Chapter 108: Goal-Bar Street!

【drop! The host successfully reversed the plot trend! Rescue Qin Yexuan! Meet the villain setting! villain value +99999! 】

【drop! The host’s behavior successfully aroused Qin Rufeng’s anger! Meet the villain setting! villain value +99999! 】

Lin Moyuan was sitting in the jeep, and after hearing the system’s prompt, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that this time has been very rewarding. Not only did Qin Yexuan rescued, but also Qin Rufeng, an old man, was smashed, earning a lot of villain value!

However, Qin Rufeng would never let it go, and Qin Yexuan’s safety issues during this period must be treated with caution.

There is the next step… the acquisition of Bar Street!

Lin Moyuan didn’t know who the Qin family was currently in charge of the bar street.

Thinking of this, Lin Moyuan turned to look at Qin Yexuan next to him, and asked curiously:

“The Qin family is now in charge of the bar street in the suburbs, who is it?”

Qin Yexuan did not expect that Lin Moyuan would suddenly ask this question.

In her mind are all the pictures of Lin Moyuan’s agile handling of bodyguards and climbing up the wall…

Immediately, Qin Yexuan came back to his senses, thought about it, and said:

“It should be one of my cousins, called Qin Chiyue!”

Qin Chiyue?

Hearing this name, Lin Moyuan frowned, without any impression. It was obviously because the original owner had not paid much attention to the people of the Qin family, so he had no memory of this aspect.

“Who is Qin Chiyue?”

Qin Yexuan frowned for a while and replied:

“Qin Chiyue is still serious in doing things. Although he has no ability, he is still quite responsible…”

“But there is one thing that makes Qin Rufeng a headache, that is, Qin Chiyue likes to bet on horses!”

“Last time because of horse gambling, I didn’t check the accounts for half a year, resulting in a loss of nearly 500 million in the Qin family. Since then, Qin Rufeng has thrown the mess at the bar street to him, so that his memory will increase!”

Lin Moyuan had a preliminary understanding of Qin Chiyue.

It’s easy to know his hobbies, but I’m afraid he has no weaknesses to use!

“Why did you suddenly ask this question? Wouldn’t you want to bring the bar street from Qin Chiyue’s hands?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and nodded when he heard the words, and asked:

“What? Can’t it?”

Qin Yexuan shook his head, sighed, and said:

“The bar street used to be quite popular, but in recent years, many nightclubs have appeared in Yunhai City, gradually replacing bars.”

“The bar business has gradually become very bleak, and now the Qin family is almost simply losing money. This is a hot potato!”

“Getting the bar all the way down is basically tattered in your hand! You have to think about it!”

Lin Moyuan shrugged and asked a question that Qin Yexuan couldn’t answer at all.

“Do you think I care if I lose money?”

Qin Yexuan looked at Lin Moyuan’s eyes, and suddenly felt speechless…

She had forgotten that Lin Moyuan, the Young Master, didn’t care about money at all!

Then why does he want to buy down the bar street? Is it really just for fun?

Lin Moyuan was thinking at this time, what exactly should be done so that Qin Chiyue can hand over the bar to herself!

It seems that the only way to go is to bet on horses!

But betting on horses… this is beyond the capabilities of the Lin Group!

If you want to win Qin Chiyue right away in the gambling, you must perform behind-the-scenes manipulation.

Lin Moyuan sighed, is he really going to tell Qin Chiyue directly, I want to buy your bar street?

As long as Qin Chiyue is not a fool, he will never agree!

First of all, the bar street is not his own property, but the property of the Qin family. Secondly, he just brought Qin Yexuan out from under Qin Rufeng’s eyelids, and Qin Rufeng has probably even killed his own heart now!

How could you sell yourself a bar street?

Ji Kun, who was sitting in the Jeep co-pilot, of course heard the conversation between Lin Moyuan and Qin Yexuan, and suddenly said with some wonder:

“Boss, do you want a bar street?”

“I know that Qin Chiyue, he often bet on horses, wouldn’t it be easy if you want him to lose to you all over the bar?”

“There is only one place in the entire Yunhai City where you can bet on horses, and that is Mofeng’s racecourse! Boss, you and Mofeng have just reached a cooperative relationship? You can just look for Mofeng for this kind of trivial matter!”

Ink wind?

Hearing these words, Lin Moyuan’s eyes suddenly widened!

Unexpectedly, the person who manipulated the horse betting in Yunhai City was actually Mo Feng!

This moment directly made Lin Moyuan overjoyed!

Qin Yexuan was shocked when he heard Ji Kun’s words!

Lin Moyuan actually knows Mofeng? And it’s a cooperative relationship with Mofeng?

She only knew that Lin Moyuan had met Mo Feng and had a very happy conversation with Mo Feng, but she didn’t expect that the two had already reached a cooperation!

At this time, the jeep slowly stopped by the side of the road, and the Lin family bodyguard Xiao Liu, who was in charge of driving, turned around and asked:

“Young Master, we have left the scope of the Qin family now, where should we go next?”

Lin Moyuan frowned upon hearing this, and turned to look at Qin Yexuan beside him.

“Do you have a place to live? Or what other place to stay?”

“The original residence can no longer be accommodated. Let’s change to another place.”

Qin Yexuan nodded, and then said:

“Go to Yuntang Hotel, that hotel was opened by my best friend, so it’s very safe!”

Lin Moyuan nodded when he heard the words and asked:

“Does Qin Rufeng know you have a girlfriend?”

Qin Yexuan shook his head and replied:

“Even my mother doesn’t know, don’t worry.”

Lin Moyuan was relieved, and gestured to the sixth son. The sixth son nodded, turned his head and drove towards Yuntang Hotel.

Yunhai City, Yuntang Hotel.

Yuntang Hotel in Yunhai City is not a top-end hotel, because it is a famous bed and breakfast hotel with affordable prices.

Many working-class white-collar workers and young couples will choose Yuntang Hotel as their home base, so Yuntang Hotel has a reputation in the entire Yunhai City.

Lin Moyuan looked at the western-style hotel in front of him, and suddenly became a little curious. He had never heard the name of this hotel before, but now it seems to be very popular!

“Just send it here, you can contact me if you have anything!”

Lin Moyuan nodded, and watched Qin Yexuan walk into this hotel. Only then did he pat Liuzi on the shoulder and said:

“Go back to Dongsheng Huating, and Kunzi, it’s time to fulfill your promise!”

When Ji Kun heard the words, he was stunned.

“What promise?”

“Forget that you just said something in Shengjing Garden?”

“Didn’t you say you want to invite your sister-in-law to dinner?”

When Ji Kun heard the words, he twitched at the corner of his mouth, but he didn’t expect Lin Moyuan to remember it!

I thought it was just a joke…

“Well, boss, how about tomorrow? Tomorrow Wenwen will be on holiday too, so I call her too, how about it?”

Lin Moyuan smiled and nodded, and said:

“Forget your kid, that’s the decision! I’ll have to kill you severely then!”

Ji Kun also agreed with a smile.

But at this moment, Lin Moyuan’s cell phone rang suddenly.

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