Chapter 22: Qi Zhenyu

Dongsheng Huating.

It was almost one o’clock in the morning, but Lin Moyuan was not at all sleepy.

Although he stopped Xiao Fan’s actions just now, it can basically be said that he won a big victory and returned with a full load, but in the end he still got some money for Xiao Fan.

Lin Moyuan is a very cautious person, which also shows from the side that Lin Moyuan attaches great importance to controlling these two words.

Xiao Fan’s behavior undoubtedly stimulated Lin Moyuan. You must know that although Lin Moyuan kept Ji Kun staring at Xiao Fan, there will always be some errors!

Changes will always be faster than planned!

No matter how good Ji Kun is, he is still Lin Moyuan after all! There will always be times when Xiao Fan discovers it!

At that time, Xiao Fan, this kid will undoubtedly become very vigilant, and this will make Lin Moyuan’s many methods completely useless!

This is not the situation Lin Moyuan wants to see, because Xiao Fan is obviously a smart man, and coupled with this kid’s trump card as a rebirth, once he is allowed to seize the opportunity, the one who will never recover is himself!

Lin Moyuan paced on the balcony and began to think about a perfect countermeasure.

At this moment, an idea slowly appeared in Lin Moyuan’s mind—eyeliner!

That’s right, if you want to know Xiao Fan’s actions all the time, then he needs a trustworthy eyeliner! You can observe the eyeliner of Xiao Fan’s movements at any time!

Lin Moyuan sat on the soft reclining chair on the balcony, his face a little gloomy.

He didn’t know Xiao Fan at all before, let alone Xiao Fan’s life situation. He didn’t have a place to start looking for an eyeliner?

Rubbing his dry cheeks, Lin Moyuan sighed, and then thought of Ji Kun.

Asking Ji Kun to investigate, the movements of the people around Xiao Fan are obviously the only choice at the moment.

At this point, Lin Moyuan no longer worried, but stood up and returned to his own bedroom.

Early the next morning, Lin Moyuan got up early and then called Ji Kun over.

“Hello? Young Master, get up so early!”

Lin Moyuan was a little surprised. Although Ji Kun is a subordinate of own, he is also the son of a big family!

According to the work and rest time of these young men, how could they get up at six o’clock?

“I said Kunzi, you didn’t sleep? Why did you get up so early?”

When Ji Kun heard this, he smiled and replied:

“No, this is not Young Master. Did you let me stare at this Xiao Fan recently? I have been watching around Yunda. I slept in the car last night. Didn’t this just wake up!”

Hearing this, Lin Moyuan’s face turned a little smile.

It seems that Ji Kun’s loyalty has been fully demonstrated!

With a simple call and asked him to stare at Xiao Fan, he really slept outside Yunhai University for a whole night!

Ji Kun is also considered to be some prominent children in Yunhai City, but because of his own words, he is busy with his work, which makes Lin Moyuan a little surprised.

It seems that this Ji Kun can be reused!

“Okay, it’s hard work, so let’s not stare at Xiao Fan for the time being. Go and collect information about Xiao Fan’s friends around me. I want to use it, remember, and be more detailed!”

Ji Kun, who was still a little sleepy, instantly became energetic, and then said with a smile:

“No hard work, no hard work, Young Master, are you polite? I’ll do it now!”

After interfering with Ji Kun for a while, Lin Moyuan put down the phone in his hand, his face could not see any emotions.

In the last life, how did Lin Moyuan treat his own brother?

That is obvious to all in the entire business district!

But what happened later?

But it was his best brother, who had driven himself to a dead end!

Now that he has the opportunity to live a new life, how could Lin Moyuan make the same mistake! ?

After waking up from the big bed in the hotel, Lin Moyuan had never believed in anyone!

In the last life, there was a well-known entrepreneur. What he said is particularly worth thinking about.

The so-called loyalty is just not enough chips for betrayal!

Putting down the phone, Lin Moyuan walked to the window sill and looked at the round of tomorrow that had just risen, his eyes instantly sharpened!

Yunhai University, Academic Affairs Office.

Xue Gong Office is a place where student files are stored. Simply put, it contains all the personal information of students.

At this moment, there was a loud noise at the door of the archives office of the Academic Affairs Office.

“Young man, you can’t go in here. What you want to find requires special approval from school leaders!”

An administrator of the archives, looking at the tall man in front of him, wearing casual clothes and sunglasses, said in a serious tone.

This man was naturally Ji Kun who came to find information about Xiao Fan’s friends.

Although Ji Kun is tall, he has always fought for Lin Moyuan since he was young, but this does not mean that he is just a simple muscular man.

On the contrary, Ji Kun is a pretty scheming dude.

After receiving Lin Moyuan’s instruction, Ji Kun was the first to come to the school’s archives room.

I can’t stand directly opposite Xiao Fan and ask what friends do you have?

Therefore, it is the easiest way to start with the roommate in Xiao Fan’s dormitory.

Of course, the archives room is not a place where you can go in and out at will, so before coming here, Ji Kun first went to the vice president of Yunhai University.

The vice president of Yunhai University has always wanted to climb the high branch of the Lin family, so seeing Ji Kun, Lin Moyuan’s number one capable cadre, was naturally very welcome.

After Ji Kun briefly explained his intention, the vice principal immediately gave Ji Kun the authority to access the files.

So when Ji Kun took out the vice-principal’s signature statement, the administrator of the archives looked strange.

What is the origin of this young man? The vice-principal’s signature says it can be taken out?

Isn’t it… the illegitimate son of the vice-principal?

However, he wouldn’t be able to say this kind of question to death. After all, the easy job of managing files is hard to find.

“Mr., what file are you looking for?”

Upon hearing the administrator’s words, Ji Kun replied indifferently:

“There is a student in the finance department called Xiao Fan. I want all the information about him and his roommates.”

The administrator immediately responded, and then went and took out all the files.

After finishing the files of Xiao Fan and several people, handing them to Ji Kun’s hands, he said casually:

“I don’t have any impression of this Xiao Fan, but one of his roommates, a young man named Qi Zhenyu, I have some impressions.”

Ji Kun heard this, as if he had caught some clue, raised his brows, and asked with interest:

“How do you say? Is there anything special about Qi Zhenyu?”

The administrator did not expect that this young man with a big background would be interested in Qi Zhenyu.

“Yes, this Qi Zhenyu and his girlfriend can be regarded as Yunda’s most enviable and regrettable couple…”

“This Qi Zhenyu’s girlfriend has been diagnosed with leukemia and needs a lot of treatment fees.”

In Ji Kun’s thoughtful eyes, the administrator talked about Qi Zhenyu’s situation.

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