Chapter 234: Ranking List!

With a puzzled mind, Lin Moyuan clicked on the page marked with the leaderboard logo, and then jumped to another website. This page is even simpler…All of them are names of people, followed by the price.

The first place in the rankings, beyond Lin Moyuan’s expectations, turned out to be a member of the Dragon Kingdom!

And this code name… how does it look like a woman?


Is this the real name?

Lin Moyuan was only a little confused, and then clicked on the name Mohe, and some personal information about the killer emerged.

As long as Mohe accepts the task, the price will be more than ten million, and Mohe will evaluate the difficulty of the task himself and adjust the price appropriately.

Ten million is actually not a problem for Lin Moyuan, he just wants to know what kind of ability this Mohe has.

On this website, Lin Moyuan learned that the killer’s task level is divided into three levels, which is very simple and clear.

The remuneration for first-level tasks is more than US$10 million, the remuneration for second-level tasks is more than US$5 million and less than US$10 million, and the remuneration for third/level tasks is less than US$5 million.

Lin Moyuan smashed his tongue. It seemed that the cost of completing the mission was terrifying. Some missions were even to assassinate the leaders of certain countries! And someone actually did it!

This news alone broke Lin Moyuan’s understanding.

Lin Moyuan touched Own’s neck subconsciously. Fortunately, Own’s name is not enough to attract the attention of these killers, otherwise it would be really a bit troublesome!

After that, Lin Moyuan continued to understand the situation of Mohe. Mohe’s mission completion rate was about 90%, and he had completed two first-level missions!

Although there is no detailed mission information, it is enough to see the power of Mohe.

And Mohe is number one in this ranking!

In other words, the number of first-level tasks completed by Mohe is currently the world’s first!

Lin Moyuan smiled, and then immediately sent his own mission request to Mo He!

Employers can communicate with the killer one-on-one through the website. This design is very user-friendly.

Lin Moyuan originally thought it would take a long time to reply after sending the news, but the fact is the opposite, Mohe actually heard a reply five minutes later!

After Lin Moyuan opened the dialog box, he saw Mo He’s words.

“Protection mission? Are you sure you want to find me? Starting with 10 million dollars, according to your mission goals, 15 million dollars!”

Lin Moyuan smiled, and then sent a message.

“Yes, it is the protection mission. I can give you a minimum of 20 million, provided that the goal must be completed!”

After a while, Mo He sent a reply again.

“Yes! I will leave for Gangdong City. I expect to arrive in five hours, but I want to see the deposit.”

Lin Moyuan happily put ten million dollars into Mo He’s account. It is estimated that Mo He would never have thought that Lin Moyuan would be so bold. He asked in the dialog box:

“This is the first time I have seen a deposit of half the price of the task remuneration. Are you not afraid that I will run away with the money?”

Lin Moyuan shook his head helplessly, why shouldn’t this Mo He really be a woman? What does this mind think?

“If you really run away, I would dare to throw one billion, hire the second to eleventh killers in the rankings, and let them kill you!”

On the other side of the dialog box, there was no news. It seems that Mohe is preparing a ticket, right?

A smile slowly appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth, then he closed the web page and deleted the record, then stood up and left the room.

As soon as he arrived in the hall, Lin Moyuan met Zhao Duan who was drinking tea. Zhao Duan said hello to Lin Moyuan, and then saw Lin Moyuan’s wound, his eyes narrowed, and he asked in a deep voice:

“What’s wrong with the wound? Ye Feng did it?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Nothing, a killer, trying to assassinate me, not very lucky, scratched a little skin.”

Zhao Duan put down the tea cup in his hand and whispered:

“Should I send someone out to check?”

Lin Moyuan shook his head and continued:

“Isn’t it a killer? I will look for it too!”

Zhao Duan frowned and said in a low voice:

“The killer? Is it reliable? The killers are really unreliable these years! The killers who want to kill me are not twenty or fifty, but none of them can succeed!”

Lin Moyuan sighed and said in a deep voice:

“These killers are probably not the top first-level ones, plus Shangri-La’s defense is so tight, they will definitely not let them succeed!”

Zhao Duan nodded his head appreciatively when he heard the words, and then said with a gloomy face:

“Have you guessed? Who hired the killer? Is it the Xue family?”

Lin Moyuan sighed again, rubbed his brow, and said in a deep voice:

“It’s still not certain. Except for the Wang family, each of these three houses has the possibility of doing it! So I also found a killer with a good background. During this time, he will protect my safety, and there should be no accidents! ”

Zhao Duan’s expression also slowly eased, and he thought about it and said:

“Using a killer to deal with a killer? Have an idea! It seems that I am worrying about it, and I can use it to Uncle my place, just say it!”

Lin Moyuan was slightly confused, but nodded.

According to his father’s description, isn’t this Zhao Duan just an old friend who can be regarded as a good friend?

Why can I say such a thing?

Also, Zhao Duan’s impression of his father doesn’t seem to be very good, right? Why does Dudu care so much about himself? Could it be that what I said just now was just a scene?

It seems that there is only this kind of explanation…

Shaking his head, Lin Moyuan drove these thoughts out of his mind. The most important thing at the moment is to wait for the assassin to arrive, and at the same time figure out what the relationship between Wang Xian from the Wang family and Ye Feng is, and to see if Lu Yin can make use of it. !

Lu Yin has an inexplicable hostility towards Ye Feng. Because of Ye Feng’s skill, Lu Yin has doubts about Ye Feng’s identity!

This is a point worth taking advantage of, and the contradiction between them must be expanded before Lu Yin knows Ye Feng’s true identity, and it is best to expand it to the extent of life and death!

But Lin Moyuan had only one feeling at this time, that was too much brain-burning!

How can the contradiction between Lu Yin and Ye Feng be maximized?

Take the elevator all the way back to the own suite. Lin Moyuan’s mind flashed, and suddenly he thought of a way!

Wang Xian!

Wang Xian was obviously already devoted to Ye Feng.

Ye Feng must also have feelings for Wang Xian, in that case, might as well…

Lin Moyuan crossed his fingers, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

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