Chapter 14: I like obedient people

Seeing Tang Yurou didn’t say anything to refuse, Lin Moyuan nodded in satisfaction.

It seems that the image of own has gradually buried a shadow in Tang Yurou’s heart!

This is easier.

Soon after eating breakfast, Lin Moyuan led Tang Yurou out of the villa’s door.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the villa, Lin Moyuan stretched out his hand to Tang Yurou.

Tang Yurou was taken aback by Lin Moyuan’s behavior and couldn’t help but retreated two steps.

Then I saw Lin Moyuan’s scrutinizing eyes!

This look brought Tang Yurou’s shadow so serious that Tang Yurou subconsciously wanted to avoid this dude’s gaze.

However, Lin Moyuan’s hand still didn’t take it back.

After a stalemate for a while, Tang Yurou finally couldn’t hold it, and passed her own hand over.

If this continues, it will only be herself who will suffer, Tang Yurou knows very well in her heart.

As soon as she touched Lin Moyuan’s hand, Tang Yurou felt a burst of power, and then she was pulled into Lin Moyuan’s arms!

Lin Moyuan looked at Tang Yurou in his arms, sniffed the faint fragrance of the girl’s body, his expression was frivolous and domineering:

“I like obedient people, remember, don’t hesitate in the future, this is the last time!”

While talking, Lin Moyuan gently stroked the girl’s chin with his fingers, and then released her delicate body.

Lin Moyuan’s fingers gave Tang Yurou a numb sensation, and it took a long time for her to recover.

【drop! Your frivolous behavior scared a kind girl! Meet the villain style! villain value +999! 】

Listening to the system prompt, Lin Moyuan felt a sense of accomplishment, and then he opened the door of the limousine in front of him very gentlemanly.

Tang Yurou didn’t hesitate this time, and went straight in.

This luxury car is this year’s new Bentley.

There are only ten units in the world, and the entire Dragon Kingdom is owned by only two people.

One of them was Lin Moyuan’s father.

Tang Yurou had no idea about these luxury cars, because she never thought that one day she would be able to sit in a seat that she could not afford in her entire life.

Just sitting on the seat, Lin Moyuan’s voice sounded in his ears again.

“is it beautiful?”

Tang Yurou looked up subconsciously, but found that the roof of this extended Bentley was covered with roses of all kinds!

Looking around, there are all the shadows of roses!

This scene shocked Tang Yurou’s heart.

That girl doesn’t cherish spring?

Since she is a girl, she would never refuse romantic things at all!

At this moment, a small seed was planted in Tang Yurou’s heart, hidden very tightly, just waiting for the day to germinate!

Seeing the girl’s red profile face reflected by the roses, Lin Moyuan’s heart suddenly became firmer!

He and Xiao Fan are destined to be enemies of life and death!

So Tang Yurou definitely can’t return to Xiao Fan’s embrace!

Otherwise, God knows what kind of change will happen?

With the exaggeration of this system, it is estimated that it is possible to be killed directly by the sky thunder!

Therefore, Xiao Fan must be resolved!

Tang Yurou’s heart, he must also get it!

At this moment, Lin Moyuan’s phone rang.

Picking up the phone, turning on the caller ID, the one who called was Lin Moyuan’s capable man, Ji Kun!

Ji Kun’s loyalty to Lin Moyuan is obvious to all.

Ji Kun’s father had been fighting the world with Lin Moyuan’s father and was his right-hand man.

The same is true for Ji Kun. He has been with Lin Moyuan since he was a child. From kindergarten to elementary school, from elementary school to junior high school, to university, he followed Lin Moyuan.

In fact, Ji Kun’s academic performance is not very good at all. Basically, it can be said that he can’t even pass the high school exam.

But who is Lin Moyuan?

The son of the richest man in Yunhai!

It was just a matter of opening his mouth, Ji Kun was admitted to Yunhai University unimpeded all the way!

In the same class with Lin Moyuan!

However, these two brothers have not taken much class, and the only time in class was to have a love affair with the female teacher.

Although Ji Kun’s grades were not good, he was truly loyal to Lin Moyuan! And the level of service is absolutely top-notch!

Lin Moyuan made him stare at Xiao Fan, and now that he is calling, it must be Xiao Fan’s situation!

Without any hesitation, Lin Moyuan directly connected to the phone.


“Young Master! That little bastard has action!”

Lin Moyuan raised his eyebrows when he heard this. It was only the next day that Xiao Fan took action?

“What did he do?”

“The kid went to a lottery station. He squatted at the door waiting in the morning before opening the door, but he didn’t see him in when he opened the door, as if he was waiting for someone.”

“Young Master, should I find some people to clean up this kid?”

Lottery station?

What is this kid doing at the lottery station?

Don’t you want to earn some extra money?

At this moment, an idea suddenly appeared in Lin Moyuan’s mind!

This kid is a reborn son of luck!

These things he did, they must have goals!

If this kid wants to deal with himself, what is the most lacking?


It is so easy for a person who has returned from rebirth to buy a lottery ticket and win a prize!

Lin Moyuan quickly calmed down, and then said:

“Don’t worry about this, just stare at him!”

“Also, don’t startle the snake! Remember, don’t let this kid discover your existence!”

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Moyuan felt that his own sleeve was being grabbed by someone!

Lin Moyuan looked down, and it was Tang Yurou who had grabbed his own sleeve!

“Didn’t you say that, I’ll go with you, won’t you do anything to Fan Big Brother?”

Seeing Tang Yurou’s expression, Lin Moyuan felt a little irritable!

“Did you hear me saying that you want to do him? I’m just watching him!”


A rich second-generation son worth hundreds of billions, would he beware of a small college student?

Who would believe this sentence?

Tang Yurou couldn’t know Xiao Fan’s background any more!

What threat does an ordinary college student coming out of the mountainous area pose to Lin Moyuan?

Obviously, Tang Yurou thought these words were just excuses Lin Moyuan had said in order to threaten him.

Lin Moyuan saw Tang Yurou’s expression and knew that she didn’t believe her own words.

“I tell you, I was forced to do this!”

“You know, this Xiao, but he is staring at me all the time!”

“You don’t know how he feels for you!”

“Now this kid thinks that what I did to you will definitely do everything possible to retaliate!”

“If it weren’t, I would care about an ant? I just want to protect myself!”

Lin Moyuan’s words really meant something from the bottom of his heart.

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