Chapter One Hundred and Fifty: The Tragedy Qin Chiyang

Qin Chiyang’s mood at this time was a bit complicated, but more of it was joy.

Immediately after receiving a call from Lin Moyuan, Qin Chiyang immediately arranged for himself to ambush the inside line beside Qin Chiyue, and from Qin Chiyue’s office, he took out the ownership certificate for the entire bar street.

The girl Qin Chiyang arranged next to Qin Chiyue was a girl who had just graduated from Yunhai City Technology and Business University. She had nothing to say about her looks and body. Although her family was a bit poor, it was nothing in the eyes of the Qin family.

When this girl was brought to Qin Chiyue by Qin Chiyang, Qin Chiyang really hadn’t even touched him, for fear that his Little Brother, who had been a ghost since he was a child, would see some clues.

The matter of stealing the account book has nothing to do with this girl.

And this time, she secretly took the certificate of property rights from Qin Chiyue’s office, and all the credit was given to this girl.

Therefore, the overall process went smoothly, and Qin Chiyang should have done so, just as Lin Moyuan had expected, he did not have any doubts about Qin Chiyue.

However, what Qin Chiyang didn’t know was that his confidant, the secretary who had just graduated from university, had long been instigated!

During the period when Qin Chiyue was pulled from the position of the company’s financial director due to a problem with the account book, and was thrown to take care of the business in the bar street, this girl as Qin Chiyue’s secretary actually fell in love with Qin Chiyue!

When Lin Moyuan knew about this, he was stunned for nearly five minutes, so it was impossible for Qin Chiyang to think of it.

As for why this girl as a spy turned to like Qin Chiyue, according to Qin Chiyue’s words, it was because of the depression of that time that Qin Chiyue had a melancholy temperament, plus Qin Chiyue. Yue’s appearance was originally very handsome and handsome, so the girl quickly became fascinated by Qin Chiyue.

For this very dramatic change, Lin Moyuan could only respond with a wry smile.

It turns out that the power of love is so damn strong…

However, this was just right, but it facilitated Lin Moyuan’s plan, so there was the scene where the secretary handed over the property rights of the bar street to Qin Chiyang.

All these property rights certificates, as well as the transfer contract, are of course true. Qin Chiyang didn’t dare to cheat on them. Isn’t that tired of life?

Qin Chiyang didn’t dare to gamble at all, because he knew that although Lin Moyuan was a dude, he had always been a person who did what he said!

Once the picture of himself and Sophie was thrown in front of his father by Lin Moyuan, Qin Chiyang could almost imagine what kind of storm he would face!

Not only will I lose everything I got, but I will also be looked down upon by the family!

At that time, Qin Chiyue, who was finally suppressed, will have another chance to return to the core of the family?

Such a thing must never happen!

Following the waiter, Qin Chiyang sorted out his own mentality after arriving at the elegant room of the East Riverside Hotel, then opened the door and walked in.

The East Riverside Hotel is almost on the outskirts of Yunhai City. Although the dishes are incomparable with Michelin and Jane Eyre restaurants, it is better than the scenery!

Take the place where Lin Moyuan and the others are located, for example, the hotel has floor-to-ceiling windows on three sides, and the surrounding area is full of green lawns, and outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, there is still water flowing down the glass and soft lighting. The grade will go up in no time.

What the dishes are, the second is the next thing. The rich people are looking for an artistic conception. As long as the artistic conception is reached, it doesn’t matter even if you eat sweet potatoes.

Lin Moyuan was tasting an appetizing dessert at this time, and when Qin Chiyang opened the door and walked in, he immediately put a smile on his face.

“Brother Qin, just wondering why it hasn’t arrived yet, I thought you were stuck in a traffic jam on the road!”

“I want my bodyguard to fly a private jet to pick you up!”

“Come on, sit down!”

Qin Chiyang heard Lin Moyuan’s words, coupled with Lin Moyuan’s cheek with the word smirk almost sticking to the left and right, suddenly a strong vigilance rose in his heart!

As the saying goes, it’s not profitable that you can’t get too early, and the weasel pays New Year’s greetings to the rooster, and it’s not peaceful!

It seems that there must be a problem with the meal this time!

“Lin Moyuan, you don’t need to talk about polite remarks. I listened to disgusting, and you pretended to be disgusting. Let’s pay for it and deliver it!”

“I have brought all the property certificates and contracts of Bar Street!”

“Give me a quasi-trust, how much do you want to spend!”

Lin Moyuan heard the words, but still did not put away the smile on his face, just lowered his voice and said:

“The thing that won’t let you suffer, brother, is that the bar street is set aside in advance, let’s eat first!”

“After dinner, let’s talk about cooperation first! How about?”

“I told you brother when I met before, but we need a long-term cooperation!”

Qin Chiyang suddenly became helpless when he heard this.

He just wants to finish this stubborn business now, and then he never wants to see Lin Moyuan, who has suffered thousands of dollars in his entire life!

cooperate? If you cooperate with you, what is it? Just a bar street, you will be like this, next time you even dare to open your mouth in the Qin Group…

After a sudden chill, Qin Chiyang recovered, and then he heard Lin Moyuan’s voice.

“I gave out 100 million, what do you think?”

One billion? Qin Chiyang’s face immediately became gloomy when he heard this!

“Lin Moyuan, if you come here purely to make me happy, you don’t have to do this!”

“Even if you don’t know the price of Bar Street, you should have a number in your mind!”

“A price of 100 million yuan, how can you say it!”

If you just hear this number, of course it will be a high price.

But the price of Bar Street at that time was as high as 2 billion!

Although it was the hottest time in the bar street, two billion is not a low price!

Now the bar street is declining, and the annual income is not much, but after all, it is not a price of 100 million cabbage, you can get it at will!

Lin Moyuan suddenly smiled a little embarrassed when he heard the words, and said:

“I’m making a harmless joke, don’t mind!”

“Isn’t that seeing Brother Qin, your face is ugly, and you want to make a joke to invigorate the atmosphere!”

“Why don’t I know the price of your Qin family’s baby bar street? One billion! How?”


This price…Although it can’t be regarded as completely fair, it is at least to the extent of making a profit without losing money.

The annual income of Bar Street is about 10 million yuan. In the usual bleak years, it is only a few million yuan.

One billion is no longer a loss.

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