Chapter 102: Confronting Qin Rufeng

Lin Moyuan didn’t care about the scolding coming from behind, but just walked to the door of Qin Rufeng’s villa.

Ji Kun ridiculed the guests who came to visit Qin Rufeng all the way, and directly angered them that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven!

And even with that, Lin Moyuan also earned a lot of villain value.

Standing at the door of the villa, Lin Moyuan was slightly shocked by the sight in front of him.

It turned out that Qin Family Patriarch, Qin Rufeng, was already standing at the door of the villa, looking at himself with a smile!

It seems that Qin Rufeng got the news from the guards. The arrival of himself and Ji Kun obviously made this old fox raise his vigilance to the highest level!

“Aren’t these Mo Yuan and Ji Kun? Why do you have time to attend Qin Uncle’s birthday party?”

“Please, please, please, it’s a rare guest!”

Lin Moyuan looked at Ji Kun when he heard Qin Rufeng’s words, and both put on smiles that looked very sincere at the same time.

Lin Moyuan stepped forward and said with a smile:

“It should be, it should be!”

“A few years ago, it was busy with academic studies. Every time Qin Uncle celebrates your birthday, our school is taking an exam! What a coincidence!”

“This time we are about to graduate, so naturally there are not so many things left, so the two of us came to visit right away!”

When Qin Rufeng heard the words, he made a sudden realization, and his smile became softer:

“Then naturally your studies are important! How can Uncle blame you?”

“Come on, come in quickly! Sit down!”

Qin Rufeng’s heart was secretly slander. What reason did these two bastards look for?

Let alone Yunhai University, who in the entire Yunhai City doesn’t know, the number of times Lin Moyuan and Ji Kun went to the classroom can be counted with one hand!

Can you pull a bit more?

But since these two boys are going to play, then play with them by yourself!

I heard that Lin Moyuan has changed a lot recently, and it can be seen from his behavior that Qin Rufeng is still very wary of this future Lin Group’s only heir!

Especially Qin Yexuan and Lin Moyuan jointly established Moxuan Capital!

Before it was too late for Qin Yexuan to hide from Lin Moyuan, how could he set up a company with him?

This is why Qin Rufeng wants to test Qin Yexuan with a 50% holding!

Why did Qin Yexuan’s view of Lin Moyuan suddenly change? Is it because I really like Lin Moyuan?

This is absolutely impossible!

You don’t have to think about it, there is such a thing as love at first sight

The reason why Qin Yexuan changed his attitude and started cooperating with Lin Moyuan was that there was only one possibility… From Lin Moyuan, Qin Yexuan could get enough benefits!

If Qin Yexuan promised Qin Rufeng that the Qin family could hold 50% of Moxuan’s capital, then it would mean that Qin Yexuan did not sincerely cooperate with Lin Moyuan, and it would be a matter of time for the Qin family to control the Lin Group.

But if Qin Yexuan doesn’t agree to let the Qin family control, it means that Qin Yexuan and Lin Moyuan are ghosts!

It was Qin Rufeng’s first official confrontation with Lin Moyuan just now. Qin Rufeng wanted to test. Does Lin Moyuan really have anything to attract Qin Yexuan?

After the conversation between the two just now, Qin Rufeng discovered that the depth of Lin Moyuan’s city mansion was beyond his imagination!

And even with that, even the little attendant next to Lin Moyuan, Ji Xingsen’s son Ji Kun, became a little unpredictable!

Qin Rufeng’s surprise was not trivial. It seems that he still underestimated Lin Shengtian and Ji Xingsen!

Is this because the tiger father has no dogs?

No matter what, you must be careful of these two people tonight, they must have no good intentions!

Two people, Lin Moyuan and Ji Kun, have come to the place where the level gift is at the entrance of the hall. Before them, they are all people who come to Qin Rufeng and want to take a look at Qin Rufeng. There are local entrepreneurs in Yunhai City, and some other provinces want to come. People who develop Yunhai City are everywhere.

Lin Moyuan looked at the time on his watch and winked at Ji Kun.

queue? Should this kind of thing happen to villain?

Of course not!

And in a sense, these people are the enemies of the Lin Group! Because the moment they entered Shengjing Garden, they were branded with the Qin family’s label!

Of course Lin Moyuan would not be polite to them.

“Come and come, give me a little bit! Don’t delay my time with my brother!”

“Let us go in! We are Qin Uncle’s acquaintances! Can you afford to offend us?”

As Ji Kun’s unreasonable voice sounded, the crowd let out a way.

People who were originally very upset with Ji Kun, a young yelling young man, heard what Ji Kun said. Are these two people really related to the Qin Family Patriarch? Regardless of whether it is true or not, it is better not to offend it!

And some local wealthy businessmen and entrepreneurs in Yunhai City are even more confused.

What’s happening here?

Why are these two masters here too? Isn’t it rumored that the relationship between the Lin Group and the Qin Family has reached the point of tension?

Could it be that the rumors are wrong?

At this time, there was finally a wealthy businessman from a province who had been in line for a long time and couldn’t help it. He stepped forward and stopped the extremely arrogant Ji Kun!

The wealthy businessman stood in front of Ji Kun, looked up and down the young man, and then said in a mocking tone:

“Young man, no matter what your background is, the people who came to celebrate Patriarch Qin’s birthday today are more or less people with status!”

“Are you doing it too much?”

Ji Kun didn’t even want to look at this wealthy businessman, and directly replied:

“Who are you? Where do you come from? Not a native of Yunhai, right?”

The wealthy businessman replied subconsciously:

“I am the general manager of Jinmen Changtian Construction Company! My name is…”

Just halfway through what the rich businessman said, he was directly interrupted by an unceremonious voice!

“I don’t care which company you are the general manager of. When you come to Yunhai City, Xiaoye, I am the rules!”

The wealthy businessman just wanted to find out who dared to be so mad, he saw a figure in a blue suit approaching Own, and then swiping a punch to Own’s face!

This wealthy businessman, that is, the general manager of a construction company, has always been a dignified man. Where did he meet someone who dared to be so unreasonable in front of him?

So for a while, he was stunned in the same place, and abruptly received Lin Moyuan’s punch with his cheek!

That’s right, this figure in a blue suit is exactly Lin Moyuan.

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