Chapter Two Hundred and Fifty Sixth: The Xue family who was hit!

As Lin Moyuan became active again on short video software, more and more people began to pay attention to the Xue family’s affairs.

Moreover, under the circumstances of official accusations, the Xue family can already be said to be desperate, and the stock market that night directly gave the result! The Xue family has reached the limit of falling within a day! Many companies that have cooperated with Xuejia jewelry industry, or celebrities, have issued news of terminating their cooperation!

This was a bolt from the blue for the Xue family, who was fighting against the Wang family.

Moreover, the Wang family immediately seized this opportunity. While condemning the Xue family’s actions, they began to win over these partners who had already terminated their contract with the Xue family!

The reputation of the Wang family is still very good, and Wang Kai, the owner of the Wang family, is a household name in the entire Gangdong City. He has never done anything to cheat his teammates. Therefore, the Xue family can only watch the own partner and be released by Wang Kai. !

In twelve hours, the Xue family lost nearly a billion! And this is not counting the amount of loss on the stock market!

I am afraid that the real loss of the Xue family has reached three billion yuan.

For the Xue family, it is really unacceptable.

Contrary to the Xue family, Lin Moyuan is extremely relaxed here. Now Lin Moyuan is sitting in the Wang family’s living room, and Wang Kaifang, the head of the Wang family, made tea for Lin Moyuan himself!

“Brother Lin! It’s absolutely amazing for you to draw a salary from the bottom of the battle! Really! My Wang family has never been so comfortable! I can now imagine the look of the old immortal Xue family!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said softly:

“This is just a coincidence. I happened to see the Xue family’s jewelry shop when I was idling to go shopping. Originally, I just went and took a look out of curiosity. I didn’t expect that I found the problem!”


Wang Kai smiled and nodded and said yes, but he didn’t believe Lin Moyuan’s statement in his heart!

Just kidding, does this coincidence mean that you can meet it if you meet it?

Lin Moyuan must have planned it long ago!

Putting down the tea cup in his hand, Lin Moyuan whispered:

“Brother Wang, can you find a safer place for me? The next plan is very important. I have two people who can deal with the Xue family. They are in a bit of danger now. They were employees of Xue Jewellery before. You know, if the Xue family counterattacks and takes a bite back, they can play a big role!”

When Wang Kai heard the words, he immediately understood what Lin Moyuan meant!

And Wang Kaifang has already guessed who it is!

It should be the Miss girl who spoke to Lin Moyuan when he was in the jewelry shop, right?

Wang Kai said with a smile:

“No problem, this matter is covered by us! Lin Shao can rest assured!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, then smiled and said:

“Since the matter is over, I will go back to the hotel first. It’s so late, so I won’t bother!”

Wang Kai smiled and stood up and said:

“No problem, I’ll give it to Shao Lin!”

Lin Moyuan just got up from the sofa and met a girl head on. The girl inadvertently knocked over the teapot she was holding in her hand, and a whole pot of tea sputtered out instantly. Lin Moyuan reacted quickly and immediately picked it up. A teapot that is about to fall to the floor when you live.

But precisely because of this, a well-tailored blue suit was splashed with water!

This suit is a famous foreign brand, but it’s not too expensive. It’s only tens of thousands of dollars. Lin Moyuan doesn’t pay much attention to suits. Thousands of tens of thousands of dollars is just a number. It is the most uncomfortable to wear. important.

This royal blue George white suit is very comfortable to wear, so Lin Moyuan has always liked it.

But now, the original incomparably elegant suit has become like a rag, and you can even see Tieguanyin’s tea leaves. It would be a bit uncomfortable for anyone to change it, as is Lin Moyuan.

Lin Moyuan’s eyes darkened immediately, standing next to Lin Moyuan, the first thing that reacted was not Wang Kaifang, the Patriarch of the Wang Family who was close at hand, but the Young Patriarch of the Wang Family, Wang Yan!

Wang Yan stepped forward and slapped the girl on the face!

“Fool! What are you doing? Do you know who this is? Don’t let it go?”

The girl is dressed plainly, just like a cleaner. In fact, this girl is a cleaner hired by the Wang family, who is responsible for cleaning up the sanitation in the villa and doing chores.

The Wang family’s salary is very generous, with a monthly income of more than nine thousand yuan. Because the Wang family has its own villa group, it needs to be wiped out regularly on a large scale, and the work is not easy.

It was already ten o’clock in the evening. The girl started working at eight o’clock in the morning. There was no lunch break at noon, so she was naturally very tired. She was really sleepy just now, and her feet were empty. This accident happened.

Lin Moyuan saw Wang Yan’s movements and did not stop, but simply cleaned up the tea slag on his body, and whispered:

“My clothes are not expensive either, Brother Wang Yan, or just forget it?”

When Wang Yan heard Lin Moyuan’s words, he said in a deep voice:

“Brother Lin, what did you say? It was our negligence after all!”

Afterwards, Wang Yan turned to the girl and said:

“What’s your name? Go to the finance department tomorrow and take away the salary of this month!”

When the girl heard these words, she immediately grabbed the corner of her clothes with her hands, and said repeatedly:

“Sorry! The Young Master! It’s my fault! But I can’t live without this job! I will clean the suit for you…”

Wang Yan frowned immediately. There are many people who want to come to Wang’s house to clean, and this girl is not bad!

Judging by the age of this girl, who is in her early twenties, she doesn’t seem to be able to afford tens of thousands of suits.

Lin Moyuan patted the suit jacket on her body, took off the suit directly, revealing the inner lining, and asked in a low voice:

“What’s your name?”

The girl pursed her lips and whispered:

“My name is… Lu Xiyao…”

Hearing this name, Lin Moyuan frowned, and then said in a deep voice:

“Lu Xiyao, right? How do you wash your suit, do you know?”

Lu Xiyao slowly shook her head. She had never worn such expensive clothes, so how could she know how to wash it?

Lin Moyuan twitched at the corner of his mouth, co-existing, is this going out today without reading the almanac?

Why did you encounter such a bad thing?

“Okay, the total cost of laundry is two thousand yuan. You don’t need to pay for the clothes. Just settle this money!”

When Lu Xiyao heard this number, she took a deep breath and couldn’t imagine why washing clothes could be so expensive!

She had less than 1,500 yuan left all over her body!

“This…I’m sorry, sir, I…I don’t have that much money…”

Wang Yan frowned suddenly, then turned to Lin Moyuan and said:

“Sorry, Lin Shao, just leave the clothes to me, I’ll take care of it for you!”

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