Chapter 224: New Skills

Lin Moyuan stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, waiting for the system’s answer.

In fact, Lin Moyuan did not hold much hope, because for him, dealing with Ye Feng has become a heart disease. Whether he is sure or not, he must try it, or wait until Ye Feng is really strong. Then it’s too late.

If you compare the current situation to a game, now is just the beginning stage. Ye Feng has not yet developed well. If you wait until the late stage, Ye Feng’s economic level and skills have already made great progress, then you want to fight Ye Feng again. It’s hard to do it.

If the system can help Lin Moyuan in any way, it is naturally better. If not, Lin Moyuan can only follow his original plan.

At this time, the voice of the system rang in Lin Moyuan’s mind.

【drop! The host can exchange 10 million villain values ​​for a random skill! But the probability of failure is 70%! And can not use lucky charm blessing! 】

Lin Moyuan frowned slowly, ten million?

This skill is simply a sky-high price!

And the burst rate is only 30%?

Ten million villain values ​​are no longer the price of cabbage. Lin Moyuan now only has over 11 million in total!

Lin Moyuan let out a sigh of relief, and then saved the decision!

Here in Lin Moyuan, there is no choice phobia. Ten million is ten million. Anyway, the villain value can be earned back. The first thing to do now is to live!

No matter what skill it is, it is worth ten million villain. It is not a simple thing. How can you know if you don’t try?

“System, 10 million villain value, give me a random skill!”

【drop! The order has been confirmed! The skill exchange is complete! 】

【drop! Skill: Crisis prediction has been put in the backpack! Whether to use it immediately! 】

Crisis prediction?

It sounds like a good thing! Lin Moyuan was excited, as long as he carries the word foresight, it should not be bad!

“System, explain to me, what does this skill mean?”

The voice of the system rang in Lin Moyuan’s mind again.

【drop! Crisis prediction skills are used to warn the host of the dangers that will occur within the next hour before encountering a certain defeat situation! But the skill can only be used once every seven days! After cooling for seven days after use, the side effect is headache, which will last for five hours! 】

Lin Moyuan frowned slowly, seeming to be weighing the pros and cons.

It seems that this skill is actually a passive skill, there is no way to actively use it. This skill will only be activated when the son of luck has an action.

The other is seven days of cooling time, and five hours of headache!

It sounded a bit tasteless, but after careful calculation, Lin Moyuan still made a profit!

Just kidding, although it takes five hours to cool down for seven days, this skill is a life-saving skill!

Lin Moyuan let out a sigh of relief, and the originally agitated mood became calmer.

The entrance of Shangri-La Hotel.

A Rolls Royce Ghost slowly stopped at the door of the hotel.

The car used by Shangri-La to pick up and drop off guests is Rolls Royce Gust, but this car is obviously different from the hotel car, because this car is a customized version of the bulletproof car!

The four major families that have this economic strength in the entire Gangdong City.

In fact, it does not mean that only four big masters are rich, but only four big masters are qualified to drive such a car.

If someone is more rampant than these family owners and drives a top-matched Rolls Royce down the street, maybe one day they will provoke a family owner, then it will be over.

Although it’s not time to die, it’s easy to make you bankrupt, so this has caused everyone in Gangdong City to be very low-key except for the four major families.

This Rolls-Royce is the car of Wang Kaifang, the head of the Wang family, which means that Wang Kaifang came to Shangri-La in person.

This was something Lin Moyuan didn’t expect.

After seeing the car, the waiter at the front desk immediately recognized that it was the owner of the Wang family’s car, so he immediately reported to Zhao Duan.

Zhao Duan was also very surprised when he got this news. Shangri-La is actually the property of the Zhao family, but the Zhao family only opened a hotel in Yunhai City and did not participate in the dispute. Why did the Wang family come here?

But at any rate, the family is also a Patriarch, so Zhao Duan had to come out to greet him, meaning.

Zhao Duan had just arrived downstairs, and Wang Kaifang just walked into the hall. Seeing Zhao Duan, Wang Kaifang immediately greeted him with a smile.

“Brother Zhao, have you been to Gangdong City for more than ten years? We have met several times in more than ten years. It’s really a little bit naive!”

Zhao Duan snorted coldly, and said angrily:

“Wang Kaifang, you don’t have to be weird with Yin & Yang, you kid has always been unprofitable and can’t afford to get early, let’s talk about it, why do you come to my hotel?”

Wang Kaifang suddenly smiled helplessly, and whispered:

“What Brother Zhao said, I just came to see Brother Zhao, and I just asked someone to make some good tea from the mainland. Isn’t this thinking about coming over to share with Brother Zhao?”

Zhao Duan’s face was still full of sneers, and he continued:

“Okay, I also see your intentions, leave the tea, and people can go!”

Wang Kaifang was a little embarrassed immediately, and then said with a smile:

“Brother Zhao, wouldn’t it be difficult for you to be a little brother? Okay, then I’ll just tell you, Lin Moyuan, the son of the Lin Group, is staying in your hotel?”

Zhao Duan frowned slowly, it seems that this old boy is here to talk to his nephew to discuss cooperation!

But what is the method used by that nephew of own? Can this old guy lick his face and actively look for him?

It seems that my nephew is becoming more and more mysterious.

“Yes, but if he wants to see you, I don’t know, or you just wait here, I’ll go back and call my nephew!”


Wang Kaifang was shocked by this title!

The boy from the Lin Group still has such a name?

Zhao Duan’s identity may not be very clear to other members of the four major families, but as the head of the family, he is very clear!

Originally, the Zhao family, the third largest family of Yanjing, had no way to contend even if the strength of the family in Gangdong City was tied together.

But it was because of the failure to fight against the Ye Family that the entire family chose to break into pieces, lurking in various parts of the Dragon Nation, and its strength was weakened a lot.

In fact, even if the Zhao family is weakened, a random branch can be taken out, and the four major families in Gangdong City can still stand up to their expectations!

So even the Zhang Family, the first family in Gangdong City, had to be polite to Zhao Duan.

The Northland Hotel was established to deal with the Zhao family. They were afraid that the Zhao family would act on Gangdong City and could not resist. This formed such an alliance.

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