Chapter 231: Sudden Attack!

On the side of Lanhua Street, a very low-key Phaeton was parked. Lin Moyuan was sitting in the driver’s seat with a mobile phone in his hand.

From the other side of the phone, Wang Kaifang’s voice came.

“Brother Lin, I’m very sorry, this is indeed my Wang family’s problem! I didn’t know Wang Xian would have something to do with Ye Feng! It was my oversight!”

Lin Moyuan said in a deep voice:

“This news was exchanged by my two brothers. They are now lying in the hospital. I hope Patriarch Wang can give me an explanation!”

When Wang Kaifang heard this, he sighed and said:

“I will bear all the medical expenses of your two brothers, and will severely punish Wang Xian at the same time!”

Lin Moyuan smiled and suddenly thought of something!

Then he whispered:

“Of course you have to pay for the treatment fee, but this Wang Xian… don’t act rashly for now! Send someone to watch! I want to know all the news about her! The more detailed the better!”

Wang Kaifang was stunned for a moment. According to Lin Moyuan’s personality, shouldn’t people be so angry that Wang Xian should be dealt with directly?

What do these remarks mean?

However, right now it was indeed the Wang family who had a fault that would cause such a thing to happen, so Wang Kaifang had to agree to it.

“Okay, no problem, I will have someone give you Wang Xian’s information tomorrow!”

Lin Moyuan answered, and then hung up the phone.

Wang Xian should be one of Ye Feng’s weaknesses!

If you can make good use of this, then you have one more hole card to deal with Ye Feng!

So learn more about Wang Xian and you will never waste time.

A smile slowly appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth, and then he started the engine and drove towards the hospital.

Before that, he sent a message to Mo Feng, asking him to send more people to stare at Wang Xian. Although Wang’s family was staring at him, Lin Moyuan was more at ease with the people on his side.

When I drove to the hospital, I saw a lot of pedestrians on Lin Moyuan Road. At this time, they should all come home after drinking. Orchid Street is like this. Even in Gangdong City, there are still chaotic places. Only the consortium and family power can be alone.

In Gangdong City, if you don’t have any identity background and are just a simple business owner or president, then you must choose to stand in line. The four big families must always choose one as the own back office. If not, then just Waiting to be targeted by the four big families.

The situation in Yunhai City is completely different from that of Gangdong City. The Lin Group is still introverted. Because Lin Moyuan is about to take over as chairman of the Lin Group, there will not be any family or consortium in Yunhai City who dare to come out and make trouble. For those little brains in the novel, no one has the guts to provoke the Lin Group.

Even in the Qin family, there has been no action during this period of time. The Qin family is eager for Lin Moyuan to take over as soon as possible, because dealing with Lin Moyuan is much more comfortable than dealing with Lin Shengtian. Lin Shengtian’s spice has caused a lot of trouble to the Qin family, in Qin Rufeng’s opinion. , Lin Moyuan is better to deal with!

Lin Moyuan let out a sigh of relief when he parked the Phaeton in the parking lot of the hospital, then opened the door and got out of the car. At this moment, his mobile phone rang again.

Lin Moyuan lowered his head and glanced, it turned out to be Qin Chiyue’s call!

It seems that Qin Yexuan has news?

After Lin Moyuan answered the phone, Qin Chiyue’s voice rang on the other side of the phone.

“I have taken Qin Yexuan back to the Qin family as planned, but Qin Rufeng is now letting Qin Yexuan be locked up. I can’t reach it anymore. Can you really do this? It took so much effort to rescue Qin Yexuan. Sent her back to Qin’s house later?”

Lin Moyuan took the cigarette that had just been lit in his hand away from his mouth, and said in a low voice:

“Qin Yexuan owns choice. I have no way to interfere. As long as Qin Rufeng believes in Qin Yexuan, then the Qin family is basically over! He Qin Rufeng thinks that Qin Yexuan can contribute to the Qin family with peace of mind? It is simply a fantasy! Observe Qin Rufeng during this period of time. Regarding Qin Yexuan’s attitude, when I settle the matter in Gangdong City and go back, I will naturally have a way to deal with him!”

Qin Chiyue replied, as long as Lin Moyuan himself has a way, in fact he just wants to understand Lin Moyuan’s thoughts, he wants to find out if Lin Moyuan has any plans, and it will be easy to figure it out.

Lin Moyuan hung up the phone, took a deep breath, just about to put the cigarette to his mouth again, suddenly felt something was wrong!

This was a premonition that made Lin Moyuan’s heart tremble, and then Lin Moyuan immediately retreated a step, only to hear an explosion in the night sky, and then there was an extra hole in the ground where Lin Moyuan was standing, and there was still blue smoke in it. !

It’s a bullet! Someone wants to kill himself!

Lin Moyuan did not choose to return to the car, this Phaeton is not bulletproof! So he immediately ran towards the hospital!

Lin Moyuan deliberately observed the angle of the bullet hole. It seemed that it was shot from the direction of the opposite building, but it was already midnight, so I couldn’t see clearly. However, Lin Moyuan silently calculated in his heart that this person didn’t have the shot after shooting. Fire a second shot immediately. This gun should be a bolt-action sniper rifle/gun!

Immediately, just as Lin Moyuan stepped into the hospital gate, the second bullet flew out!

However, the bullet hit the marble pillar behind Lin Moyuan. At the moment of the shot, Lin Moyuan rolled forward and successfully avoided the bullet.

The security guard on duty in the hospital lobby saw Lin Moyuan, and immediately walked forward vigilantly. Then he saw the glass pierced by the bullet, and Lin Moyuan, who was half kneeling on the ground, still wearing crude.

Lin Moyuan stood up slowly and said to the security guard:

“Call the police! It is said that someone at the Gangdong Central Hospital attempted to kill someone with a gun!”

The security nodded subconsciously, and then just wanted to step forward and ask what was going on, but Lin Moyuan stood up and walked in the direction of the elevator.

The security guard glanced at the bullet hole on the marble pillar with lingering fear and let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, this person did not come for himself! Otherwise, I don’t have the skill of the young man just now, I will go to see King Yama after this shot…

Lin Moyuan came to the elevator and checked his body. There were no obvious wounds. However, when the bullet hit the marble pillar just now, a piece of marble was lifted up, which caused Lin Moyuan’s left arm to be scratched. The mouth, but not much blood came out.

Lin Moyuan knew why he took that step back, because his skills worked!

Crisis prediction! Skills acquired in the hotel before!

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