Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty-Nine: Burning in Fury! suspended animation!

The office of the security company is transparent from north to south and very spacious. The windows are all floor-to-ceiling windows with clear vision and good lighting.

At this time, Lin Moyuan and Mo Feng were standing side by side by the huge French windows, observing the group of people fighting fiercely below.

Hearing a violent sound from the office door, Lin Moyuan and Mo Feng turned their heads at the same time and saw Mo He’s figure!

Mo He rushed straight towards Lin Moyuan. Before Lin Moyuan understood what was happening, he was already pressed to the ground by Mo He! At this moment, a bullet shattered the tempered glass and directly hit Mo He’s body, splashing a bloody flower!

Lin Moyuan, who was under the pressure of Mo He, realized that the assassin was also here! And it came with this group of small trash fishes!

These little trash fish are just a distraction!

Lin Moyuan turned up and hid behind the load-bearing wall of the room with Mohe in his arms. Mofeng was not the target to kill, so the situation was still very safe.

Mo Feng’s complexion was solemn, and he didn’t expect the opponent to have a hot weapon in his hand!

Lin Moyuan subconsciously wanted to check Mo He’s injury. Then, when he lifted his shoulder, a sharp pain came. Lin Moyuan frowned and found that his own shoulder was also injured.

However, Lin Moyuan did not find any traces of the warhead in his shoulder. It seems that this bullet should have penetrated through the bodies of himself, Moore and the two people, and I don’t know where it flew.

The most important thing right now is no longer to find the killer, but to quickly send Mohe to the hospital!

Mo He was penetrated by a bullet in the lower abdomen. From the assassin’s point of view, this bullet should be able to pass through Mo He’s lower abdomen and hit Lin Moyuan’s heart!

But because Mo He’s timely rescue was part of Lin Moyuan’s luck, it didn’t cause any damage to Lin Moyuan. Mo He was also a penetrating injury. For Lin Moyuan, Mo He did his own duty.

Seeing Mo Feng had already started calling for an ambulance, Lin Moyuan’s heart was full of anger.

No matter who sent the killer, Lin Moyuan would let him pay for it!

Since the day he crossed over, he has never been so aggrieved!

But immediately, Lin Moyuan thought of a way! This method is very bold!

That’s suspended animation!

Through suspended animation, Lin Moyuan can temporarily fade out of the eyes of the four major families in Gangdong City, and from the reactions of these families, Lin Moyuan can find out the real culprit!

And once the news of Lin Moyuan’s death in Gangdong City spreads out, some people around who have been hiding for a long time and have betrayal will definitely be unable to help them, and they will surface one by one!

For Lin Moyuan himself, it was an opportunity to shuffle the cards!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan’s mouth slowly showed a smile, and then he looked at Mo He, who was already unconscious.

This time I really want to thank Mo He, otherwise I really have to finish playing.

The main reason was that the passive skill crisis prediction was still cooling down, and the warning was not given in time. However, this may also be a blessing in disguise, giving Lin Moyuan a chance to realize his plan!

Lin Moyuan raised his head, looked at Mo Feng, and said in a deep voice:

“Mo Dage, I’m dead now! Remember!”

Who is Mofeng? I understood what Lin Moyuan meant in an instant!

“You are… do you want to die?”

Lin Moyuan nodded and said in a low voice:

“Don’t tell anyone about this!”

Mo Feng nodded solemnly, then stood up, walked outside the room, and stopped the men who wanted to rush into the office.

Lin Moyuan hugged Mo He tightly, looking at her already pale face due to excessive blood loss, lowered his head and gently kissed her forehead.

After coming to this world, Lin Moyuan asked himself who he had never owed him, but today, he undoubtedly owed Mo He his life!

【drop! Perceive that Mohe’s vitality is fading! Whether to call the remaining villain value to temporarily prevent the vitality from passing? 】

Lin Moyuan was stunned when he heard these words, and then immediately said:

“Use it! Give me all the remaining villain values! By the way, there are lucky charms! The lucky charms in the backpack are also used for me! Target: Mohe!”

Along with a golden brilliance, it flew out of Lin Moyuan’s body and gradually merged into Mo He’s body. Lin Moyuan was relieved. In any case, Mo He’s fortune was saved.

Lin Moyuan called up the own attribute column again, and checked the current data on one side.

Host: Lin Moyuan

Identity: the only child of the richest man, a person who travels through, and the system has been bound

Faction: villain (junior villain)

Physique: 100 (average value for healthy adults is 80, peak value for ordinary people is 100)

Combat power: 120 (comprehensively evaluated by physical fitness, skills, and actual combat experience)

Skills: Intermediate Chinese, Grandmaster fighting, peak driving, true vision, crisis prediction

Luck value: 403

villain value: 0

Backpack: a cold iron dagger

Lin Moyuan slowly sighed and used nearly three million villain values ​​to exchange Mo He’s life and come back. The deal was not a loss.

With the sound of the ambulance, Lin Moyuan was relieved, believing that Mofeng would take care of the following matters, and then Lin Moyuan leaned against the wall and slowly closed his eyes.

The shooting incident at the Dongcheng Security Company soon shocked the entire Gangdong City.

The hospital confirmed two deceased persons, one was a woman named Mohe, and the other was the only son of Lin Shengtian, the richest man in Yunhai City, and the future heir of the Lin Group, Lin Moyuan.

As soon as this news came out, the entire Yunhai City and Gangdong City, the two cities, became as silent as death.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Lin Moyuan’s death just caused them to slap their tongues and sigh that the world is really messed up, and then what they should do and continue to do.

But for the four major families in Gangdong City, this is undoubtedly bad news!

Very bad!

They didn’t know how much Lin Shengtian spoiled his own son!

Lin Shengtian held a press conference on the same day, announcing that the Lin Group would conduct a comprehensive investigation of the three major families in Gangdong City except the Kaiwang family!

The total assets of the Lin Group are more than the sum of the three families. Perhaps the status is not as good as that of the three families, but the Lin Group is rich!

Lin Shengtian announced that once the real murderer is found, the murderer will definitely break the body!

Regarding Lin Shengtian’s angry remarks, the police stations in Yunhai City and Gangdong City immediately began investigating, and there were all clues about the shooting.

They have all heard of Lin Shengtian’s previous fame. He was a cruel master when he was young. This time his son is gone. If he can bear it, then hell!

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