Chapter 237: Interception!

Lin Moyuan walked slowly into the elevator. Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang were on the eighth floor of the hospital. Perhaps because of the shooting incident last night, there were not many patients left on the eighth floor.

The eighth floor seemed quiet, somewhat weird, but Lin Moyuan liked the quiet atmosphere very much.

Mo He quietly followed behind Lin Moyuan, his eyes constantly scanned among the various wards of the hospital, as if to eliminate danger.

Lin Moyuan walked slowly to the ward of Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun, and found that they were playing games.

“I said, the police below are almost surrounding the entrance of the hospital, you two are still having such a good time?”

Ji Kun saw Lin Moyuan walk in, put down his phone, and said with a smile:

“Anyway, we can’t go out right now. Maybe we’ll be caught by that killer. Why don’t we play a game for a while, eh? Boss, this is…”

Yan Kexiang raised his head when he heard this, and saw the woman following Lin Moyuan.

“Boss, you are really good, we are still lying in the hospital, but you went out to find a girl?”

Lin Moyuan said helplessly:

“Don’t be careless, this is the killer I found to protect our safety. It’s better not to have any thoughts.”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun glanced at each other, and they both saw something incredible in each other’s eyes!

“Really? Killer?”

Lin Moyuan nodded and found that Mohe had already started to patrol the room.

Lin Moyuan whispered:

“Clean up our things, we will go back to the hotel now, and I have to go back and make a plan. It just so happens that you can’t get out now. Stay in the hotel honestly and get ready to act!”

Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang looked at each other, and they both sighed helplessly.

It seems that this time I will be staying in the hotel for a long time.

At this moment, Mo He walked out of the bathroom with a small device in his hand.

“Do you have any impression of this thing? Did your people install it?”

Lin Moyuan looked at the black disc the size of a fingernail in Mo He’s hand, and his face suddenly became gloomy!

“Something is wrong, this thing is not ours, someone has come in!”

Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang stood up at the same time, and Ji Kun whispered:

“Only one nurse came in the evening, and only one doctor came to round in the morning. When did it install it? Why didn’t we notice it?”

Yan Kexiang frowned and said in a low voice:

“This person is really weird. What is it doing to install the camera in our bathroom? Is it a woman? Then we are too disadvantaged?”

Lin Moyuan was thinking about who had been in the ward, and when he heard Yan Kexiang’s words, he kicked Yan Kexiang!

“Shut up, what do you think? This is a bug! A bug! Not a camera!”

Yan Kexiang suddenly realized it, then scratched his head and said in a low voice:

“I haven’t seen anything like this again…”

Lin Moyuan did not talk to Yan Kexiang, but turned to look at Mo He, and said in a deep voice:

“Is it possible to find any clues through this bug? We are in a situation where we have no clue at all. It would be too passive to go on like this!”

Mo He raised his head and glanced at Lin Moyuan, and found that this rich second generation was a little different from other rich people. When encountering these things, others would have been panicked. There are also two friends of this rich second generation. It’s a big nerve, unlike the wealthy people she’s seen, who are a little bit dangerous and can’t wait to cry directly.

These three people are really interesting!

After Mo He pondered for a while, he said:

“According to my current ability, I can only find out which manufacturer made this thing at most, and nothing else can do anything about it.”

Lin Moyuan nodded slowly, and said:

“Then let’s go back to the hotel first, and then make plans!”

After saying these words, Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun had packed up their things and went out behind Lin Moyuan.

Mohe is still at the end, wearing sunglasses, her eyes under the sunglasses are always looking around.

Lin Moyuan finally understood why Mo He often wears sunglasses, because it is not eye-catching!

Think about it if a person walks on the street with his eyes always looking around, he will definitely be suspicious.

Just when the group arrived at the nurse station, Lin Moyuan suddenly discovered something was wrong!

No one at the nurse’s station is there! In other words, the entire eighth floor is empty!

This is not right!

Mohe, who was walking at the end, also found something wrong, and then whispered:

“I’ll go to the elevator to take a look, you go on the ladder!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, and even Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang were aware of the solemn atmosphere. They followed Lin Moyuan one after another, closing their mouths wittily, without saying a word that was unnecessary.

Mo He turned around and came to the elevator. As soon as he pressed the button, the elevator door was opened, and then a man in a white coat and protective mask appeared in the elevator.

The look of the man looking at Mo He was a bit strange. Obviously, he did not expect a woman to appear in front of him. The moment Mo He saw the man, he threw his whip to the man!

This man is not a doctor at all, but a killer!

What the man holds in his hand is an Alaskan whaling fork survival knife!

The assassin in a white coat was leaned against the elevator wall with a whip leg, then Mo He took advantage of the assassin’s unresponsiveness, and directly pressed a first floor, and then another whip leg attacked the man. As soon as the killer raised his arm to defend himself, the elevator door slowly closed.

The killer then realized that this was Mo He’s strategy!

Mo He watched the elevator slowly descend after the elevator door closed, then turned and walked in the direction of the ladder.

This assassin doesn’t know what it came from, but it should be at that level. His strength is not worth mentioning, but Mohe is only a woman. If you want to solve this assassin, there is no way to do it in a short time, you can only use one. Little means got away.

Like the scene in the movie where a woman beat a dozen men helplessly, it simply cannot appear in reality.

You can break through the technical limit, but it is impossible to break through the physiological limit!

In terms of frontal confrontation, women have always suffered. The reason why Mo He can become the number one killer in the rankings is based on precise calculations and plans, rather than hard-playing.

On the step ladder side, it was not as calm as Mo He imagined. Lin Moyuan also encountered a killer from unknown origin here.

These people are all wearing white lab coats, but they all carry a swinging stick in their hands.

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