Chapter 164: Silent Task

What are these tasks?

Scold son of luck, let him leave it in five minutes?

This is simply a fantasy, okay?

Don’t talk about Xiao Fan’s current status, just look at Xiao Fan’s character, like the kind of person who won’t repay it?

And when Xiao Fan saw the first side of own, he might start to scold him!

This task is simply impossible to complete!

The system can be regarded as the four words that are difficult for a strong man, and it embodies one incisively and vividly!

“What kind of junk system do you mean? Do you know who I am? I’m the enemy of son of luck!”

“I scolded him for five minutes and he didn’t respond back. Is there a problem with his brain?”

【drop! The above is the entire content of the task. If the host has any questions about the task, you can repeat the task content again! 】

Lin Moyuan just wanted to scold again, and then as if thinking clearly, he sighed helplessly again.

This is not Xiao Fan’s stuff, besides, if the scolding system can increase the experience value, Lin Moyuan can immediately not bring the duplicate for an hour!

Lin Moyuan’s expression was a little abnormal, and Ji Kun, who was sitting in the car, saw it at a glance.

“Boss, what’s the matter? Look at your expression not quite right?”

“Is there any news about Xiao Fan?”

Lin Moyuan sighed helplessly and said:

“Kunzi, if I didn’t guess wrong, this time our troubles are a bit big!”

Upon hearing this, Ji Kun frowned and said:

“There is a problem with Xiao Fan? Could it be that this kid has a big shot?”

“That’s not right, how can a big man look at this kid?”

“Or this kid made a fortune?”

Lin Moyuan smiled bitterly and said:

“You guessed that these two are similar. Xiao Fan did have some chance. He is now at Red Maple Capital Management Co., Ltd.!”

“And according to my estimation, this kid should be the head of the department right now!”

Red maple?

When Ji Kun heard this name, he turned his head and asked curiously:

“Boss, this Red Maple, did you cooperate with us before?”

“I can’t remember the details, but I heard that this company has a little background on Hong Kong Island!”

Lin Moyuan nodded solemnly, and his tone became heavier:

“I know, it is for this reason that I am a little worried.”

“When we are in contact with Red Maple, we will inevitably come into the sight of the Li family! The cooperation with Red Maple has always been controlled by Li Tingxian. I think the Li family will definitely not live in peace. They will definitely do something! ”

Ji Kun also nodded his head with a serious expression. He didn’t expect that one of the shareholders of the Lin Group, the Li family, would actually have contact with Red Maple.

Lin Shengtian once said before that Li Tingxian is a talented person, but he is an ambitious person!

Ji Kun had also heard this from own father Ji Xingsen, so he secretly kept it in his heart.

For Ji Kun, as long as it is Lin Moyuan’s enemy, it is his enemy!

Li Tingxian scolded Lin Moyuan in front of many shareholders, Lin Moyuan did not take the initiative to tell Ji Kun, that was once when he was drinking, Lin Moyuan accidentally leaked it.

As a result, Ji Kun, who had just sobered up the next day, found the door of Li’s house alone!

When the Li family saw Ji Kun, they did not let Ji Kun in, and blocked Ji Kun at the door.

As a result, Ji Kun opened the Hummer with his bodyguard and directly slammed the door of Li’s house open and rushed into Li Tingxian’s small courtyard. He also crushed all the flowers and plants that Li Tingxian had raised.

Fortunately, in the end Ji Xingsen arrived in time, gave Ji Kun a severe lesson, and apologized to Li Tingxian before the father and son left Li Tingxian’s yard.

Although Lin Shengtian knew about this, he was furious and cursed that Ji Kun had no quality and was not polite. As a result, when Ji Kun celebrated his birthday, he personally gave Ji Kun a Lycan supercar.

That is to say, afterwards, Ji Kun bet with Lin Moyuan, and the one that was exported…

But Lin Moyuan didn’t want it.

Thinking of all the unpleasantness he had with the Li family before, Ji Kun felt itchy teeth!

“Boss, if you go to Red Maple this time, you must bring me!”

“If I meet the grandson of the Li family again on the road, I will have to be ill-tempered!”

Upon hearing this, Lin Moyuan twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly, and said:

“Don’t mess around this time, I tell you to beat you again!”

“We’re here to find Xiao Fan this time, not to the Li family to be unlucky!”

“Do you know what I mean? Don’t be stunned! If the Li family really does anything excessive, we can settle the account after Autumn! The main goal this time is just Xiao Fan!”

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s warning, Ji Kun nodded helplessly, expressing his understanding.

In fact, Ji Kun was thinking that he would not be subject to military orders from abroad, and when he really saw the Li family, he would be so angry that he didn’t believe in the boss!

As long as Lin Moyuan also comes up, then the Li family will fight as soon as they hit. What can be done?

Can this group of people fire their father from the company?

After a light cough, Ji Kun put away the smile on his face.

Lin Moyuan didn’t notice the expression on Ji Kun’s face. He was just thinking about how to complete the hidden mission?

Could it be that he walked into the Red Maple Company so swaggeringly, and then directly found Xiao Fan, just swearing like that?

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan’s eyes suddenly lit up, and a thought came up in his heart!

At this time, the commercial vehicle that Lin Moyuan was riding in slowly stopped at the door of a hotel.

This hotel is not far from the headquarters of Red Maple, so Sophie chose such a place deliberately.

When I set off before, Lin Moyuan once said that this time I went to Gangdong City mainly to investigate Xiao Fan, so Sophie paid special attention and learned that Xiao Fan was right after Red Maple and booked this Jindong hotel. .

Jindong Hotel is located at the end of Denghuo Avenue, this whole street, once the sun sets, can give people a feeling of brilliant lights, and it is precisely because of this that this road is called Denghuo Avenue.

The hotel waiter took down the luggage for Lin Moyuan, Ji Kun, and Yang Wenwen. Lin Moyuan saw Sophie standing at the door of the hotel waiting at a glance.

Sophie was wearing jeans and a simple shirt at this time, just like an ordinary tourist, and only dressed like this, not too eye-catching.

Lin Moyuan took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, handed it to Sophie’s hand, and asked in a low voice:

“Are the rooms ready?”

Sophie’s face stiffened, and then she replied:

“Ready, but there is a small problem…”

Lin Moyuan frowned and asked:

“what is the problem?”

Sophie pursed her lips and said:

“Currently there are only two couple rooms left…”

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