Chapter 261: Purchase of shares!

Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang went to the hospital, but they could not see Lin Moyuan for the last time. It is said that Lin Moyuan went to Mofeng’s office. After a killer shot, the entire office turned into a sea of ​​flames.

Mo Feng also suffered some injuries. After meeting Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun, Mo Feng gave a rough explanation of what happened.

As for the office fire, the external explanation was a gas explosion, but both Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun knew it was a fake.

The real reason is because of the Molotov cocktail.

Both Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang’s expressions were very ugly, because this assassin came up with such a ruthless strategy. Not to mention shooting and killing people, he even used a Molotov cocktail to destroy the corpse!

There is no evidence at the scene to show that Lin Moyuan and Mo He died of homicide.

Lu Yin had just been here, but while she was sad, she also had some doubts. For a long time, Lin Moyuan always gave people a calm and calm feeling. Why did she say that this time she was gone?

There is also the assassin. Although there is no evidence to prove it, Lu Yin believes that Lin Moyuan’s words are correct! There must be a killer staring at him!

And this killer may be in the hospital now!

However, there was no evidence. Lu Yin didn’t dare to take any action just by intuition, for fear of stunning the snake.

After Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun walked out of the hospital, they were a little confused.

They have been with Lin Moyuan for a long time, and they are used to throwing them to Lin Moyuan to solve any problems. They are willing to be a trespasser and thug. Even so, Lin Moyuan still regards them as brothers, so for them, Lin Moyuan is Their boss.

Yan Kexiang followed Lin Moyuan for a relatively short time, but his admiration for Lin Moyuan was not weaker than Ji Kun, so these two people have made up their minds to help Lin Moyuan get revenge!

“Where do we start?”

Hearing Yan Kexiang’s words, a cruel arc slowly emerged from the corners of Ji Kun’s mouth.

“Shares! I have to get all the Xue family’s shares!”

Yan Kexiang nodded and said in a low voice:

“How much money do we have now? I can get five hundred million! If it is more, it will be a little troublesome!”

Ji Kun said in a deep voice:

“I’m a little bit more than you, 800 million, but it’s not enough! The two of us add up to buy a minority shareholder’s shares. It seems we need to ask for help!”

Yan Kexiang frowned and said:

“You mean… The Lin Group? Can they help us?”

In Yan Kexiang’s view, Lin Moyuan had something to do in Gangdong City, and they were all in Gangdong City, but they were unable to save Lin Moyuan. Maybe the Lin Group hated them penetrates the bone now, right?

Ji Kun shook his head and said in a low voice:

“I know what you are worried about, but don’t worry, it is Lin Uncle who controls the Lin Group now. Lin Uncle will not blame us, he will only worry about our safety.”

Lin Shengtian?

Yan Kexiang frowned. Actually, Yan Kexiang didn’t know much about Lin Shengtian. He just heard some rumors from his father. It is said that when Lin Shengtian was young, he was decisive and unscrupulous. Lin Shengtian was already in Yunhai City in the 1990s. He’s a person like the earth emperor.

It wasn’t until Lin Moyuan was born, that Lin Shengtian’s Killing intents gradually converged, but his business methods remained as sharp as ever.

Everyone is saying, don’t mess with Lin Shengtian’s precious son, everything else is easy to say.

So it can be seen from here that after Lin Moyuan’s accident in Gangdong City, I am afraid that Lin Shengtian will find the head of the four major families in Gangdong City.

It’s better for the Wang family to say something. After all, the Wang family and Lin Moyuan are allies, or that the Wang family is the family that is the least dared to do anything with Lin Moyuan, but the other three…maybe they are already prepared to make money and avoid disasters, right?

After Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun briefly learned about the shareholders of Xuejia Kaitian Group, they immediately took action.

In addition, Mofeng also eliminated manpower and assisted Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun. The Wang family was even more diligent, following the two men almost inextricably. Even the Young Patriarch Wang Chan and Little Brother Wang Can all followed suit.

The first target Ji Kun found was an old shareholder in his fifties, the old man. Although he was not a member of the Xue family, he had made a lot of contributions to the Xue family. The Xue family gave this old man. With 7% of the shares, the old man can have money and live forever.

7% of the shares are really a lot. Kaitian Group is also a large company with a market value of 50 billion. Perhaps it is for this reason that Xue’s shares are also notoriously valuable, 7%. There are nearly more than 3 billion shares of the company!

So Ji Kun came this time with four billion, which can be said to be full of sincerity.

But if this old man doesn’t know each other, then I’m sorry. Ji Kun was full of murderous intentions. The old man is almost 60 years old. It’s normal to have an accident, right?

As soon as the old man returned to the own villa, he found that something was wrong, because none of the servants in the villa were present, and the granddaughter who was supposed to go home on holiday was also not at home!

The old man turned around and wanted to leave, but was pushed against his waist by a dagger.

“I don’t want to talk nonsense, four billion, how about giving us your shares?”

Coming for the shares!

The old man breathed a sigh of relief for an instant, and then asked a little curiously:

“What do you want my 7% shares for? You also know that I actually have no right to speak within the group. This is just a pension!”

That person’s voice rang in the old man’s ears again.

“Don’t worry about that, just tell me to agree or disagree!”

The old man gritted his teeth and whispered:

“Agree! I agree! As long as you can guarantee the safety of me and my family and let us leave the East City of Hong Kong, I will agree!”

The person heard this and said very satisfied:

“Unexpectedly, you are quite acquainted, okay, we agreed to your terms!”

Then, this person took out a contract from the bag behind him, threw it to the old man, and said in a deep voice:

“After signing the contract, pack up your things, bring your family, and come to see us at East 31st Pier. It means that you have transferred your equity and are ready to run away. Someone will help you!”

The old man nodded. After finishing writing the information, he immediately packed up his things, and then looked back at the man who had held the knife against him before. He didn’t expect this man to be so young, he looked like he was twenty-two or three-year-old.

“What are you looking at? Pack your things and leave!”

The old man nodded repeatedly, and then ran upstairs with his granddaughter and his wife, thinking about rushing to the dock.

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