Chapter 195: Three consecutive victories!

Financial Street Stock Exchange.

Ye Feng’s face was a bit solemn. At this moment, he was still holding a gun, but the surrounding area of ​​the stock exchange was full of police sirens!

He turned out to be a robber who broke into the stock exchange!

But Ye Feng has yet to explain anything!

“Listen to the people inside! Put down your weapons! Surrender immediately!”

“Give you five minutes to think about it!”

“In five minutes, we will take coercive measures!”

Ye Feng had chased that person before, and when he ran to the stock exchange, he lost his trace. He seemed to have evaporated from the world!

It didn’t take long for Ye Feng to find a computer still on in an office of the stock exchange, but a USB flash drive was plugged into the computer, showing that it was extracting data!

The files of the entire stock exchange are all being transferred to this USB flash drive!

At that time, Ye Feng noticed something was wrong, and just after unplugging the USB flash drive, a siren sounded outside, and in a blink of an eye, the entire stock exchange was surrounded by airtight.

Ye Feng suddenly understood that he was fooled.

The ultimate goal of the mysterious person is to draw himself here!

And forged things that he wanted to steal trade secrets, and then attracted the police!

Sure enough, when Ye Feng looked down from the window, where was the black sports car left?

There is no doubt that they drove away long ago!

Ye Feng sighed helplessly, came to the position of the lobby on the first floor, raised the gun in his hand, and walked out of the stock exchange slowly.

After coming outside, Ye Feng directly threw the gun away and hugged his head with both hands, appearing very cooperative.

No way, although it was framed, this matter is very troublesome, but at most, it should be possible to find out the facts until tomorrow morning, right?

After all, the USB flash drive was placed by that person, and the gun was also owned by that person. There was no way to prove that this matter was done by Ye Feng.

But Ye Feng didn’t know until the next morning, the question on the gun, and the fingerprint on the USB flash drive, there was only one, and that was his own!

There is no other evidence at all, all the evidence points to Ye Feng!

Later, Ye Feng learned a piece of news that made him very speechless again. The one standing behind this stock exchange was actually the Wang family!

In other words, in the eyes of outsiders, Ye Feng did this action to target the Wang Family!

So what does Ye Feng have to do with the Wang family?

The reason is easy to find, because the Wang family does not have a good relationship with the Xue family, but Xue Hong, the big company of the Xue family, and Ye Feng are good brothers!

The whole Gangdong City was shocked after receiving this news!

But this is all the next day.

After Ye Feng was taken away by the police station, the Northland Hotel also entered the final stage.

Xiao Fan was originally a rebirth son of luck. All his abilities were in his head. Naturally, he was not as good as Ye Feng, so he just resisted for a few minutes before he was pushed to the ground by the security guards of the Northland Hotel.

At the same time, the travel bag in Xiao Fan’s hand was also taken away, and Xiao Fan’s eyes were very unkind when looking at Ji Kun.

Just when the security guards were busy and exhausted, Ji Kun was under the gaze of Xiao Fan, pointed a middle finger to Xiao Fan, and immediately left the scene.

Xiao Fan would naturally not leave the real murderer wearing a mask, but the security guards had already pressed Xiao Fan to the ground, and Xiao Fan had no way to stop it.

“You caught the wrong person! Quickly let me go!”

“Those things are not mine! They all belong to that person!”

At this time, a middle-aged man in a white suit walked slowly in front of Xiao Fan, and said with a gloomy expression:

“Your behavior has touched the rules of the Northland Hotel. We will pass these things to the police to check the fingerprints. It will be natural who is the result.”

“But after the results come out, no matter who is right or wrong, you must leave Gangdong City! You are not allowed to step into Gangdong City again!”

Hearing these words, Xiao Fan’s eyes suddenly widened!

“What are you talking about? Why do you decide whether to stay or leave?”

“What qualifications do you have?”

The middle-aged man in a white suit bent down, looked at Xiao Fan who was pushed to the ground by the security guard, frowned, and said:

“Young man, if you don’t know the rules of the Northland Hotel, you dare to come here to go wild?”

“Can you decide whether you want to stay, you will know!”

An ominous premonition rose in Xiao Fan’s heart!

Could it be… I stepped into the trap?

Thinking of this, Xiao Fan’s face suddenly became very ugly!

What is the origin of this Northland Hotel?

However, the man in a white suit didn’t give Xiao Fan too much opportunity to speak, snapped his fingers and motioned to the security guards to take Xiao Fan down, and turned back to the office, picking up the phone.

“Hello? Patriarch, on the Xue family’s side, we caught the handle…”

Jindong Hotel.

Lin Moyuan changed his clothes and put them in a bag.

After changing the clothes, I have to go back to the sales department to participate in the ribbon-cutting ceremony…

Although Xiao Fan, Xue Hong, and Ye Feng had been led out, Lin Moyuan still believed that it was necessary to produce some alibi.

Lin Moyuan had just returned to the hotel with his front feet, and Yan Kexiang and Ji Kun also returned to his own room.

The two people who happened to meet at the door looked at each other and smiled. Obviously, tonight can be regarded as an addiction!

“You said the boss, how does the brain grow?”

“Such a sinister and vicious strategy, can you think of it?”

Hearing what Yan Kexiang said, Ji Kun shrugged and said:

“Then you have to ask the boss, I have been following the boss for so long, and I am used to it…”

“But the words sinister and vicious are used well, they are really just right!”

While the two were talking, Lin Moyuan, who had just changed into a suit, walked downstairs with a smile.

“What are you talking about? Hurry up and change your clothes!”

“We have to attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony. Don’t let Chairman Xue wait in a hurry.”

Ji Kun sighed helplessly and said:

“Boss, that kid Xue Hong ran away, what should I do?”

Lin Moyuan blinked immediately and said curiously:

“What are you talking about? What Xue Hong?”

“Isn’t Xue Hong plotting misconduct with Wang Jiasan Miss and was arrested by Wang Can?”

“What does it have to do with us? You can eat rice but you can’t talk nonsense!”

Ji Kun was stunned when he heard the words, and turned to look at Yan Kexiang again. Yan Kexiang also had the same expression!

Regardless of the boss’s IQ, just the boss’s face is already invincible in the world!

“Yes, what does Xiao Fan’s trouble at Beidi Hotel have to do with Ji Kun?”

With these words in his mouth, Ji Kun also returned to his own room and went to change his clothes.

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