Chapter 179: Vignette, plan!

These Internet celebrities, Lin Moyuan has also brushed a lot on the mobile phone software, they are very cool to wear, the special effects are turned on, and they are still triumphant. Lin Moyuan only played with Douyin for half an hour, and they got them. There are no fewer than fifty so-called stunning beauty in the world…

But with the special effects turned off, Lin Moyuan had a general guess about what it was like.

So Lin Moyuan never believed in things on the Internet. Tang Yurou, Qin Yexuan, and Sophie beside him, which one is not more beautiful than the beauties on the Internet?

But what makes Lin Moyuan very speechless is that even if the Internet celebrity live broadcasts, he is sitting in his own car!

Simply lacking quality!

Yan Kexiang motioned to his back at this time, and the five bodyguards behind Yan Kexiang nodded, and then walked forward.

When Ji Kun saw this, he stood there again, taking a moment to watch the female internet celebrity who was still lively broadcasting.

Yan Kexiang’s bodyguards are also very speechless about this situation. Where do you think it is not good to broadcast live?

Have to sit on the front cover of a Rolls-Royce car!

This year, who can afford to drive a Rolls Royce is a simple character?

In case a car is scratched, what can be used to lose money?

You can’t afford to lose money by selling iron!

Do you send yourself up? Want to be beautiful…

While thinking about this, the bodyguards are not slow in their hands. Two people disperse everyone, while the other three took off the female anchor who had not reacted to the car and threw it directly into the parking lot. In the clearing.

The female internet celebrity immediately yelled:

“Who are you? Why do you want to rob my car? Is there a king in broad daylight?”

Hearing these words, Ji Kun frowned suddenly, good fellow, is this trick called a slap in the face?

But Ji Kun didn’t pay attention to it, and didn’t care what the onlookers were saying, and walked directly towards Rolls-Royce.

“This young man, there is simply no king’s law!”

“Yes, in broad daylight, being so rude to a girl’s family!”

“It’s really going downhill! I actually did something like this just to ride a luxury car!”

When Lin Moyuan heard these people’s words, he suddenly twitched the corners of his mouth, this world is simply too nonsense!

But Lin Moyuan didn’t care about these, but came to the front of Rolls Royce. One of Yan Kexiang’s bodyguards was stunned and opened the car door for Lin Moyuan.

Yan Kexiang also followed Lin Moyuan, obviously not planning to pay attention to this influencer.

The eyes of the onlookers around him gradually became a little unkind.

Among them, the eyes of some young people have become very dangerous. It seems that they want to do it?

Lin Moyuan curled his lips in disdain. From their point of view, the female internet celebrity was a goddess, so it was naturally a ‘dog-licking’ accusation to fight against the goddess.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Moyuan got into the car, a young man stood up and cursed:

“What’s wrong with a little money? The rich can be better than others?”

“Get me off the car! Apologize to Nuannuan!”


What is the name of this dog?

Now that I know who owns this car, I also know that I have money, but ignored the previous broadcast of the female internet celebrity sitting in the car?

As the first person who was not afraid of death came forward, more and more people were gesturing.

“Young man, this female doll is still small, so it’s inappropriate to get such a heavy hand! Get out of the car and apologize!”

“Yes, young man, kindness makes money, even if this matter is over with an apology…”

“Now that the Internet is so developed, you can’t do this no matter how rich you are…”

When Lin Moyuan heard these words, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

However, Yan Kexiang, who was sitting next to Lin Moyuan, felt that this smile was a bit horrible…

Sure enough, Lin Moyuan lowered the car window and said to Yan Kexiang’s bodyguards:

“Give me your hands! No matter men, women, young or old, who dare to say a word to me, beat me half to death! Send me the picture after the fight!”

“The five of you, who sent me the photo, go to the 4S store and pick up a car, any 4S store, any car, choose your own!”

“It’s on the Lin Group’s account!”

After saying this, Lin Moyuan stretched out his hand and patted Ji Kun, who was sitting in the driving position and holding the steering wheel, indicating that he could drive.

Ji Kun smiled and nodded, then stepped on the accelerator of Rolls Royce, and this silver charm suddenly roared!

But the crowds around, and the female Internet celebrities who are still sitting on the ground, none of them dared to stop the car…

What is the origin of this young man?

Why can you be so crazy?

If it were replaced by other threats, these onlookers might not care. After all, there were so many people who criticized Lin Moyuan and commented on it. It didn’t hurt or itchy at all, and there was no need to pay.

But the words Lin Moyuan threw down before leaving, and the remaining five bodyguards with bright eyes, really made them dare not move!

Just kidding, whoever dared to say aloud will probably lie on the ground!

And looking at the identity of the young man just now, what he said about buying a car is recorded on the Lin Group’s account, it’s definitely not easy for someone who can say that. Can only be beaten for nothing!

At this time, some people in the crowd realized that Lin Group, isn’t that the top ten leading enterprise in the whole dragon country?

Could it be that the young man just now was the prodigal son of Chairman Lin Shengtian!

Sure enough, he is the number one dude in Yunhai City, so crazy in Gangdong City!

But what can they do to Lin Moyuan? At most, he chewed his tongue behind his back and cursed Lin Moyuan after a meal. It didn’t hurt or itchy.

On the other side, Lin Moyuan, Ji Kun, and Yan Kexiang have arrived at the Jindong Hotel on the Avenue of Lights.

Jindong Hotel has already vacated a new room, so Lin Moyuan has booked four senior suites to avoid the situation that he still has to sleep on the sofa.

Although Sophie said that she can sleep on the sofa, but Lin Moyuan always feels a little awkward, and it’s not that he has no money, why huddle together to sleep?

Immediately after sitting down on the sofa, Yan Kexiang couldn’t bear his own curiosity, and stepped forward and asked:

“I’m talking about the boss, tell me about your plan, my heart is itchy!”

“Also, does this plan have anything to do with the car? At home, my dad wouldn’t let me go out to play, it was really uncomfortable to hold back!”

Lin Moyuan smiled upon hearing this, and said:

“Don’t worry, this time, let you drive enough!”

“The plan is very simple. First of all, we are going to buy a car!”

Buy a car?

Ji Kun and Yan Kexiang looked at each other, didn’t Lin Moyuan just bought a Rolls-Royce Silver Charm?

Why are you buying a car again?

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