Chapter 145: A big misunderstanding!

Lin Moyuan saw this scene in the field, especially when he saw Ye Feng’s surprised expression, don’t mention how happy he was!

Boy, didn’t you think you would have a gun pointed at the head this day, right?

Later, Tang Qi also saw the police, his face was a little bit puzzled, but he was not surprised at all.

Tang Qi had similar ideas to Ye Feng, thinking that these policemen were kidnapped because of Qi Yanyu, and then rushed to the scene.

Neither Tang Qi nor Ye Feng overlooked a key figure, that is, Ye Feng, who is very suspicious!

“Everyone! Put down all the weapons in your hands! Hold your head in your hands! Squat on the ground!”

Hearing the female police officer’s voice, everyone in the scene was taken aback!

Tang Qi took the lead and said:

“This police officer! It’s that Ye Feng colluded with the kidnappers and kidnapped Chairman Qi! It has nothing to do with me!”

When Lu Yin heard Tang Qi’s words, her pretty face immediately became gloomy!

what’s the situation? It was even involved in the kidnapping case?

Then this matter is not generally tricky!

Chairman Qi, is it the chairman of Qiyun Shengshi Group?

Thinking of this, Lu Yin said immediately:

“No matter who I am in collusion with whom, you all have to return to the police station with me for investigation!”

Afterwards, Lu Yin patrolled the entire venue and found Qi Yanyu sitting in the corner with a haggard face.

Lu Yin stepped forward immediately, helped Qi Yanyu up, and asked in a low voice:

“Chairman Qi, there is nothing serious, right?”

Although Qi Yanyu was very weak, she shook her head and said:

“I’m fine… but what’s the situation?”

Upon hearing this, Lu Yin said immediately:

“That person named Ye Feng is your bodyguard? Before we get the results of the investigation, they all have suspicions, so they have to go back to the police station.”

Qi Yanyu originally wanted to say something, but in the end he remained silent.

Because Qi Yanyu has a feeling that he kidnapped his own person, not in these two groups of people!

Not to mention that Ye Feng couldn’t do such a thing, even Tang Qi would not choose this kind of brainless approach at all!

Tang Qi pursued Qi Yanyu for two years, so Qi Yanyu still knew what kind of person Tang Qi was.

But this is all my own conjecture. Let the police investigate this matter.

Ye Feng and Tang Qi glanced at each other, feeling a few twists in their hearts at the same time, always feeling that something was wrong!

Ye Feng is naturally not a fool to become a son of luck. Although Tang Qi is immersed in Qi Yanyu’s beauty, he is able to become the manager of Shengtang Company step by step, and he is naturally not mentally retarded!

Both of them thought that these police officers came to the factory to investigate Qi Yanyu’s kidnapping, so no one on either side showed any panic expressions!

But after the police arrived, the two found that the policewoman who took the lead didn’t seem to know about Qi Yanyu’s kidnapping before!

Standing on the side watching the liveliness, Lin Moyuan suddenly smelled a weird breath. Looking at the eyes of Tang Qi and Ye Feng, he suddenly said a bad sound, and then immediately walked between the two people, with a somewhat puzzled expression on their faces. Confuse.

“No… Two, why did you fight each other?”

“Could it be that you regard each other as kidnappers, right?”

“Misunderstanding, this is a big misunderstanding!”

Hearing what Lin Moyuan said, Ye Feng and Tang Qi were stunned at the same time!

Ye Feng realized that Tang Qi was also here to save Qi Yanyu, right?

Lin Moyuan’s expression became more and more helpless, and the look in Tang Qi’s eyes was also very strange.

“I said Manager Tang, what do you think?”

“Ye Feng is Chairman Qi’s bodyguard! How could he collude with the kidnappers?”

“Your behavior makes me speechless… It’s all a misunderstanding!”

Tang Qi flushed, but still said stiffly:

“Where did I know that he was here to save Misty Rain…”

At this time, Lu Yin assisted Qi Yanyu and walked out of the factory building with a serious expression on his face:

“I don’t care if you have anything to do with this kidnapping case, now you have to go back with me for investigation!”

“All get in the car!”

When Lin Moyuan heard these words, he sighed helplessly. It seemed that he was a little bit overwhelmed. He came to Qi Yanyu’s side and said:

“Chairman Qi, why don’t you take my car to the hospital. The police officer Lu will go back and investigate.”

When Lu Yin heard the words, he also nodded and turned to look at Qi Yanyu.

Naturally, Qi Yanyu had to agree. Qi Yanyu’s bodyguard was only Ye Feng. The rest of the bodyguards are still looking for their own figures in the entire Yunhai City like headless flies…

Lin Moyuan got Qi Yanyu out of Lu Yin’s hands, and helped her walk towards the Mercedes Benz of his own.

When Ji Kun saw this, he also hurriedly followed behind these two people. For no reason, he couldn’t help but laugh…

Seeing Ye Feng and Tang Qi look at each other with stunned expressions, he couldn’t help it!

Lin Moyuan had already supported Qi Yanyu and returned to the car.

Qi Yanyu was also very puzzled. At the time, she was outside the hotel, preparing to get on his own car, and then went to discuss with Lin Shengtian about the specific matters of the business meeting. In fact, he wanted to persuade Lin Shengtian to abandon the Shengtang company and directly cooperate with him.

But just when he reached the door of the car, a van that rammed from the parking lot suddenly stopped next to own, and then two people walked out of the car. Then, Qi Yanyu didn’t know anything.

The whole thing revealed a weird meaning. According to the general kidnapper’s routine, it shouldn’t be a threat to Qi Yanyu, or ask her not to intervene in chip development, or is it to blackmail money?

But this group of kidnappers threw Qi Yanyu in the abandoned factory, and there is no more!

Qi Yanyu always felt that something was wrong. Could it be that these kidnappers kidnapped him because they were bored?

Lin Moyuan was sitting in the position of the co-pilot at this time. Ji Kun pulled the car door and took the role of the driver. Qi Yanyu couldn’t even think of killing Qi Yanyu. The culprit who kidnapped own was sitting in the co-pilot!

“Qi Miss, how are you feeling now? Is there a serious problem?”

When Qi Yanyu heard Lin Moyuan’s words, he recovered from his doubts, and then shook his head and said:

“Nothing, but Manager Tang and Ye Feng…what the hell is going on?”

When Lin Moyuan heard this, he sighed deeply and said:

“I think you should ask them both about this matter…”

“They are here to save you, at least on the surface!”

“But why did they fight as soon as they met? I can’t find the answer to this question. Is it because the two sides have been grieving for a long time?”

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