Chapter 191: Tune the Tiger away from the Mountain!

At the same time that Ye Feng followed the hooded man and left the sales department, Xiao Fan also found out.

Xiao Fan is socializing, because Xue Hong asked him to chat with these business giants before, but he himself returned to the office, waiting for Ye Feng’s news.

Xiao Fan expressed his understanding of this matter. His current status can be said to be very unusual. As the most respected person around Xue Hong, he will naturally attract the attention of many entrepreneurs.

This even includes a middle-aged man from the Wang family.

The origin of this middle-aged man is not simple. It is said to be the Little Brother of Wang Kaifang, the head of the Wang family, but he can be regarded as a half-parent. Because Wang Kaifang’s mother passed away very early, this middle-aged man can only be regarded as half of the Wang family. people.

The middle-aged man is named Wang Kairui, and he has a very good relationship with Wang Kaifang, and the two even almost fought for the position of Patriarch…

Of course, the most amazing thing is that the reason why the two of them almost got involved is because no one wants to be the owner of the house…

In the end, Wang Kairui even went missing and hid to the sea of ​​clouds. It was not until the last Patriarch of the Wang family, that is, the father of two, who reluctantly established Wang Kaifang as Patriarch, did Wang Kairui return to Gangdong City.

Since then, the two brothers have been exhausting their minds for the Wang family, which can be said to have made other families very jealous.

Wang Kaifang did not appear at the venue due to identity and facial issues, but Wang Kairui has always been very thick-skinned. He came to the sales department to watch the ceremony, basically just to eat and drink…

But the moment he saw Xiao Fan, Wang Kairui suddenly felt that this young man was not simple, and no one who could be favored by Xue Hong and that little bastard was simple!

Therefore, Wang Kairui immediately began to win.

In fact, Xiao Fan knew Wang Kairui’s identity, so he didn’t care much, because he was destined not to have anything to do with Wang Kairui.

As long as you stand in a team and want to change sides, it is not so easy.

And the reason why he was able to get his life back from Lin Moyuan’s men was because of Ye Feng and Xue Hong.

From this point of view, the Wang family has become the own enemy, a potential enemy.

“I said Brother Xiao, don’t you really think about it?”

“I think back then, my brother, I am the same as you, that is also a rare young man who is rare in ten miles and eight villages…”

“Just your looks, if you put it in our Wang family, the Wang family girls will not crush your threshold!”

Xiao Fan is really a little Didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, why is this Wang Kairui so disrespectful?

However, Xiao Fan could feel that Wang Kairui did not have any malice, he really admired himself.

But the current situation is indeed very helpless, so Xiao Fan had to use urine to escape.

“Brother Wang, you go shopping first, I’ll go to the toilet, and come back later!”

Wang Kairui smiled and nodded, looking at Xiao Fan’s leaving back, he sighed very helplessly.

Hope it’s not great!

How could such a good seedling let the ghostly bastard of the Xue family take the lead?

Wang Kairui is indeed very satisfied with Xiao Fan’s insights on the future development trend of the Hong Kong stock market.

It is a pity that if such people cannot become friends, it is better to deal with them as soon as possible!

Thinking of this, Wang Kairui’s eyes slowly became cold!

Xiao Fan didn’t know what Wang Kairui was thinking. He just came to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water.

I have drunk a lot of red wine just now for socializing.

For Xiao Fan, drinking is really unusual. In his previous life, Xiao Fan had already practiced a lot of clothes for socializing, but now although he has traveled back, only his soul is coming back, and his body is just three cups poured. quantity……

After drinking three glasses of red wine, Xiao Fan was naturally a little dizzy, but the problem was not big.

After washing his face, Xiao Fan tidyed up his suit. Just about to lift his foot out of the bathroom, he walked by a strangely dressed man, and Xiao Fan still heard a word vaguely.

“Bomb…in the car…I’ll take it down…detonate…”

The man’s voice was so low that Xiao Fan only heard these few words.

But these short words made the wine Xiao Fan had just drunk instantly turned into cold sweat, slowly rolling out of his pores!

bomb! There are really bombs!

And in what car!

Hearing what this man meant, he seemed to be going to the car to take down the bomb and detonate it in the venue!

Xiao Fan suddenly became sober a bit, and then immediately raised his heels behind this man!

The man seemed to have noticed something, and immediately quickened his pace and walked in the direction of the elevator.

The sales department has seven floors up and down, plus the underground parking lot, which makes a total of eight floors, so it is only natural to install an elevator.

Because the man suddenly quickened his pace, Xiao Fan didn’t have time to catch up, so he had to wait for another elevator to get down.

Now everyone is in the banquet hall, and almost no one uses the elevator. Just about twenty seconds after the man entered the elevator with his forefoot, Xiao Fan had already entered another elevator.

According to the man’s words, it is not difficult to guess that he should go to the first floor so that he can reach the parking lot outside. Underground is impossible, because every car will go through investigation when entering the underground parking lot. Said that if there is a bomb in the car, it will definitely be detected!

Xiao Fan’s eyes slowly narrowed, and then he immediately took out his cell phone from the elevator and dialed Ye Feng’s number.

What Xiao Fan didn’t expect was that Ye Feng didn’t answer the phone!

How did Xiao Fan know that Ye Feng is now busy tracking down people on the highway, and there is no time to answer the phone…

At this moment, the elevator door slowly opened, and Xiao Fan came to the first floor!

Xiao Fan, who had just stepped out of the elevator, saw the man wearing a black half sleeve and a mask at a glance!

This is the person!

Xiao Fan glanced around, and after confirming that there was no man’s accomplice, he quietly followed behind the man.

The man didn’t seem to notice Xiao Fan following, and walked towards the outside of the sales department on his own.

When entering the sales department, they looked at the invitations, but Lin Moyuan and others naturally didn’t use them. After all, where the identities were stored, even if there were no invitations, there would be no security guards to stop them.

In the direction of leaving the sales department, of course, I don’t need any invitations. I just walk back down the path and either return to the open-air parking lot or walk directly out of the Luoshan Garden. The road is directly outside.

This man walked straight toward the road, Xiao Fan had a care in his heart, this man’s car should have been parked on the side of the road!

Xiao Fan did not continue to follow, but turned around to the outdoor parking lot and got on his own BMW.

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