Chapter 1: Through the villain

Lin Moyuan frowned, only to feel a splitting headache.

He felt as if he had had a dream, a long but vague dream.

The scene in the dream seemed a little bizarre, but at this moment, he couldn’t remember what he had dreamed.

Dongyuan Hotel, Yunhai City.

In the luxurious yet romantic couple’s suite, the floor is covered with fragments of clothes.

In the mess, Lin Moyuan found that he was impeccable.

These clothes on the ground are not all own, right?

But judging from these fragments, this should be women’s clothes, right?

Lin Moyuan’s memory still stayed on the edge of the cliff, in that tragic leap.

Did you get rescued by the search and rescue team by the sea?

But then he should be in the hospital, why is he in the hotel?

Reaching out and rubbing the still aching eyebrows, Lin Moyuan slowly cast his eyes to the position of the window.

Suddenly, Lin Moyuan was stunned.

It turned out that there was a naked girl sitting on the balcony outside the window!

Just looking at the girl’s profile, Lin Moyuan was stunned.

Yushuang Saixue’s white skin, standard exquisite melon seed face, black hair with shawl, and starry eyes with tears, a typical first love in a dream!

Seeing her embracing her knees with her hands in a sad look immediately aroused Lin Moyuan’s strong desire for protection.

After all, Lin Moyuan’s age has been around for a long time, so it’s not surprising to have this feeling.

However, Lin Moyuan suddenly noticed something was wrong.

The couple’s suite in the hotel, the lonely man and the widow, both of them are almost impeccable, the mess everywhere, they are all fragments of clothes, how to look at it makes people suspicious…

Lin Moyuan didn’t care whether he was naked, and immediately opened the bedding on the bed.

Fortunately, Lin Moyuan didn’t find any strange liquid on the bed, nor was it unusual, full of hormonal aura.

Lin Moyuan breathed a sigh of relief instantly, don’t ruin someone’s innocent child, then he would be extremely sinful.

But even so, Lin Moyuan’s face was a bit ugly.

If you didn’t do this, then there is no doubt that someone has planted and framed yourself.

If he really had something to do with this girl, then Lin Moyuan would definitely be responsible to the end.

At least dying under the peony flower, and being a ghost is also romantic, that is the reason.

However, Lin Moyuan couldn’t bear the fact that he was planted by others!

At this moment, such an electronic alert sound suddenly appeared in Lin Moyuan’s mind.

“Dip! Heavenly Dao villain system is activating…”

“Dip! The host’s memory loss has been detected, and the system is being repaired…”

“Dip! The repair progress has been completed, the repair is complete!”

“Drip! The novice spree has been put into the host backpack!”

Lin Moyuan seemed to feel that Own’s eyes suddenly became dark, and then a strange electronic panel appeared in front of his eyes, just like a game screen.

Host: Lin Moyuan

Identity: the only child of the richest man, a person who travels through, and the system has been bound

Faction: villain

Fitness: 40 (average value of healthy adults is 80, peak value of ordinary people is 100)

Combat power: 55 (comprehensively evaluated by physical fitness, skills, and actual combat experience)

Skills: Intermediate Chinese, Intermediate Driving

Qi Yun value: 15 (Qi Yun value is cleared, the host receives the Qi Yun value backlash)

villain value: 0

Backpack: novice spree

Before Lin Moyuan had time to figure out why Own’s physique was so bad, countless memory fragments poured directly into Own’s mind.

After a long time, Lin Moyuan slowly opened his eyes again.

After fusing all the memory fragments together, Lin Moyuan looked incredulous.

I turned out to have crossed! And the soul is attached to a rich Young Master, and it is also bound to a system!

Could it be that God could not understand that he had lived too miserably in his previous life, and he could not compensate himself in this life?

It’s just that the name of this system is too weird. What is the Heavenly Dao villain system? Is it true that I am going to be a mouse to cross the street, and everyone shouts that the villain won’t work?

But from the memory that has been sorted out so far, it seems that he is really an out-and-out villain.

Judging from the memory of his predecessor, this unlucky person, also called Lin Moyuan, has a great father and an old lady who has flourished in the entertainment industry. The Lin family’s assets are also worth hundreds of billions.

As the richest man in Yunhai City and the only son of the ninth richest in the country, Lin Moyuan was born with the golden key.

Since he was young, he has been rich in clothing, luxury and famous cars, and his parents are often absent. He has developed a personality that is arrogant, perverse, and even Yazi must report.

Since he was a teenager, Lin Moyuan has become more and more lawless. Bullying classmates and beating teachers are already commonplace, and even such things as the belly of female classmates are often enlarged, it also happens from time to time.

If it hadn’t been for his parents’ big business, hands and eyes open to the sky, Lin Moyuan would have entered the correctional facility long ago.

It is precisely because of having a pair of great parents that Lin Moyuan’s subsequent behavior is even more unscrupulous.

In the eyes of outsiders, this girl was undoubtedly taken by force by Lin Moyuan.

Lin Moyuan also just recalled the girl’s message.

This girl is called Tang Yurou, a freshman at Yunhai University. She is just 18 years old this year and she is just like a flower.

Lin Moyuan was also a student of Yunhai University, but he was three years older than Tang Yurou, and he was a senior.

Tang Yurou was born in a small remote county, and her family conditions can only be said to be fair.

However, by virtue of his own beauty, he was named one of the four university flowers of Yunhai University right after he enrolled.

Originally, Lin Moyuan was pursuing Tang Yurou, but Tang Yurou never agreed.

Just last night, Lin Moyuan’s fiancé suddenly stated that he would invite Lin Moyuan to dinner. After Lin Moyuan was invited, he opened his eyes again, and what he saw was the sight in front of him.

Look at Tang Yurou’s posture, but the rhythm of jumping off the building!

Sure enough, seeing Lin Moyuan wake up, Tang Yurou immediately got ready to jump down.

Lin Moyuan didn’t know how to stop him for a while, but he was anxious and wise, and said viciously:

“Come here! What do you want to do? Jump off the building? Even if you jump down, I can still find your family! Friends! I won’t let them go!”

【drop! You threatened and intimidated a simple girl, villain value +999]

【drop! You scared a kind girl, villain value +999]

I rely on! This villain value is actually obtained like this!

Lin Moyuan felt like he had discovered a great secret.

Hearing Lin Moyuan’s words, Tang Yurou couldn’t help shivering and shivering.

She knew that Lin Moyuan could really do these things.

At this moment, there was a loud noise outside the door.

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