Chapter 202: Xiao Fan conspired!

When Lin Moyuan saw Sophie’s expression, he knew that Sophie had misunderstood the meaning of own.

“What do you think? Of course I am not so frantic!”

“Li Tingxian wants money, but doesn’t want to earn it comfortably. If he has to go through these crooked ways, I will naturally not allow it!”

“The worst outcome is to remove the entire Li family from the company and from Yunhai City!”

Sophie breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, because she sensed a murderous intent that was difficult to conceal from Lin Moyuan’s words just now!

In fact, Lin Moyuan really wanted to do this, but of course it was not aimed at the entire Li family, but at Li Tingxian alone.

How many years has the Lin Group been in Yunhai City?

Let alone more than twenty years!

Lin Moyuan had long seen Li Tingxian displeased him.

When fighting with the Qin family back then, if Ji Xingsen had not dared to cut off the export trade of the Qin family, the bastard surnamed Li would have gone to the Qin family long ago!

According to Ji Xingsen’s evaluation of the bastard Li Tingxian, he is included when enjoying the bonus, and when the Lin Group encounters difficulties, you can’t see this person at all!

In fact, Lin Shengtian wanted to deal with Li Tingxian a long time ago, but just like Lin Shengtian said just now, he is old and softened, so there are a lot of things that are basically just turning a blind eye to these guys who are gradually entering old age. Close one eye.

But Lin Moyuan was different. Lin Moyuan had just sat in the position of general manager and was not afraid of anything at all.

Of course, some people pointed to Lin Moyuan, saying that this kid is only relying on a good father to sit in this position. If there is no identity, then it is dreaming.

In this case, Lin Moyuan’s ears were almost puffed up.

This kind of person who can only talk about gossip, in Lin Moyuan’s view, is not a fart.

If you don’t have a good dad…

If you don’t have money at home…


After all, these are just ifs. What kind of family was reborn in, or who had passed through to whom? Lin Moyuan has the final say?

People who complain about others are always a waste!

It is precisely by maintaining this kind of thinking that Lin Moyuan’s previous life can achieve unparalleled achievements.

Sophie was also relieved when she heard Lin Moyuan’s words.

Lin Shengtian did let Lin Moyuan let go of his hands and feet to do it, but it wasn’t that Lin Moyuan let go of his hands and feet to kill and set fire…

Lin Moyuan stood up from the seat and said with a smile:

“Let’s go, have a meeting!”

“Call all the senior executives of the company, in my dad’s name!”

Sophie frowned slightly. She didn’t know what medicine was sold in Lin Moyuan’s Calabash, but she nodded to express her understanding.

Now that Lin Shengtian had said, let Lin Moyuan be responsible for this matter, then he didn’t have to worry so much.

She was still a little curious, what would Lin Moyuan do?

Yunhai City, General/Military Office, Li Family.

The General/Army Office is a well-known high-end villa area. The Li family lives here, and it is also the blessing of the Lin Group.

The Li family was originally a small family in Yunhai City. There was only one small construction company in the forty or fifty people of the entire family.

Before meeting Lin Shengtian, the life of the Li family was getting sad day by day. Because of the rapid rise of the construction industry, the original business method of the Li family was no longer suitable for the needs of the market, so it had to wait for bankruptcy.

At this moment, Lin Shengtian, who had just established his own company, found the owner of the Li family, that is, Li Tingxian.

Lin Shengtian displayed what the Li family needed and what he lacked. After the afternoon’s discussion, Li Tingxian immediately cited Lin Shengtian as his confidant.

What Lin Shengtian lacks is people, and what Li Jia lacks is technology, experience, and methods. Therefore, under the combination of the two powerful forces, the road to the rise of the Lin Group began.

Later, the company grew bigger and bigger, and there were more and more people. Until the emergence of Ji Xingsen, the Lin Group completely entered a period of rapid development.

Li Tingxian is actually just an undergraduate graduated from a civil engineering school, so compared to Ji Xingsen and Lin Shengtian, who have a background of studying abroad, he is not on the same level.

Therefore, Li Tingxian’s position in the company is becoming more and more inconspicuous. Although he has been named as an associate director, it is only a fictitious name. He only takes dividends and no longer comes forward to do things.

Gradually, Li Tingxian became dissatisfied with the status quo and began to inquire about other ways to make money. Later, he found Red Maple Capital by mistake. After getting huge profits, he became greedy and began to fill his pockets. Going farther and farther on the road.

When Li Tingxian got the news of the meeting, he didn’t doubt that he was there, and he immediately left from the general/junior government office. As a result, he met a young man in a suit with a gentle smile on his face.

Li Tingxian didn’t care. When he first wanted to get in the car, the young man said with a smile:

“May I ask if Patriarch Li is in person?”

“My name is Xiao, I have an important news, I want to tell you.”

“Oh, by the way, I am from Red Maple Capital.”

Originally Li Tingxian didn’t want to say anything to this young man. After all, the group was very anxious, but when he heard the words Red Maple Capital, Li Tingxian’s heart seemed to have missed a beat!

Red Maple Capital?

Is there something wrong with Red Maple Capital?

Li Ting froze for a moment, and then immediately said:

“I’m going to the Lin Group headquarters for a meeting now, or else you get in the car, little brother? Let’s say on the road?”

The young man who called himself Xiao nodded, and then sat in the car, shoulder to shoulder with Li Tingxian.

Li Tingxian asked the driver in a low voice while asking the driver to drive:

“Did something go wrong?”

The young man nodded with a serious expression and said:

“Yes, a few days ago, Lin Moyuan went to Red Maple Capital and got the materials of the marine resource development project!”

“Moreover, he probably already knows some inside stories!”

Hearing this, Li Tingxian’s face instantly turned pale!

Could it be that I have been exposed?

But it’s not right. How did Lin Moyuan, that dude go back to Gangdong City?

And also got his own transaction documents with Red Maple Capital?

Although Li Tingxian felt a little nervous, he was still very calm on the bright side. He asked in a low voice:

“How may I address you?”

Xiao Fan heard this and knew that Li Tingxian had believed in him, so he smiled and replied:

“My last name is Xiao, you can call me Mr. Xiao.”

“In this meeting, the Lin family will obviously target you!”

“But you don’t have to worry, I have a way to get through temporarily…”

Li Tingxian was overjoyed when he heard the words, and then said:

“Mr. Xiao, what can I do?”

Xiao Fan smiled, then whispered a few words in Li Tingxian’s ear.

After a while, Li Tingxian’s face was full of admiration!

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