Chapter 126: I’m threatening you!

“System! Open the eyes of true vision!”

This thought just appeared in Lin Moyuan’s heart, and Lin Moyuan’s front was bright.

Immediately afterwards, an attribute panel appeared beside Sophie.

Name: Su Fei

Age: 22

Height: 170

Faction: villain (our side)

Loyalty: 90 (can be trusted)

There are ninety points of loyalty?

What’s the situation?

Sophie just came to own?

Lin Moyuan was puzzled for a while, but then suddenly realized!

It must be because Sophie was adopted by Lin Shengtian, which led to Sophie being loyal to the Lin family!

Sophie’s loyalty is not entirely aimed at own, but aimed at the entire Lin family!

Lin Moyuan shook his head mockingly. This means that Sophie was adopted. But if Sophie has some identity, how can she care so much about an unlearned dude?

Some people are respectful to Lin Moyuan on the surface, but no one thinks behind him that Lin Moyuan has a good father!

The change in Lin Moyuan’s expression was of course caught by Sophie, but Sophie was a little confused.

Why does the Little Brother in name seem to be desolate and lonely?

Without waiting for Sophie to observe carefully, Lin Moyuan had already stood up, as if it was a different person at that moment.

“Sister, what are you looking at?”

“Let’s go, our task has been completed, and then we will look at Qin Chiyue’s side!”

While talking, Lin Moyuan stretched his waist and walked out of the room first.

Sophie followed Lin Moyuan step by step, with deep doubts in her eyes.

Why did Lin Moyuan suddenly call himself Big sis?

Why does Lin Moyuan feel lonely on his body?

It seems that my Little Brother is definitely not as simple as it seems…

Qin Chiyang only felt that he had a splitting headache.

The moment he opened his eyes, Qin Chiyang immediately sat up straight, looking at the luxuriously decorated but very strange room in front of him, and he couldn’t remember what happened for a while!

Obviously, Qin Chiyang has a fragment!

Lin Moyuan’s addiction to the wine is so full of medicinal and medicinal strength, and the whiskey’s original strength is not low, so that Qin Chiyang didn’t understand what had happened until after sitting on the bed for half an hour.

A surveillance camera was installed in Qin Chiyang’s room, so Lin Moyuan knew it the moment Qin Chiyang woke up.

Immediately, Qin Chiyang’s cell phone rang.

Qin Chiyang didn’t pay attention to who was calling, so he connected directly.

“Hello? Brother Qin, are you awake?”

Only then did Qin Chiyang react. It turned out that it was the call from Lin Moyuan, so he subconsciously replied:

“Well, I just woke up too, last night… why didn’t I have any impression?”

Lin Moyuan twitched the corner of his mouth helplessly. He didn’t expect that Qin Chiyang would have a piece of it!

It seems that the effect of this mystery/drug is really very powerful…

But this is better!

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Moyuan’s mouth. He changed his other hand to hold the phone, and said with a smile:

“Brother Qin, you are such an honorable person who has forgotten about things, don’t you remember the love of fish and water with my bodyguard?”

“Brother Qin, you are so powerful, my bodyguard has taken a leave of absence today! I admire him! I admire him!”

Qin Chiyang suddenly looked confused, what’s the situation?

Could it be that I was already with the bodyguard next to Lin Moyuan last night…

That’s not right! Then why don’t you have any impression of yourself?

“No, I said Brother Lin, last night…”

Lin Moyuan did not give Qin Chiyang a chance to speak, but continued with a smile:

“Brother Qin, you agreed to give me the bar street last night!”

“You didn’t even forget this, did you? We even signed the agreement!”

When Qin Chiyang heard this, his face immediately became gloomy!

Something is wrong!

I still can’t remember what happened last night!

This is not a fragment at all! But Lin Moyuan is very likely to have moved his hands and feet in the wine!

“Lin Moyuan! Do you consider me a fool? Who would believe your nonsense?”

“Did you move your hands or feet with the wine last night? Don’t think I don’t know!”

When Lin Moyuan heard this, a disdainful smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“What are you talking about? Brother Qin, you obviously agreed yesterday!”

“Why would I use my hands and feet in the drinks? I really didn’t!”

Treat you as a fool? That’s right! The little master just treats you as a fool!

Qin Chiyang’s expression suddenly became more gloomy, and he unexpectedly followed Lin Moyuan’s way!

When did Lin Moyuan become so fine? When fighting with him in the bar before, this kid hadn’t had such a scheming!

But the question right now is what Lin Moyuan did to himself while he was in a coma!

“Lin Moyuan! I warn you! Don’t try to get your hands on Bar Street! This is what I said! Do you understand?”

“As long as I’m Qin Chiyang in one day, you don’t want to get the bar street!”

Lin Moyuan’s mouth pulled out a cruel arc, and said with a smile:

“I said Brother Qin, look at your mailbox, I have a small gift for you!”

“After receiving the gift, you will consider the issue of Bar Street again! Trust me, you will make a smart choice at that time!”

After saying this, Lin Moyuan hung up the phone, without giving Qin Chiyang another opportunity to speak.

Qin Chiyang looked at the phone that had been hung up in his hand, his face became even more gloomy!

He didn’t expect that Lin Moyuan really had such courage!

I didn’t expect Lin Moyuan to calculate himself!

Qin Chiyang looked at the empty wine bottle on the bedside table, and threw the wine bottle out without getting angry!

The wine bottle slammed into the wall and instantly turned into fragments.

Qin Chiyang’s eyes gradually darkened, and then he picked up the cell phone beside him, resisted his anger and opened the cell phone mailbox!

Qin Chiyang took a deep breath, and then clicked in.

The email was a photo, it was Sophie, the bodyguard next to Lin Moyuan!

Sophie’s all-in-one pajamas look very attractive, and beside Sophie, isn’t it the sleeping self?

Qin Chiyang saw this, once again furious!

Unexpectedly, Lin Moyuan’s move was actually a beauty trick!

Below this email is a paragraph. Qin Chiyang took a look at it calmly. The meaning of the words is very simple. If Qin Chiyang doesn’t want to hand over Bar Street to Lin Moyuan, this photo will be exposed!

“Lin Moyuan! Daddy remembers you!”

“You kid can’t die!”


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