Chapter 205: Deal with the result!

The meeting room was surprisingly quiet.

Even when Lin Shengtian was in a meeting, there was no such quiet time. In fact, when Lin Shengtian was young, he was young and frivolous, and I had to have what personality I said.

But now that he is getting older, Lin Shengtian thinks about his own son, so he is more tolerant of those around him.

However, Lin Shengtian’s softness does not mean that Lin Moyuan is the same!

In Lin Moyuan’s eyes, there is one word to describe all these shareholders, that is, they are floating!

There is a saying that Lin Moyuan thinks makes sense, that is, dogs cannot be fed too much, and people cannot be too good!

“Deputy Dong Li, where were we just now?”

“By the way, how are you going to return the eighty billion yuan to the company?”

“Don’t tell me what you don’t know, I just need to doubt it!”

Li Tingxian’s face slowly became gloomy, and it seemed that this level was not so easy!

Unexpectedly, Lin Moyuan actually came here to be a bastard, who just killed the money, and he took it!

The plan originally mentioned by Mr. Xiao, in front of Lin Moyuan’s trick, turned out to be completely useless!

Li Tingxian’s eyes slowly turned gloomy, and after scanning around in the meeting room, he sneered:

“It seems that after the young boss is in power, the Lin Group will become the Lin family’s own words!”

“This kind of company, this kind of group, I don’t have to wait any longer! I will submit my resignation to the chairman of the board tonight!”

“Everyone, we have met in mountains and rivers!”

After saying this, Li Tingxian left his own seat directly, with a little bit of meaning to go away!

All the shareholders looked at each other, listening to Li Tingxian’s meaning, could it be that he was really wronged?

But what reason does Lin Moyuan have to wrong Li Tingxian?

Is it just to kill the chickens and curse the monkeys?

But this also doesn’t make sense. Li Tingxian can be said to be one of the first people who followed Lin Shengtian to fight the world…

Is this what Lin Shengtian meant?

Just as the shareholders were puzzled, Lin Moyuan showed a smile on his face, returned to his own seat, and said with a smile:

“Everyone, be quiet, since Vice Chairman Li Tingxian has such an idea, then I am not good to stop it!”

“But I hope everyone can respect the seat under their buttocks. After all, under this seat are the fruits of the Lin Group’s nearly two decades of hard work!”

“This time the general meeting of shareholders will end here. Let’s all go away!”

After speaking, Lin Moyuan took the lead to open the door of the meeting room and left this strangely silent room.

The remaining shareholders looked at each other.

Like them, who is in a high position, who is really clean?

Who didn’t play any tricks behind?

This time Li Tingxian was unearthed. If there is a real incident, then Li Tingxian is the one who killed himself…

After taking the task of the group, you drew hundreds of thousands or even millions from it. Lin Shengtian would think about friendship, as if he hadn’t seen it, but taking a few billions was a bit too much!

How much is the total book turnover of the Lin Group?

So if Li Tingxian’s case is settled, it means that he should be kicked out!

The shareholders shook their heads and sighed, and they had a new understanding of Lin Moyuan!

The rumors are untrue!

It is rumored that Lin Moyuan is an unlearned second-generation ancestor and a prodigal son, but today it looks completely different from the rumors, okay?

Lin Moyuan had already returned to Own’s office at this time, and Su Fei and Ji Kun followed suit at the same time.

Just walked into the office, Ji Kun sat down on the sofa and asked suspiciously:

“Boss, how did you find out that Xu Qian belonged to the Qin family?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“Have you forgotten? We are in Qin’s house, and there are people too!”

Upon hearing this, Ji Kun suddenly realized!

“Qin Chiyue? I haven’t heard from him for a while, how is this kid doing in Qin’s house now?”

Lin Moyuan took out a cigarette from his arms, Sophie on one side stepped forward to help him light it, Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“A few days ago there were people from above, and I saw the bar street. I asked Qin Chiyue to come forward and help me negotiate. Now it is more than 10 billion!”

“But the Qin family didn’t know that the money belonged to me, and thought that Qin Chiyue used some method to snatch Bar Street from me!”

“So the Qin family is still selling more than 10 billion for the bar street, complacent!”

“In fact, all of these tens of billions of dollars have all arrived in my account!”

Ji Kun realized that there was a reason why Lin Moyuan had booked this bar street from the beginning!

“Boss, don’t look at anything else, just talk about scheming, your heart is really dirty!”

Lin Moyuan shook his head helplessly and smiled, and said:

“Kunzi, learn from Godo. Now you have replaced Xu Qian’s seat, and you will be the face of the group in the future. The group’s chief financial officer is not so good!”

The chief financial officer is Xu Qian’s previous position in the company, referred to as CFO. This profession is indispensable in the group.

As the chief financial officer, the collusion between Xu Qian and Li Tingxian can be explained.

Li Tingxian’s previous small gesture was to blink in Xu Qian’s direction.

For Lin Moyuan, there is no doubt about Xu Qian’s identity. Qin Chiyue had a list before, which was a list of all Qin’s chess pieces hidden in the Lin group!

On the list, there are more employees with relatively low positions, even the management staff of the computer room, which makes Lin Moyuan very vigilant.

It seems that the Qin family has not been idle during this period. Although these people are not very prominent in their posts, they are all at the grassroots level!

Lin Moyuan still understands the truth that the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed by an ant’s nest.

“Sister, give this list to my dad, I believe my dad knows how to do it!”

Sophie reached out to take the list that Lin Moyuan had brought out, nodded, turned and left.

After seeing Sophie leaving the office, Ji Kun said with a smile:

“Boss, the situation in Gangdong City is already on the verge of breaking out!”

“After we finished the fire for the Xue family and the Wang family, the two are now at full-scale war!”

“Although it is still at the stage of fighting against each other’s trade development, the Xue family is probably not an opponent!”

Lin Moyuan took a sip of tea and said in a deep voice:

“Unexpectedly, the Xue family’s position in Gangdong City, although one of the four major families, is still incomparable with the Wang family’s background. Besides, is there any news from Ye Feng?”

Ye Feng?

Xiao Fan frowned, then said:

“Ye Feng is on Xue Hong’s side. I heard that he is going to fight against the Wang family with Xue Hong!”

“The elder of the Wang family, Wang Yan, came back from abroad after hearing that the Wang family was at war with the Xue family!”

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