Ye Feng succeed. In addition, Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang were in Gangdong City, and they were more than enough to deal with the current Xue family.

So Lin Moyuan could naturally go to Yanjing with confidence.

Lin Moyuan had a hunch that in Yanjing, the contradiction between himself and Ye Feng would be unprecedentedly intense!

Lin Moyuan still didn’t know that Qi Yanyu was taken to Yanjing by Tang Yurou, but Lin Moyuan had already contacted Qi Yanyu and asked Qi Yanyu to go to the airport and wait for his arrival.

Yanjing is a place, after all, there is a mixture of fish and dragons, and the presence of Miss Qi Yanyu, the big Qi family, can reduce a lot of unnecessary troubles.

If you encounter one or two Yanjing’s width, then there is no doubt that in just a few hours, the entire Dragon Kingdom can know that Lin Moyuan is not dead.

They boarded the Wang family’s private plane with Mo He, and Lin Moyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, watching the night view of Gangdong City, a smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“I said that within three years I will be able to take the entire Gangdong City, do you believe it or not?”

Mo He was stunned for a moment. What is Lin Moyuan going crazy?

Three years? During this period of time, Mo He also had a detailed understanding of the situation in Gangdong City, knowing that Gangdong City is actually the four major families who have the final say. If Lin Moyuan wants to win Gangdong City, he must first face the four. big family!

Even if the Wang family becomes an ally, then it may not be the enemy in the future!

Under this circumstance, won the Gangdong City? It may not be possible in ten years, right?

“Do you have a fever?”

Lin Moyuan smiled, glanced at Mo He, and said in a deep voice:

“People always have a goal. Life without a goal is not challenging at all!”

Although Lin Moyuan said this sentence a bit crazy, but this sentence is indeed correct.

Originally, Mohe had only one purpose, and that was to let all the children in the city where he was born, have books and read, and be able to eat and wear warmth.

For Lin Moyuan, it is hard to believe that a killer had such a dream. If it weren’t for the living example of Mohe who stood in front of Lin Moyuan, Lin Moyuan would not have believed it. The killer was also loving.

“Yenjing is a place where fish and dragons are mixed, with various forces intertwined and complicated. You don’t even have an official identity certificate. Don’t show your face for a long time. I will find a place for you to raise your body first.”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Mo He nodded, and now her lower abdomen was still a little painful, although she could bear it, but if there was any danger, it would inevitably become a drag. Mo He was still very self-aware.

A few hours later, the private plane landed slowly at a private airport on the outskirts of Yanjing. This private airport belonged to the royal family. In fact, the four major families of Gangdong City have their own footholds in Yanjing.

Lin Moyuan stretched his waist, glanced at Mohe, who was still sleeping because of the effects of the painkillers, and pulled the corners of his mouth. When this female killer was asleep, she was still very feminine, with unevenness. The figure, exquisite and somewhat heroic cheeks, coupled with clean short hair, is very charming.

What makes Lin Moyuan feel helpless most is that this dignified number one killer even slobbers when he sleeps!

A string of crystal clear saliva hung on the side of the pink lips, not only did not make people disgusted, but also gave people a feeling of pity!

Lin Moyuan smiled and reached out his hand to wipe off the saliva from the corners of Mo He’s mouth. Only then did he lightly pat Mo He’s shoulder. Mo He then slowly opened his eyes. After clarifying the situation, a blush appeared on his face. .

“Sorry, I……”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said in a deep voice:

“Pack your things, let’s go.”

Mo He nodded, not daring to put his eyes on Lin Moyuan’s body.

After getting off the plane, Lin Moyuan took a deep breath of Yanjing’s air. Although Yanjing’s air pollution was relatively serious, it was still tolerable for Lin Moyuan.

After all, this is a suburb, so there is not much car exhaust.

Standing outside the airport waiting was Qi Yanyu and Tang Yurou who didn’t know what was going on now.

Qi Yanyu just explained to Tang Yurou that there was a very important person who was going to Yanjing, so he was going to greet him. Tang Yurou thought that this was arranged by Lin Moyuan during his lifetime, so he followed Qi Yanyu to the Wang’s airport.

At the same time, it also meant that he wanted to monitor Qi Yanyu. If something abnormal happened to Qi Yanyu, Tang Yurou would immediately report to Sophie.

Coming to the outskirts of the airport, Tang Yurou saw a man and a woman walking towards him not far away. The women were very beautiful, but their eyes were very sharp. They did not look like ordinary women’s eyes. The neat short hair was just as impressive. Very fascinated.

But Tang Yurou just glanced at the woman, and then her eyes fell on the man’s face.

The figure of this man is too much like Lin Moyuan!

However, Tang Yurou subconsciously took the idea of ​​own as an illusion.

Lin Moyuan is dead. This is something that has already been determined. How could he still appear in front of own alive?

Thinking of this, Tang Yurou took a deep breath, and then slowly turned her gaze in the direction of the man again, but found that the figure of this man turned out to be more like Lin Moyuan!

Tang Yurou pressed her lips tightly to prevent herself from crying, and finally turned around and squatted on the ground, sobbing in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, it was not long before one hand slowly put a hand on Tang Yurou’s shoulder and patted gently.

Tang Yurou came back to her senses, and then quickly wiped her own tears, turned her head, but was immediately stunned!

It was a familiar cheek. She once hated this face and liked this face, but in the end she was reluctant and began to miss this face!

It’s Lin Moyuan!

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Has the task been completed? Why are you crying? Do you think I am so easy to die, Big Brother?”

After Tang Yurou confirmed once again that it was not an illusion, she immediately rushed up and hugged Lin Moyuan!

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