Chapter 177: Meeting of the dude!

Pulling Yan Kexiang into his side obviously helped implement the own plan, which Lin Moyuan believed deeply.

Yan Kexiang’s driving skills, among the dudes who Lin Moyuan knows well, are top-notch ones!

There are rankings in the country!

This alone was enough for Lin Moyuan to make good use of.

And Ji Kun is here, and coupled with his own car skills, can the three of them use the car to make some articles?

Lin Moyuan slowly narrowed his eyes, and another earth-shaking plan was formed slowly in the mind of Young Master Lin!

If this plan is successful, Qi Yanyu will definitely form a bridge with Ye Feng!

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan calculated the time, and in thirty minutes, Yan Kexiang’s plane would land!

During this time period, Qi Yanyu will also arrive at the airport!

In other words, Yan Kexiang is about to be beaten into the hospital by Ye Feng!

Lin Moyuan sighed helplessly. He was really a toil, then he got up from the sofa and said to Ji Kun who was still sorting out the information:

“Kunzi, go, let’s go to the airport!”

Upon hearing this, Ji Kun frowned and said:

“Boss, do you have any friends coming to the airport?”

Lin Moyuan showed a mysterious smile and said:

“Yes, it is indeed a friend, but also a good helper!”

When Ji Kun heard this, he immediately became interested, and came over and asked:

“What friend? Do I know him?”

Lin Moyuan patted Ji Kun on the shoulder and said:

“Of course you know Yan Kexiang, Young Master of Shengtian Group!”

When Ji Kun heard the name, the smile on his face suddenly stiffened.

“Damn, how could it be this kid?”

“No, Jiang Zhan City is so far away from Gangdong City, what is this kid doing?”

“Could it be the boss that you called him?”

Although Yan Kexiang had already turned into a jade silk with Ji Kun and Lin Moyuan last time, the wine fight that time…

Ji Kun was the first to fall!

Lin Moyuan’s drinking volume is a mystery, Ji Kun admits he can’t drink it, but even Yan Kexiang’s drinking volume can beat Ji Kun, which Ji Kun didn’t expect!

That kid is just like a wine jar, he doesn’t seem to be drunk even if he drinks!

So when Ji Kun saw Yan Kexiang, he was in a lawsuit…

Lin Moyuan smiled and patted Ji Kun on the shoulder, and said:

“It’s okay, I have a plan, but this plan happens to be short of manpower. Yan Kexiang came just right, so I can barely make him a coolie!”

“Calculating the time, he is almost there. Come with me to the airport and have a look.”

Ji Kun nodded helplessly, took his own jacket and car key, and asked curiously:

“No, boss, we just got the invitation card? Why did you have a plan again?”

“Your thinking is really weird. Are you the reincarnation of Kong Ming?”

Lin Moyuan shrugged and said:

“Then who knows, but if I really am the reincarnation of Kong Ming, they can’t help me with a few more Xiao Fans!”

Gangdong City Airport.

A passenger plane slowly landed on the runway. Recently, I was under the impression of the weather that many flights were delayed, but Lingdong Airlines’ flight was an exception. No matter how bad the weather, there was no way to prevent him from arriving on time.

Take today as an example, the flight from Jiangzhan City to Gangdong City was able to arrive at the airport an hour earlier when there was a thunderstorm on the way. I have to say that this is simply a miracle.

A young man wearing half sleeves and sweatpants with a pair of sunglasses on the bridge of his nose walked out of the airport slowly.

Behind him, there were a few dressed casually, but a tall man with sharper eyes, should be a bodyguard in casual clothes.

The young man looked around and nodded in satisfaction.

The scenery of Gangdong City is not worse than that of Jiangzhan City!

This young man is naturally Yan Kexiang.

A bodyguard behind Yan Kexiang stepped forward and whispered:

“Young Master, the hotel has been arranged, shall we go now…”

Yan Kexiang waved his hand and said:

“Stop, stop, I’ve agreed when my father asked me to come, this time I’ll be the master of the whole process!”

“You are not my secretary, so what do you do!”

The bodyguard sighed and thought to himself, of course the chairman wants to give you a secretary!

All of them are beautiful and beautiful, they are still ladies from a small family, and the temperament is not bad, you don’t want it!

Did the chairman agree to let you call the shots?

That makes you angry!

I still remember that the chairman said before he left, that your kid likes cars so much, and he will have to go with the engine and tires for the rest of his life!

However, despite the harsh words, who can’t tell the chairman’s doting on Young Master?

Yan Kexiang just wanted to stop a car and go to Gangdong City for a tour. When he turned his head, he saw a woman who had just walked out of the airport exit.

She is slender, she also wears sunglasses and a long skirt. The elegant blue perfectly sets off her figure.

Yan Kexiang was stunned. He didn’t expect to see such a woman in Gangdong City!

Now in Yan Kexiang’s mind, Gangdong City has slightly improved its status compared with Jiangzhan City.

“Let me inquire, what is the origin of that Miss!”

The bodyguard next to Yan Kexiang was taken aback when he heard the words. What does Young Master mean?

It’s weird, Young Master is actually interested in women?

If the chairman of the board of directors knows this, then can’t all the gods/Buddhas be worshipped?

The bodyguard followed Yan Kexiang’s sight, and he also saw the woman with Bufan temperament, and suddenly felt a little troubled.

That woman is pretty, but she must have a lot of background!

Just go up and stop so recklessly, maybe there will be some misunderstanding!

But since Young Master has said so, he has to bite the bullet and go up!

“That’s all right, Young Master, I’m going now…”

Halfway through the bodyguard’s words, he was interrupted by a voice!

“Isn’t this Brother Yan? Isn’t this a coincidence?”

Yan Kexiang frowned when he heard these words, and then looked towards the place where the sound came from.

Unexpectedly, they saw the two figures of Lin Moyuan and Ji Kun!

Yan Kexiang was immediately surprised, and then hurriedly greeted him.

“I said my eyelids were always jumping on the plane. It turned out that I met the boss!”

“I knew you were there, so I brought some specialties from home!”

When Ji Kun heard Yan Kexiang’s words, he frowned and said angrily:

“Yan Kexiang, the relationship between us hasn’t reached this point yet, right?”

“What the boss, it seems you have a good relationship with my boss!”

Yan Kexiang smiled and patted Ji Kun on the shoulder, and said:

“Brother Kun, are you boring? We don’t know each other if we don’t fight!”

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