Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Eight: Tongue Fight!

The meeting room of the Northland Hotel has only a huge round table with a diameter of about ten meters, which is completely out of the scope of the table.

That is, the area of ​​the meeting room is relatively large, so it is not obtrusive. If it is replaced with another room, it is estimated that it will not fit.

There are already people in the four corners of the table.

In the east position, sitting is the owner of the Xing family, Xing Zhuo.

The Xing family is the fastest rising family in Gangdong City. Originally, there were only three families in Gangdong City 30 years ago. It is precisely because of the rise of the Xing family that it has the title of four big families.

Rumor has it that the Xing family originally belonged to the northern part of the Long Kingdom. Because of constant disputes, they wanted a stable development, so they came to Gangdong City.

Xing Zhuo, the head of the Xing family, is a middle-aged man who has always been smiling, wearing a Chinese tunic suit and holding a pair of walnuts in his hands. If he didn’t look a little younger, he would really be regarded as a retired old man.

Xing Zhuo’s personality is very kind, basically a peacemaker. Every time there is a fight, he mediates from it, and his popularity is not bad.

Sitting across from Xing Zhuo is a middle-aged man with eyes. The middle-aged man’s temples are slightly pale, but his face has no wrinkles. He looks elegant and looks like a typical businessman.

But if anyone thinks this middle-aged person is good for bullying, he would be blinded.

The middle-aged man’s surname is Zhang, and Zhang Qiyan, the oldest qualified Patriarch of the Zhang family in Gangdong City.

The location of the Zhang family in Gangdong City is on the westernmost island of Gangdong City. The entire island belongs to the Zhang family. It is precisely because of this that the other three people in the four major families like to call Zhang Qiyan the owner of Zhang Island. .

In fact, Zhang Qiyan’s hometown is also in the north, but in the northeast of the Dragon Kingdom.

Among the four major families, only the Xue family and the Wang family are local families. However, because the Zhang family was the first to rise, the Zhang family was the first in terms of seniority and family background.

On the north side sat a middle-aged man with a serious face and a beard. His body was very strong and he was a big man.

This person is the head of the Wang family, Wang Kaifang.

According to the family strength, the Zhang family is the first, the Xing family is second, and the Wang family is third. The Xue family is slightly worse than the Wang family, so it is the youngest.

Wang Kaifang looked at the same gloomy man sitting in the south, his eyes were very bad.

To the south is naturally Xue Zai, the head of the Xue family. The conflict between Xue Zai and Wang Kaifang has not been a year or two. The two have lost each other, so they looked at each other’s gunpowder-scented eyes and sat in the meeting. The other two people on the table are used to it.

“Okay, it’s okay, what can’t you say well, or should I break the rules and let the two of you fight?”

“Just fight here, no one else knows it anyway!”

“It’s not a big problem. Misunderstanding, just solve it!”

Xue Zai then took his gaze away from Wang Kaifang’s face, looked at Xing Grip, and said in a deep voice:

“My son’s affairs are basically framed! There is also his friend Ye Feng, who is not small behind him, how can he go back and do things like stealing trade secrets?”

“He Wang Kaifei said that my son kidnapped her daughter and tried to commit a crime! What do you say about this?”

Wang Kai let out a cold snort, and mocked:

“It’s really worthy of being the Xue family’s seed, all words are evil!”

“The evidence is there, does your son still want to quibble?”

“Want to reconcile? All right, castrate your son to me! This matter is over!”

Xue Zai suddenly burst into anger, and slapped one shot on the table, and said sharply:

“You have a kind of tell me again?”

At this moment, Zhang Qiyan, who had not spoken, coughed slightly and said:

“Okay, let me stop and stop. The focus of our meeting this time is not on the contradiction between your two families!”

“Your business, after leaving the hotel for a while, whether to start a fight or reconcile, feel free!”

“I am calling you today to discuss how to deal with that young man named Xiao Fan!”

Upon hearing Zhang Qiyan’s words, the two Patriarchs looked at each other before they stopped talking.

Zhang Qiyan’s Face is still to be given.

Zhang Qiyan smiled and continued:

“Xiao Fan moved his hands in the hotel. This is a fact, and there are also fingerprints of Xiao Fan on those bombs and the gun. My friends in the police station have already confirmed this.”

“I heard that Xiao Fan is a friend of Patriarch Xue’s son. I wonder what Patriarch Xue has about this?”

Xue Zai frowned upon hearing this. Xue Hong meant to keep Xiao Fan!

But Xue Zai knows the rules of the hotel. The rules are called rules because they cannot be broken!

If the rules can be broken casually, then what is the point of establishing the rules?

It is precisely because Xue Zai knows the seriousness of the rules that he is so embarrassed.

In fact, the problem lies in Xiao Fan’s background. Xiao Fan, who came here for the first time, has no deep background at all, so if even such a person can’t handle it, everyone will only regard the rules of the Northland Hotel as a joke!

After coughing lightly, Xue Zai said:

“Xiao Fan did violate the rules, but Xiao Fan was cheated and calculated!”

“Of course there are penalties. I think it’s not necessary to expel from Gangdong City, right?”

Upon hearing what Xue Zai said, Wang Kai sneered and said:

“Don’t talk about these useless things, Xue Zai, today Xiao Fan must follow the rules!”

“Not only to drive out of Gangdong City, I want him a hand!”

Upon hearing this, Xue Zai immediately glared at Wang Kai again!

In fact, the rules are like this, because Xiao Fan not only moved his hands in the hotel, but also had bombs and guns on him!

Explosives enough to threaten the safety of the entire hotel!

If ordinary people dared to bring something into the hotel, they would have been thrown out with their hands and feet a long time ago.

The reason why Xiao Fan didn’t touch him was that he still kept the face for the Xue family.

At this time, Xing Shao smiled and said:

“No need, two people, there is really no need to hurt the peace of such a nameless pawn!”

“You two are in anger, calm down!”

“It is indeed a bit extreme to ask someone to use a hand. In my opinion, I will expel it from Gangdong City!”

Hearing what Xing Shao said, Zhang Qiyan nodded slightly. This method of handling is already very gentle.

As for whether Xiao Fan was calculated…

So what?

Returning favors is what the police station should do! It’s not what their families should do.

Moreover, Xiao Fan himself had no brains and was hit, who could be blamed?

Seeing Zhang Qiyan nodded, Xue Zai was helpless.

There was no way, Xiao Fan could only ask for blessings.

Having already forged Liangzi with the Wang family, there is no way to reverse it.

But the Zhang family must never be offended!

For the sake of a Xiao Fan, offend two of the three families, but no normal person can do such a thing.

Xiao Fan is not Xue Zai’s son, why should Xue Zai protect him…

The meeting ended soon, and the conclusion reached was that Xiao Fan should be allowed to leave Gangdong City within a week and not return for 20 years!

A full twenty years is not short.

After Xue Hong knew the result, he was naturally very dissatisfied, but he was also helpless.

No matter how powerful the Xue family is, it can’t fight against three families at the same time. It would be very difficult to be a king family alone.

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