Chapter 162: Gangdong City Situation!

Qin Chiyang was quickly convicted, and the evidence was very sufficient. No matter from which aspect, Qin Chiyang had no room to struggle.

At the time of the case, Qin Chiyang was alone, and no one could provide an alibi. Moreover, the entire Qin family’s grudge against Xu Lian was obvious to all. This cannot be faked.

And in Qin Chiyang’s account transaction records, 50,000 yuan was also found, and he called a mysterious account, and then found a mobile phone that was infinitely close to damage and the van in the scrap car factory.

After repairing by the technical personnel, the call records between the two masked men and Qin Chiyang were found in the mobile phone, and the evidence was conclusive.

Qin Chiyang also understood that since Qin Chiyue chose to do it, he had no room to struggle, so he didn’t even invite a lawyer and directly admitted his own crimes.

If you want to add a crime, why don’t you have no recourse?

At least in the game, can you save your life?

Qin Chiyang has always suspected that his own Little Brother does not have many contacts, how can he complete all the plans so seamlessly?

Then Qin Chiyang wanted to understand a question, and that was Lin Moyuan!

Most likely, Lin Moyuan and Qin Chiyue, the two of them, played with all the Qin family members in applause!

The first Qin family to be miserable was Qin Chiyang, but Qin Chiyang was definitely not the last!

The people behind will only get worse and worse, so Qin Chiyang has only one choice, and that is to admit his fate.

With the end of Qin Chiyang, the Qin family ushered in the rise of Qin Chiyue.

People who had been friends with Qin Chiyang in the past received gifts from Qin Chiyue one after another, which was also a way for Qin Chiyue to show that he did not care about the predecessors.

In an instant, the Qin family’s evaluation of Qin Chiyue was ascending a lot.

Qin Chiyue was placed high hopes by the Qin family. Of course, Qin Rufeng valued her future heir very seriously.

But if Qin Rufeng knew that Qin Chiyue was the one who really teamed up with Lin Moyuan, what would he think?

Gangdong City, Gangdong Airport.

An airplane slowly landed on the airport, accompanied by the unique scenery at dusk, the shell of the airplane was also covered with a layer of golden light.

Lin Moyuan took a deep breath of the fresh air in Gangdong City, which seemed a bit refreshing.

Behind Lin Moyuan, Ji Kun and Yang Wenwen were also looking around the prosperous scene of Hong Kong East City. The three of them, including Lin Moyuan, came to Hong Kong Island for the first time.

After Lin Moyuan explained some of Xiao Fan’s situation to Ji Kun, he was still a little worried, so he planned to come and see for himself.

Intuition tells Lin Moyuan that Xiao Fan must have a good chance in Gangdong City.

However, the facts made Lin Moyuan a little puzzled. He found the Lin Group’s partner in Gangdong City, and inquired about all the young entrepreneurs who have recently emerged in Gangdong City, but there was no information about Xiao Fan!

This made Lin Moyuan very curious. Could it be that Xiao Fan had nothing to do when he came to Gangdong City?

But immediately, after checking the business news about Gangdong City, Lin Moyuan found a problem!

There was a piece of news that attracted the attention of Lin Moyuan.

A novice who has just passed the professional qualification examination for stockbrokers in a short time has achieved remarkable results in the entire industry!

After passing the list in his hands, all of them are very profitable!

Lin Moyuan certainly knows something about the stockbroker industry.

This industry is inseparable from the trader.

Stockbroker is a relatively low-risk position, but it is currently one of the most promising occupations in the entire Hong Kong Island City.

Lin Moyuan didn’t know the identity of Xiao Fan before he was reborn, he just got the position of a rebirth from the system.

If the news published in the newspaper in hand, the genius stock broker mentioned is really Xiao Fan, then Lin Moyuan can almost be sure that Xiao Fan’s identity before his rebirth is definitely a business elite!

So this is interesting, because Lin Moyuan himself is also engaged in business!

And before crossing, he was also a famous genius in the business world!

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth, but he didn’t know how Xiao Fan’s level was.

Playing stocks, although Lin Moyuan asks himself that he is not as good as Buffett, he still has such a level as to abuse Xiao Fan!

After recovering, Lin Moyuan continued to look at the newspaper in his hand, thoughtfully.

Stockbrokers are generally used as a semi-freelance way. Hong Kong Island City currently has very few stock exchanges, but they have a very important position in the entire southern region of Long Country.

And Lin Moyuan noticed a detail. This so-called emerging stock genius in the business world is also named Xiao and Xiao Jin.

Lin Moyuan frowned slowly, it seemed that Xiao Fan used a pseudonym?

And this Xiao Jin is currently working at Red Maple Capital Management Co., Ltd.

The founder of this Red Maple Capital Management Co., Ltd. is called Xue Hong. This person, Lin Moyuan has heard of, he is Ye Feng’s comrade-in-arms!

This Xue Hong has some backgrounds. Originally, his family was one of the richest in Gangdong City. The strength of the Xue family in the entire Gangdong City can also be ranked in the top five.

And after Xue Hong retired from the army, he opened a capital management company on a whim, and wanted to bring Ye Feng into the company.

But Ye Feng didn’t have much interest in doing business, so he just bought shares.

However, the company established by Xue Hong on a whim has unexpectedly grown bigger and bigger in the entire Gangdong City. It has also attracted many senior talents who have returned from studying abroad, which has further strengthened the company’s team.

Most of the reason why Xiao Fan was able to get reused when he first joined the company was because he was recommended by Ye Feng.

Moreover, the registered capital of this company has reached nearly 50 billion, and the scale cannot be underestimated.

And if you don’t look at anything else, just look at the equity investment aspect, Red Maple is already at the forefront of the entire Dragon Kingdom.

But this is not the point that surprised Lin Moyuan the most. What surprised him most was that the Lin Group was actually cooperating with this company!

Lin Moyuan’s eyes widened when he saw this!

What the hell is this?

When did your father cooperate with the company in Gangdong City?

Lin Moyuan immediately took out his own cell phone and dialed Sophie’s number.

Sophie’s current identity is Lin Moyuan’s secretary, that is, the secretary of the Lin Group’s general manager.

Sophie had already arrived at Hong Kong Island one step ahead of Lin Moyuan, and this was all arranged by Lin Moyuan.

Whether you can trust Sophie again depends on Sophie’s performance.

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