Chapter 137: The Tip of the Iceberg

As soon as Yang Donghua’s voice fell, Lin Moyuan sent a copy of the file to Yang Donghua.

“Look at your mailbox. This is a surveillance video file, but it was manipulated. You can see if you can restore it.”

“The price is easy to say, what I want is a complete surveillance video!”

Yang Donghua has always been a resolute and resolute character. After responding, he hung up the phone, opened the email, and focused on the video.

On Lin Moyuan’s side, putting down the phone and watching the still dark video on the computer, his eyes became a little dangerous.

Sophie obviously had a problem, so Ji Kunduo had to run away for the next thing!

Picking up the phone, edited a text message and sent it to Ji Kun.

The content of the text message is very simple, but the content is enough to excite Ji Kun!

“Kunzi, I have a job, I promise to stimulate, don’t do it!”

As expected by Lin Moyuan, Ji Kun returned the news three minutes later.

“Of course!”

Lin Moyuan smiled, looked at the computer screen, owning a shadow, and slowly narrowed his eyes.

After a while, Lin Moyuan’s mailbox issued a beep. Lin Moyuan opened the mailbox and saw a video file.

Soon, Lin Moyuan’s cell phone rang again, it was a call from Yang Donghua.

“Hello? Boss, I have analyzed it for you here, but this person who deleted the video has very powerful methods and should be superior to me, so I can only recover a small part.”

Lin Moyuan replied calmly upon hearing this:

“It’s okay, as long as I can find the information I want in the video, your credit will not be wasted!”

Yang Donghua nodded to express understanding, and then hung up the phone.

Looking at this video file, Lin Moyuan showed no mood swings for the first time. Maybe it was because he was a little numb, right?

Taking a deep breath, Lin Moyuan clicked on the video with his mouse, and the truth might be hidden in it.

The opening scene of the video was still an empty parking lot, but Lin Moyuan frowned, because something seemed to be different at the beginning!

Could it be that I read it wrong before?

The footage recorded by the previous surveillance camera did not have that Jetta at all!

That’s right, in the parking lot, next to the sports car that originally belonged to Lin Moyuan, there was an extra Jetta!

This Jetta, no matter how you look at it, is a bit strange!

Where is Yunhai Hotel?

What kind of identity can someone who drives a Jetta live in?

Could this be Ye Feng’s car?

Lin Moyuan frowned, the more he thought about it, the more likely he was!

And at this moment, the door of the Jetta driver’s seat was opened, and a figure familiar to Lin Moyuan walked out of the door!

This person is definitely Ye Feng!

This also confirmed all Lin Moyuan’s previous speculations!

Ye Feng pushed open the door of own car, came to the side of Lin Moyuan’s sports car, knocked on the window lightly, and then the door was opened, Sophie got out of the car!

Sophie looked at Ye Feng with full alertness. From the perspective of the surveillance camera, Lin Moyuan couldn’t see Ye Feng’s expression because Ye Feng was facing the surveillance camera, but Sophie’s gaze made Lin Moyuan frown.

It turned out to be a wary look? Did Sophie know that there are surveillance cameras and she is acting for herself?

In other words, Sophie really didn’t know Ye Feng? Did you blame her wrong?

However, the next scene made Lin Moyuan’s expression gloomy again!

It turned out that Ye Feng seemed to have taken something out of his pocket and handed it over to Sophie’s hand. At this moment, Sophie’s expression changed from alert to unbelievable, and there was a bit of surprise!

No matter what Ye Feng brought out, there must be something strange in it!

Lin Moyuan gently rubbed the platinum ring on his hand, his eyes slowly narrowed, and then fast-forwarded the surveillance video for a while. Sophie seemed to be communicating with Ye Feng. The two spoke for nearly ten minutes. Ye Feng Then he handed Sophie something, and then turned and left.

Sophie looked at Ye Feng, closing the door and drove away, as if she was attracted by Ye Feng, her gaze had been locked on Ye Feng’s Jetta for a long time, and she refused to return.

The video played right here, and then it became a black screen again.

Lin Moyuan let out a sigh of relief, it seems that there is already a result now.

Sophie, there is indeed a problem, and the problem is not small. It is estimated that Sophie has defected now?

This feeling of betrayal is really familiar…

On Lin Moyuan’s face, the joy, anger and sorrow were no longer visible.

In any case, this matter should not be known to own father and mother for the time being, or God knows how sad they will be.

The best way now is to figure out why Sophie became like this, and to find the cause of the problem, then the problem can be solved.

What did Ye Feng show Sophie?

Why is Sophie like a different person?

All this requires careful consideration.

After thinking for a while, Lin Moyuan had a solution, and then he picked up the phone and dialed Ji Kun’s number.

Ji Kun’s cell phone is on Lin Moyuan’s side, and it seems to be always online 24 hours a day. Every time Lin Moyuan calls, Ji Kun can always answer it immediately.

“Hello? Boss, how’s it going?”

“Come on, what’s the matter?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and said:

“There is a task to be handed over to you, it is still to follow, but to follow my Big sis!”

Lin Moyuan seemed to say the words Big sis very hard.

Ji Kun was slightly confused, and then asked:

“Boss, no? Is it really that Sophie has a problem?”

“What are you still following? Just turn your head back and tell Uncle Lin and send your Big sis away!”

“Anyway, I never recognized this Big sis. Since I was a child, you have always been the boss. You have been covering me. I have never heard of any Big sis!”

Lin Moyuan said in a low voice:

“I need to consider this matter again later. You can help me keep an eye on the movement of my Big sis, and I will explain the details to you later!”

“Also, how is the investigation over there? Is there any news about my Big sis?”

Upon hearing this, Ji Kun immediately replied:

“I have asked both of them to check, and now I have a bit of eyebrows, but the source of the news has yet to be determined. When they have confirmed it, we will tell us the result!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, and then continued:

“Okay, then you go to the Yunhai City Hotel in a while, Sophie is there, be careful not to be found! By the way, be careful of a person named Ye Feng, I will send you the photo in a while!”

Ji Kun nodded when he heard the words, expressing his understanding.

Ye Feng?

Who is this kid?

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