Chapter 148: Qin Chiyang’s actions!

“Officer Lu, I have something to discuss with you.”

Lu Yin frowned slightly when he heard Lin Moyuan’s words, and finally turned his accusing eyes to the middle-aged police officer standing behind Lin Moyuan.

Obviously he was blaming him, why did Lin Moyuan interrupt the interrogation.

The middle-aged police officer just shrugged his shoulders helplessly. After all, he is the son of the richest man in Yunhai City. Such a person will take over the entire Lin Group in the future. As the saying goes, there are multiple friends and multiple paths…

“Officer Lu, it’s just a matter of delaying your two sentences, it’s troublesome!”

Lu Yin glanced up and down at Lin Moyuan, as if seeing a new world.

What’s wrong with Lin Moyuan? Take the wrong medicine?

Why did the tone suddenly become so peaceful?

When Lu Yin didn’t transfer to Yunhai City before, he heard Own’s father say that there are two things that are not easy to provoke in Yunhai City. One is the Lin Group and the other is the Young Master Lin!

If you provoke the Lin Group, at most the lawyers of the Lin Group come to look for bad luck, but if you provoke this Young Master Lin Moyuan, it is equivalent to a toad lying on your feet, not biting or responding!

In fact, Lu Yin didn’t think he would have any contact with Lin Moyuan, but when he learned that the person calling the police was Lin Moyuan, Lu Yin still had a little expectation in his heart.

She wanted to see with her own eyes how powerful this Lin Moyuan really was that would make the police station helpless?

“Okay, my time is very limited. I hope Mr. Lin can say something nutritious!”

Lin Moyuan raised his eyebrows when he heard the words. Unexpectedly, this policewoman was still quite temperamental!

However, if you can’t bear it, you will be in a big way, and now there is a conflict with this police officer, and there is no benefit.

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“It is indeed a very important thing.”

Lu Yin stood up half-believingly and left the interrogation room.

Ye Feng looked at Lin Moyuan’s gaze, becoming a bit strange, it should be said that he was full of vigilance.

Because Lin Moyuan’s expression is too calm!

Lin Moyuan followed Lu Yin and came to another empty interrogation room. Lu Yin motioned Lin Moyuan to sit down and talk. Lin Moyuan did not refuse, and sat down directly on the chair, and said with a smile:

“Unexpectedly, I haven’t been to the police station for so long. The chairs are getting more and more comfortable. Are these new batches replaced?”

Lu Yin looked at Lin Moyuan with a smile on his face, only feeling very speechless.

“Lin Moyuan, is this what you want to tell me?”

Lin Moyuan’s face straightened when he heard the words and replied:

“Of course not! I know that Officer Lu is also suspecting that this kidnapping case has something to do with Ye Feng!”

“But the maximum detention time is 24 hours. Within these 24 hours, if you can’t find clues, you can only release people!”

When Lu Yin heard Lin Moyuan’s words, he nodded with a serious face. Yes, although Lin Moyuan was very unpopular, there was nothing wrong with his words.

Lin Moyuan saw Lu Yin nodding, and continued smiling:

“I have a way, that is to sue Ye Feng for deliberately hurting people! Tang Qi’s bodyguards are still lying in the hospital!”

“Moreover, some people’s injuries are serious! So deliberate injury may still be established!”

“And even if it is not established in the end, then Ye Feng will still be detained for an extended period of time!”

After listening to Lin Moyuan’s words, Lu Yin’s eyes flashed for an instant, and he asked curiously:

“This method is indeed good, but I am very curious, how did you know that I was suspicious of Ye Feng?”

“Can’t I doubt Tang Qi?”

Lin Moyuan shrugged helplessly and said:

“Tang Qi didn’t have the guts to kidnap Qi Yanyu! And he is not a fool. In Yunhai City, the Lin Group will let him go. ?”

Sitting in front of a policeman, and being able to say these words so confidently, Lin Moyuan can be said to be Xie Zi Ba Ba alone.

However, although Lu Yin seemed a bit unhappy on the surface of the mountain, he agreed with Lin Moyuan’s words in his heart.

Tang Qi didn’t dare to do this at all!

That’s why Ye Feng is the biggest suspect!

“Miss Lu, I already understand what I mean, so let’s stop here. I have something to do, so let’s go first!”

While talking, Lin Moyuan stood up, tidied his own suit, smiled and pushed open the door of the interrogation room, and walked out.

Looking at the back of Lin Moyuan leaving, Lu Yin always felt something was wrong, but he didn’t say anything to stop it.

Lin Moyuan was in a very good mood. Not only did he spot a traitor, but he also caused some trouble to Ye Feng, the son of luck. It was only two birds with one stone.

But Ye Feng’s mood is exactly the opposite!

Lin Moyuan inadvertently prevented Ye Feng from making a move!

That was the call that Ye Feng failed to make!

Ye Feng just wanted to make a call, but a big man from Yanjing, if this big man spoke, then the Yunhai City Police Department would have to release Ye Feng.

But this call was interrupted by Lin Moyuan, and it took a full few days before Ye Feng could touch the phone…

Ye Feng’s mood at this time, even if it were described by the two words depressed, seemed very pale.

Just when Lin Moyuan walked out of the police station, his cell phone rang again.

Lin Moyuan took out his cell phone and glanced at the caller ID, it turned out to be Qin Chiyang’s call!

It seems that there can be a result for the Pub Street thing?

I just don’t know what choice Qin Chiyang will make.

Is it because I want to die with Lin Moyuan, I’m sorry, you don’t think about it, or you give in and promise Lin Moyuan to offer your hands on Bar Street?

Naturally, Lin Moyuan was also very curious, so as soon as he got into the car, he answered the phone.

While signalling Ji Kun to drive, Lin Moyuan said to the other side of the phone:

“Qin Chiyang, Qin Da Young Master, how about it? Are you going to die and break your face with our Lin Group, and then watch Qin Chiyue rise step by step, pressing you down again, or are you planning to cooperate with me and bring you together? That Little Brother can’t turn over forever?”

On the other side of the phone, Qin Chiyang, after listening to Lin Moyuan’s words, seemed to be silent for a while, then said:

“Lin Moyuan, you win this time!”

“I signed a contract with you! Agree to transfer Bar Street to you!”

“But now the bar street is in Qin Chiyue’s hands, I will draw up the contract now!”

When Lin Moyuan heard this, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Unexpectedly, Qin Chiyang would eventually succumb.

“Well, let’s make an appointment to meet in the evening, and remember to bring the contract!”

“Also, don’t think about playing tricks, or I promise, that picture of you will appear on your father’s bedside table tonight!”

On the other side of the phone, there was a sudden sound of something breaking. It was obvious that Qin Chiyang was getting angry.

Lin Moyuan moved the phone receiver away a bit, but the smile on his face did not diminish in the slightest.

After a while, on the other side of the phone, Qin Chiyang’s deep voice rang again.

“A word is settled!”


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