Chapter 211: Tang Yurou Blacken?

Tang Yurou had just finished coughing, and instantly turned her head away, vomiting loudly.

Lin Moyuan just gently patted Tang Yurou’s smooth jade back without saying anything.

After Tang Yurou finished vomiting, she sat up straight, wiped her mouth with her hand, and whispered:

“Am I just a pawn for you?”

“Like your Big sis, Sophie?”

Lin Moyuan smiled, glanced at Tang Yurou, and then whispered:

“Indeed, right at the beginning, you are just one of the best methods I use to provoke Xiao Fan!”

“But then I had to admit that I was tempted!”

“But in the end you told me with facts, my tempest, the only thing that can be exchanged, seems to be betrayal!”

Tang Yurou was a little at a loss, wondering why Lin Moyuan said that.

Lin Moyuan said to himself:

“I used to be too kind to people, too gentle, in the end? See what’s left of me?”

“It took me almost half my life to understand one truth, that is, I have to be worthy of myself!”

After saying this, Lin Moyuan turned to look at Tang Yurou who was still at a loss, and said with a smile:

“Although you are considered a pawn, my feelings for you are not fake, so you can rest assured!”

“But the woman next to me can’t be a vase! You can only look at it, but it’s useless! Do you understand?”

Lin Moyuan stretched out a finger and provoked Tang Yurou’s chin. Tang Yurou’s eyes suddenly met Lin Moyuan’s.

Tang Yurou shuddered when she saw Lin Moyuan’s eyes!

Lin Moyuan’s eyes were all indifferent!

Fortunately, this process only lasted for a short time. Lin Moyuan turned around and stood up, walked to the edge of the yacht, and said with some seriousness in his voice:

“I will give you two choices. First, the farther away from me, the better! The farther away from me, the safer you are!”

“Second, if you choose to stay with me, I will ask someone to withdraw from school tomorrow! I will tell you what you should do!”

“After I go back, go find what the secretary of Su Fei Xueyi should do!”

“I will be very busy in the coming days! I don’t have time to teach you!”

Tang Yurou slowly lowered her head when she heard Lin Moyuan’s words.

From the moment she shot Xiao Fan, she knew that she couldn’t go back to her previous days!

Sure enough, all love comes at a price!

But in Lin Moyuan’s mind, the system prompt sounded!

【drop! Congratulations to the host for successfully solving the son of luck! 】

【drop! Lucky value +100! villain value +100000! Get the treasure chest raffle ticket×10! 】

【drop! Have obtained all the memories of Xiao Fan! 】

In Lin Moyuan’s brain, it instantly became blank, and then some intermittent images appeared in Lin Moyuan’s mind.

After five or six minutes, Lin Moyuan’s memory gradually became clear.

After all the memory fragments in his mind were digested, Lin Moyuan slowly opened his eyes.

Tang Yurou, who had just stood up, closed her eyes as soon as she met Lin Moyuan’s eyes when she was pierced by the light that appeared in Lin Moyuan’s eyes.

What’s wrong with Lin Moyuan?

Lin Moyuan had already recovered at this time, looked at Tang Yurou in front of him, and said softly:

“Xiao Fan’s things, you can hate me, I accept them all.”

“You can go or stay, but the enemy I will face next is stronger. If you stay, I might not even be sure of protecting myself.”

“Tell me your choice.”

Tang Yurou woke up from the daze, looked at Lin Moyuan’s eyes, and pressed her lips tightly.

Leaving Lin Moyuan now?

Is this something you can do if you say it can be done?

Hate…maybe a little bit, but after hearing what Lin Moyuan said just now, Tang Yurou couldn’t help feeling a little worried!

Lin Moyuan said he would be in danger?

It doesn’t look like alarmist!

After hesitating for a while, Tang Yurou still made his own decision!

“I stayed!”

Looking at Tang Yurou’s firm gaze, Lin Moyuan couldn’t help but wonder.

He really couldn’t understand Tang Yurou!

It stands to reason that she should choose to leave. Is this the original script? Why did you choose to stay?


Tang Yurou gritted her teeth and answered Lin Moyuan’s question:

“because I like you!”

Lin Moyuan was stunned when he heard these words.

Like yourself?

What kind of answer is this?

But immediately, Lin Moyuan shook his head and said with a smile:

“Regardless of whether the answer is true or false, it is still fair!”

“Go to school tomorrow to clean up and prepare to drop out!”

“Since you choose to stay with me, I have to tell you what we will face!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Moyuan came to the middle-aged man, patted him on the shoulder, and said:

“Get the boat back!”

The middle-aged man nodded respectfully, turned his head and left the deck.

Only Tang Yurou was left on the deck. She walked slowly to the place where Xiao Fan had fallen, and took off her own bracelet.

This bracelet was given to her by Xiao Fan when she was just admitted to the university, and she has kept it with her until today.

Tang Yurou didn’t care much about the relationship between herself and Xiao Fan, she just felt sorry for the big brother next door who could have a promising future.

As the bracelet in her hand slipped slowly, Tang Yurou’s eyes gradually became firmer!

What she said just now was naturally true. Although Lin Moyuan was the one who really pushed Xiao Fan to a dead end, she was also hopeless and fell in love with Lin Moyuan!

There is no way to speculate on emotional matters at all.

But when she knew who was next to Lin Moyuan, a sense of crisis slowly rose in her heart!

The first is Qin Yexuan. Although Qin Yexuan’s attitude towards Lin Moyuan is still unclear, he is Lin Moyuan’s fiancée after all.

Qin Yexuan is the big Miss of the Qin family, a new generation of business geniuses!

The other is Sophie. Needless to say, Sophie’s academic qualifications have just come back from abroad, and she is very proficient in fighting skills and has undergone systematic training!

Look at yourself again, compared to them, it’s useless!

It was very difficult to stay by Lin Moyuan’s side, but Tang Yurou had no other choice!

Lin Moyuan was on the second floor of the cabin, looking at Tang Yurou’s back, the corners of his mouth curled up.

Since there is no light on the second floor now, I can’t see Lin Moyuan’s eyes, only his smile.

Just like what he said, there are never any vases beside him!

The middle-aged man slowly came to Lin Moyuan’s side and whispered:

“Qi Yanyu, there is movement!”

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