Chapter 114: Playing the violin again

“Teacher Su, this is the fourth time you have said this sentence!”

“Will your conscience hurt?”

Su Tanxiang glared at Lin Moyuan, and then walked toward the depths of the alley again.

Before Su Tanxiang Life had never had the chance to come into contact with ordinary people’s Life outside in the world of fine clothes and jade food, so I never knew that these people usually sit in the car, just glance at the alley, there can be so many. Tasty and fun things.

Director Su of the dignified Yunhai University was as excited as a child. Who would believe it?

Just when Su Tanxiang came to the corner of the alley, a pleasant violin sound came from the left.

The moment he heard this sound, Su Tanxiang was attracted!

She suddenly remembered the last time Lin Moyuan played the violin, and simply walked in the direction of the sound.

Lin Moyuan naturally noticed Su Tanxiang’s movements, and naturally raised his footsteps and followed her behind.

Su Tanxiang came to the corner of the street and saw a young man in a simple dress, holding a very old-looking violin, playing with emotion.

In the piano box next to him, there were already a lot of paper money scattered in it, all of which were five yuan and ten yuan, and there were a few 100 yuan.

What makes Su Tanxiang feel strange is that there is a beggar beside the young man, and from time to time he sneaks forward to take two large-denomination banknotes while the young man is not paying attention!

The young man is always indifferent, as if he hadn’t seen it.

I just immersed myself in the world of my own, playing an unknown piece of music with strings.

Lin Moyuan stood slowly behind Su Tanxiang, his eyes narrowed when he looked at the young man, as if he was thinking about something.

Su Tanxiang turned his head to see Lin Moyuan’s eyes, and suddenly felt a little worried in his heart!

Will Lin Moyuan step forward to taunt him? After all, the level of this young man is indeed far behind!

And obviously it hasn’t been long since I just learned the violin! When I was in the hotel last time, Lin Moyuan mocked the violin master’s apprentice!

At this moment, Lin Moyuan really had an action!

Seeing Lin Moyuan walking forward, Su Tanxiang immediately took two steps forward, trying to stop Lin Moyuan, but was confused by Lin Moyuan’s behavior!

It turned out that this young man had just finished playing a piece of music. The first thing Lin Moyuan stepped forward was to slowly start applauding!

The young man looked at the same young man in front of him, the man in the black suit, and smiled politely.

Lin Moyuan spoke at this moment:

“Can you lend me your piano?”

The young man looked at Lin Moyuan with some curiosity, and seemed a little confused, but he nodded and handed the violin over.

Lin Moyuan took the violin with both hands, the first thing was to slowly close his eyes, and carefully stroke this very old violin.

The sound of the young man’s piano just now made Lin Moyuan seem to have returned to his original world, back to the time when he had just started struggling before crossing.

Although that period was the poorest day in Lin Moyuan’s life, it was also the most hopeful day for him!

Lin Moyuan slowly opened his eyes, as if he had changed a person, he put a bow on the strings, and then syllables, as if they were given life, flew out of the violin and echoed in the alley. !

Su Tanxiang reacted immediately and immediately took out his mobile phone and started recording!

The melodious and tactful sound of the piano flows in the alleys. What is surprising is that the sound of the piano is sometimes high, sometimes slow, and there is no sense of abruptness between the ups and downs!

“Who is this person? Why does it look so familiar?”

“I don’t know, what about him, the sound of this violin is so good! I love it!”

“Wow! He is a handsome guy! Go and take a look!”

When the song was over and Lin Moyuan opened his eyes again, he was immediately stunned!

What’s happening here? Why are there so many people?

【drop! The host’s violin music moved Lu Zeyang! villain value +999! 】

【drop! The host’s violin song moved Jia Zeming! villain value +999! 】

【drop! The host’s violin music touched Su Tanxiang! villain value +999! 】

Lin Moyuan heard a series of system prompts, and finally reacted. It seems that on a whim, he has done another earth-shattering event!

However, Lin Moyuan immediately recovered, shook his head and smiled, and sent the violin hands to the original owner.

“Sorry, on a whim, excuse me!”

After speaking, Lin Moyuan walked through the crowd very coolly and left the scene.

Su Tanxiang hurriedly followed, Lin Moyuan’s footsteps were very fast, if it weren’t for Su Tanxiang’s first reaction to follow up quickly, it is estimated that he would be far behind like a group of onlookers.

“Lin Moyuan! Wait for me!”

Lin Moyuan walked to the corner and heard Su Tanxiang’s voice, then stopped, and took a cautious look at Su Tanxiang’s back. After making sure that no one else was following, he let out a sigh of relief.

“What’s wrong? Teacher Su, can’t you keep up?”

Su Tanxiang gave Lin Moyuan a blank look and said:

“You hide so deeply! How come I haven’t heard of your Young Master Lin Da who can play the violin before!”

Lin Moyuan asked strangely:

“Didn’t I pull a tune for you?”

Su Tanxiang coughed slightly, concealing own embarrassment, and replied:

“I thought you only knew that one piece…”

Lin Moyuan shrugged helplessly, then glanced at his watch and found that it was already past ten o’clock in the evening.

“Okay, Teacher Su, come here today, I’ll take you back!”

Su Tanxiang was inexplicably lost when he heard the words, but nodded with a smile on his face.

Lin Moyuan didn’t doubt that he was there, and walked towards his Bentley with Su Tanxiang.

Dongsheng Huating Villa.

Lin Moyuan looked at the large piece of information about horses in front of him, his expression very serious.

The information about these horses was just sent by Mofeng to his mailbox.

These horses are all race horses that will go on the field tomorrow. The meaning of Mo Feng is very simple. I want Lin Moyuan to understand the horse race procedure before taking the formal action!

First of all, the essence of horse betting is horse racing, and horse racing is the key point.

Horse racing originated in England and has strict requirements.

Horse racing is mainly based on horse racing. Sometimes it is just a horse race, and sometimes there are riders driving the horses ahead.

The main focus of Mofeng is pure horse racing!

There are also many forms of racing.

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