Chapter 243: Sinister Attention

The zero point bar is the busiest time in the middle of the night, but the bar owner, Wang Xian, who is standing on the second floor, is in a bad mood.

Wang Xian understood what Lin Moyuan said, that he wanted to ask Lu Yin’s purpose in coming to Gangdong City in the name of the Xue family, and he could not reveal his own identity, and this Lu Yin turned out to be a policeman…

The difficulty of this task is not a joke, Wang Xian asked with some doubts:

“Why give me this task?”

Lin Moyuan snorted, stood up and came to Wang Xian’s face, stretched out his hand to lift Wang Xian’s chin, and said in a deep voice:

“This is the last pity of the Wang Family for you. If it were me who made the decision, you would have sunk with Ye Feng! Don’t bring so many doubts, you only have three days! I will create a chance for you, I will not intervene in the rest of the matter!”

Wang Xian pursed her lips and took a step back, then nodded and said:

“Okay, I promise! I hope the Wang family can speak for themselves!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and nodded when he heard the words, and replied:

“The Wang family will definitely, don’t worry.”

After that, Lin Moyuan took Mo He and left the bar, while Wang Xian was lost in thought while looking at the photo in his hand.

Coming to the outside of the bar and walking on the lively Orchid Street, Lin Moyuan let out a sigh of relief.

Since Wang Xian nodded and accepted this task, she had already reached the end of the road, and there was no chance of turning back.

Lin Moyuan found that Mo He had been hesitant to talk since he left the bar, so he asked directly:

“What do you want to say?”

Mohe pursed his lips, still asking:

“You and this… Lu Yin, who is the policeman in the photo, isn’t it a friend? Why do you give that woman such a task? Isn’t it a bit…”

Lin Moyuan did not immediately answer when he heard the words. Instead, he took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit it slowly, held it in his mouth, and said in a low voice:

“I and Lu Yin are friends? This is a huge joke. You think Lu Yin simply cared about me when I was in the hospital, and then invited me to have a meal at Shangri-La Hotel. We are friends. There is only Ye Feng in her eyes, she is just very curious about Ye Feng.”

Mo He didn’t understand why these people around Lin Moyuan were more complicated than the other!

Lin Moyuan and Mo He had already arrived next to the Audi at this time. Lin Moyuan opened the door and sat in, whispering:

“You killers, only care about the schedule of a target’s work and rest, and then look for their personal habits in order to find their weaknesses in these areas, or the time to relax their vigilance, and kill them with the last shot! But we It’s not the same! My opponent is very strong, so I have to study each individual’s character!”

Hearing this, Mo He nodded slowly, agreeing with Lin Moyuan’s statement for the first time.

This is the truth. The killer only cares about the work and rest time of his goal. It doesn’t matter what kind of person the goal is, whether it is a good person or a bad person, these are not within the scope of the killer’s concern.

The only goal is to kill people and collect money, run away, and then disappear for a while. It’s that simple.

Mo He slowly started the engine, Lin Moyuan wiped out the cigarette butts and let out a sigh of relief.

If Wang Xian succeeds, then he will see Ye Feng’s anger next. He is really looking forward to it. I don’t know what it feels like to start a fire with a son of luck like Ye Feng?

In addition, the system hasn’t moved for a while. Is it upgrading?

“Dog system, what do you usually do when you are silent?”

【drop! This system is searching for son of luck, or signals of similar systems! 】

Similar systems? son of luck?

“Is there more than one son of luck, and more than one villain system binding person?”

Lin Moyuan frowned slowly, is there any other son of luck in this world?

If so, can you join forces with them? In other words, will people who also have the villain system be enemies with each other?

The electronic prompt of the system appeared in Lin Moyuan’s mind again:

【drop! It is currently impossible to answer the host’s question, you must have Ascension to the advanced villain level to have permission! 】

Senior villain? Lin Moyuan twitched at the corner of his mouth. At least he had to get rid of Ye Feng’s son of luck, right?

But Ye Feng is really not a good person to deal with!

Lin Moyuan sighed, then slowly closed his eyes.

I don’t want to, shit, headache… Just thinking of a plan to use Lu Yin to deal with Wang Xian, Lin Moyuan felt that his own brain cells had sacrificed a company!

Mo He glanced at Lin Moyuan, who was leaning on the leather seat, with his eyes closed and rested, with some curiosity and inquiry in his eyes.

Who is Ye Feng? Can Lin Moyuan exhaust his mind to deal with it?

Lin Moyuan is really weird. He is very tolerant of people he trusts, but he is very cold-blooded towards strangers. Tonight’s tactic to drive tigers and wolves is simply horribly sinister!

What Ling Mohe didn’t expect was that Lin Moyuan actually slowly said:

“Little girl, you assassin is not very cold, don’t look at it, look at me again, I’m afraid you fall in love with me!”

Mo He gave a light spit, turned his head and drove in peace of mind.

Who is running the train with his mouth full!

The reason why Lin Moyuan could detect Mo He was watching him was because he had just seen Mo He’s loyalty with the eyes of true vision.

Name: Mohe

Age: 23

Height: 169

Faction: villain

Loyalty: 90

Mohe’s loyalty is as high as 90!

Is this the power of money?

Lin Moyuan secretly sighed in his heart. It didn’t take long for Lin Moyuan and Mo He to return to the hotel.

It can be said that it’s the tourist season. The entire Shangri-La Hotel’s rooms are in a state of tension, but the best-positioned suite is still occupied by Lin Moyuan and others. It is absolutely impossible for Zhao Duan to give this suite to someone else. There is no customer who can live in this suite, because this suite is not open to the public.

After Lin Moyuan returned to the hotel, he saw Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang who were sweating profusely. The two brothers obviously just came out of the gym.

“Boss, went out to make trouble? Why didn’t you take the two of us?”

Hearing what Ji Kun said, Lin Moyuan said helplessly:

“I’m not going to fight, let’s talk about it, what are you doing with you? Just a few hours in the gym, you can beat Ye Feng?”

Ji Kun suddenly had nothing to say, but Yan Kexiang asked curiously:

“By the way, boss, I haven’t seen you go to the gym often. Where did you learn your skills?”

Lin Moyuan coughed lightly and replied:


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