Chapter 141: This is villain!

Just as Sophie was sitting on the ground and desperate, Lin Moyuan walked forward slowly, took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, then gently spit out the smoke on Sophie’s face, whispering:

“Now before you, there are two ways. One is to never repent and continue to be Ye Feng’s pawn. Then I will go to the police station to report on you and steal trade secrets! As long as you go in, you will carry the case for the rest of your life. !”

“Believe me, even if my father knew about this, he would be on my side! Because I am his son! And you are just a traitor he raised!”

“I believe that in this regard, my father and mine will have the same views!”

“The second way is to continue to follow me, I can act as if nothing has happened! But if you still choose Ye Feng and secretly inform Ye Feng, then don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

After saying this, Lin Moyuan took another cigarette and slowly closed his eyes.

“You should be grateful to me. Now I am used to betrayal. If you change to the me you used to be, you will only be worse than dead!”

After Lin Moyuan said this, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Sophie who was trembling in front of him. Then he straightened up without a trace of mercy in his eyes.

“Tell me your answer, remember, there is only one chance, and I don’t have much patience!”

【drop! Your words completely shattered Sophie’s psychological defense! Meet the setting of villain! villain value +9999! 】

Completely smashed the psychological line of defense? very good!

What you want is this effect!

A bit of happiness rose in Lin Moyuan’s heart, but it did not show it on the bright side.

He was still curious, how would Sophie choose?

Sophie didn’t immediately tell own’s answer, she just had her eyelids drooping and she couldn’t make any expressions.

Lin Moyuan is facing Sophie now, but Ji Kun beside Lin Moyuan has been staring at Sophie, for fear that Sophie will do something when there is nowhere to go.

However, Ji Kun saw that in the corner of Sophie’s eyes, there was a drop of crystal tears, slowly falling on the soft carpet.

After five or six minutes, Sophie finally spoke.

“I choose… the second way!”

When Lin Moyuan heard the words, he opened his own eyes instantly, and there was a touch of joy in his eyes. It seems that Sophie finally chose to succumb!

Afterwards, Lin Moyuan had a very false smile on his face, turned around and squatted in front of Sophie, and said:

“Your choice is very wise, and I am very satisfied. I intend to conceal this matter for you so that my father will not know it!”

“Also, don’t show any flaws on Ye Feng’s side for now, do you understand what I mean?”

Sophie heard the words, raised her eye sockets that were still a little red, glanced at Lin Moyuan, and asked in a low voice:

“But… Haven’t I been exposed now?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and gently wiped the tears from the corners of Sophie’s eyes, then patted Sophie’s cheek and said:

“You can tell Ye Feng that when I found out, I killed myself and refused to admit it, and proved my innocence, so that even if Ye Feng had doubts in his heart, he wouldn’t be able to do anything to you! Understand?”

Sophie suddenly realized that Lin Moyuan meant to let herself continue acting on Ye Feng’s side and continue to pass on some information to Ye Feng, but it was all false information. In this way, no matter what Ye Feng does, it’s on Lin Moyuan’s side. Downwind everywhere!

Sophie gritted her teeth and heard the back of Ye Feng’s resolute departure. She gritted her teeth and agreed.

Lin Moyuan smiled and nodded, then stretched out his hand to untie Sophie’s hands, and gently helped Sophie pat the dust on her clothes. She looked very gentleman, but in Sophie’s eyes, Lin Moyuan undoubtedly Already in the image of a devil!

“The next thing is left to you. I’m going to prepare for the business meeting.”

“What should be said, what should not be said, I believe you know it in your heart!”

After Lin Moyuan said this, he didn’t look back at Sophie again, but left the suite directly.

Ji Kun also immediately followed Lin Moyuan, glanced at Sophie before leaving, still with alert in his eyes.

Ji Kun did not fully believe in Sophie. In his opinion, people like Sophie are not worthy of trust for the second time!

But choosing to hand over the task to Sophie, after all, was Lin Moyuan’s decision, and Ji Kun naturally couldn’t say anything.

Lin Moyuan turned around and went to the hotel lobby, ready to go back to the group with Ji Kun, and ask Dad own about the current Lin Group stocks.

If you want to reach cooperation with these two companies, you must first look at the stock situation.

Shengtang’s stock has always been in a very stable state, showing a slow ascending trend.

But Qiyun Shengshi Group’s stock market looks a little strange.

Lin Moyuan suspected that the chick Qi Yanyu might be playing a good short-handed trick!

Because Qi Yunshengshi’s stock market data has always been in a state of slow decline, and there has even been a downward limit!

In this case, I’m either preparing to collect funds and preparing to make a big move, or I do encounter difficulties!

Of the two, Lin Moyuan certainly hopes that Qi Yun Shengshi will encounter the second situation. As long as Qi Yun Shengshi’s technology issues cause the stock market to have a down limit, then the Lin Group can take advantage of it!

If the opportunity is well grasped, then this cooperation can lay the foundation for the future acquisition of Qiyun Shengshi Group!

Don’t look at the Yanjing Qi family standing behind Qi Yanyu. In fact, Qi Yanyu has always had a poor relationship with the family. Tang Qi told Lin Moyuan the news.

As a suitor of Qi Yanyu and the son of Shengtang Group, the second giant technology company in Suijiang City, Tang Qi naturally knew a lot of inside information.

After all, Lin Moyuan had to thank this young man who was seduced by beauty, otherwise he would not get such important news.

Saying that Cao Cao would be here, Lin Moyuan just thought of the Tang Qitang manager, Tang Qi appeared in front of Lin Moyuan.

“Yeah, Brother Lin, what are you going to do?”

Lin Moyuan saw Tang Qi, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and then immediately switched to an anxious expression!

“Brother Tang Qi, do you know something has happened!”

“Chairman Qi was taken away! It’s in the west of the city! Just now her bodyguard has set off!”

When Tang Qi heard this news, his face immediately became gloomy!

“Brother Lin, tell me the specific address! I’ll take someone there now!”

“What kind of rubbish are the bodyguards around Yanyu? Do you want them to come to eat?”

Lin Moyuan also sighed, and said in an’unstoppable anger’:

“Yes, especially the Ye Feng next to Chairman Qi! It’s a jerk!”

“Before I went out, I told him not to leave Chairman Qi’s side! He just wouldn’t listen!”

“In turn, while Chairman Qi is busy, go out to hook up the little girl! Drink and have fun!”

When Tang Qi heard this, his face suddenly became even more ugly!

Is there such a bodyguard? What is left for? Just fire it!

“Brother Lin, it shouldn’t be too late, I’ll go first, and wait until Misty Rain is safe, and I will definitely invite you to dinner!”

Lin Moyuan nodded solemnly.

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