Chapter Two Hundred: Return to Yunhai City

Private airport on the outskirts of Yunhai City.

A private jet landed slowly on the runway. You can tell by looking at the golden Lotus flower mark on the plane. It is a private jet of the Lin Group.

The cabin door opened slowly, and two men and two women walked out of the plane.

Naturally Lin Moyuan and his party.

Yan Kexiang did not follow Lin Moyuan back to Yunhai City. After confirming that Xiao Fan had been expelled from Gangdong City, he also attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony. He had to go back and explain the situation with his father.

Yan Kexiang said before he left that Jiangzhan City was boring, and he would definitely urge his father to open a new company in Yunhai City, and then he would have reason to stay in Yunhai City.

However, before leaving, what Yan Kexiang said to Lin Moyuan really made Lin Moyuan very speechless.

“Boss, it’s like this kind of exciting speed chase, robbing the stock exchange and finally throwing the pot, you must call me! Otherwise, the action will not be perfect!”

What else can Lin Moyuan say? Yan Kexiang can only be given a chestnut on the spot!

Doing this kind of thing once is enough. If you do too much, there will be flaws. If you often walk by the river, there is no reason to not wet your shoes?

“General Manager, where shall we go next?”

Lin Moyuan twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at Sophie who was sitting in the Bentley’s co-pilot with only a sexually profiled face, and said helplessly:

“How do you think you are my Big sis? You always call me that way, awkward, okay?”

“Miss Su, can’t you change your name?”

Sophie covered her mouth and chuckled, then said with a smile:

“The chairman said that the right way to ascending is to distinguish between public and private. Don’t I just follow the chairman’s teaching?”

This time the trip to Gangdong City, the relationship between the strange sister and brother finally eased.

Lin Moyuan also knows that his Big sis is working hard to restore or make up for the relationship between them. Lin Moyuan is still very generous to those who know their mistakes and can correct them.

Villain, doesn’t mean we have to have small belly chicken intestines?

After Ji Kun and Yang Wenwen got off the plane, they went home. According to Ji Kun’s intentions, how to deal with the Li family, and according to Lin Moyuan’s intentions, if you want Ji family to take action, just let him know directly. .

Regardless of Li Tingxian’s conspiracy, Ji Kun really doesn’t believe that this old fox can play Lin Moyuan!

Regarding Lin Moyuan’s foresight, Ji Kun has reached the point of blindly convinced.

Lin Moyuan did not return to the Dongsheng Huating Villa. The little girl was away recently, and she went on a trip with her best friend Su Xiaomi, so Lin Moyuan went directly to the company by car.

As the only legal heir to the Lin Group, Lin Moyuan has come to the company a handful of times, but the employees of the company are also used to it.

It was the original owner, that is, the former Lin Moyuan, sitting in the office and working, and it was almost killing him.

But now Lin Moyuan still missed the feeling of sitting behind his desk very much.

Those who were familiar with the road brought Sophie to the front desk. The two beauties at the front desk were sitting in the chairs and chatting about something. Today is Sunday, so the company is relatively leisurely.

Lin Moyuan stood at the front desk and tapped on the table lightly. The two little beauties came back to their senses. The moment they saw Lin Moyuan, they immediately got up from the chair, lowered their heads and said:

“Sorry…General Manager, we…”

Lin Moyuan waved his hand and said:

“Is the chairman?”

The two little beauties at the front desk looked at each other, and one of the girls with a ponytail replied:

“Yes, the chairman just came to the company…”

Lin Moyuan smiled and nodded, then led Sophie towards the chairman’s office.

The chairman’s office of the Lin Group is on the 31st floor. There are also the offices of the vice chairman and the CEO on the 31st floor. But for Lin Moyuan, everyone besides his father needs to know each other.

Anyway, when Lin Moyuan sat in his father’s position, he would definitely have to change his blood.

Lin Moyuan followed the glass of the external elevator and slowly narrowed his eyes as he watched the prosperous scene of the entire Yunhai City outside.

I don’t know where Xiao Fan is now?

You don’t need to guess Lin Moyuan to know that Xiao Fan must have been hidden by Ye Feng and Xue Hongxue.

I heard that Ye Feng seemed to have been released by the police on the grounds that there was insufficient evidence and there was no way to file a case.

However, Lin Mo Yuanyin could vaguely guess some of the real reasons, I am afraid that someone from Yanjing’s side had acted!

The people in Yanjing were seated too high, and Lin Moyuan couldn’t reach it now, so if he wanted to deal with Ye Feng, he could only find a way to get around Yanjing and the backstage behind Ye Feng.

This is not a simple matter. It is similar to a trick like planting and framing. At most, it is used once or twice. If there is more, there is a risk of being targeted.

The first thing Lin Moyuan did when he returned to Yunhai City was to find someone to find out where Xiao Fan was going.

Now that you can attack Xiao Fan, you must seize this opportunity!

While Lin Moyuan was meditating, the elevator made a’ding’ sound, and the 31st floor had arrived.

Lin Moyuan stepped out of the elevator, Sophie followed Lin Moyuan step by step and came to the door of Lin Shengtian’s office.

Lin Shengtian’s secretary saw that the incoming person was the son of the chairman, so naturally he dared not step forward to stop him.

Lin Moyuan opened the door and walked in, and found that Daddy Own was sitting at his desk drinking tea.

A smile appeared on Lin Shengtian’s face when his son walked in.

“This time I go to Gangdong City, you are not so small!”

Lin Moyuan shrugged and said:

“What? I just went to Red Maple Capital to sit down and participated in some inexplicable ribbon-cutting ceremony. In the end, I ordered two bottles of good wine from the Xue family’s wine cellar. What kind of movement?”

Lin Shengtian heard these two light explanations from his son, and did not directly expose him, but said with a smile:

“It’s also strange, how many years have the Xue family and Wang family been unhappy with each other?”

“Why do these two families really start doing their job as soon as your kid goes?”

“And the ribbon-cutting ceremony at Luoshan Garden. It was explosives, mysterious, and drag racing. What happened?”

Lin Moyuan seemed to be in a moment of interest. He sat opposite Lin Shengtian and said cheerfully:

“Oh, daddy, I really know the explosive matter!”

“I’m a guy with a bit of knowledge. His wife died because of a cell phone explosion. This kid thought it was Qi Yanyu’s chip made by them. He wanted to be a bomb to avenge Qi Yanyu!”

“Guess what happened next?”

Looking at the son who was serious nonsense in front of him, Lin Shengtian borrowed the donkey from the slope and asked with a smile:

“What’s the matter?”

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