Chapter 937, the accident that left

The third chapter is sent! This poor Daoist first went to a big pit, then took a shower, came back and coded again, bye bye.


The time for these soldiers to fight side by side with the investigation team is not short. They all know that the people in this investigation team are all experts.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei was heard, and while Wei Xiaobei’s voice was good, the sentinel did not dare to neglect, and even notified the platoon leader with the dialogue device.

Soon, a young officer wearing a lieutenant rank led more than a dozen soldiers.

Wei Xiaobei took out his own documents and had to say that Wei Xiaobei was glad that he had not lost the documents given by Xu Feiyang. Otherwise, he could not prove his identity.

But what made Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward was that the lieutenant officer couldn’t check the authenticity of the document and had to report it to his superiors.

The lieutenant commander came, and after checking it, the major battalion commander was called, and the battalion commander of the major gave the captain of the colonel.

It is said that the head of the colonel is not very clear about the true and false of the documents, but it does not matter, and he is accompanied by a formal member of the Wuhan City investigation team.

Compared with the Green Lake City investigation team, this Wuhan investigation team is undoubtedly much more fortunate. Although there are some members and casualties in defending against Monster’s offense, there are still many full members.

The Wuhan City investigation team is about 30 years old. After checking Wei Xiaobei’s documents, move towards Wei Xiaobei nodded: “Wei investigators, I am sorry, I need to contact the above.”

This is also a helpless thing. For the sake of confidentiality, there is no photo on this document. There is only one string of twenty-four special codes used to verify the authenticity.

Fortunately, there are no photos on this document. Otherwise, Wei Xiaobei is really not right with the photos. Now it is Zhu Xinyi, but the photo is Wei Xiaobei. Even if it is a fool, the photo is blind, you can also see the men and women. s difference.

After verifying the identity of Wei Xiaobei, everyone on the scene was sighed in relief.

To say that they are stationed on this line of defense, for them, the spirit is too tight.

Be alert at all times to prevent those weird Monster breakthrough lines. Otherwise, Wuhan City will be in danger after more than 50 kilometers.

It can be said that when the safety of millions of people is pinned on themselves, even if they are arbitrarily arrogant, they will not dare to relax at this time.

The arrival of a special investigator from the Green Lake City investigation team is undoubtedly the same as the arrival of the reinforcements. Everyone knows that the people in this investigation team are much more powerful than the ordinary soldiers.

But when I got to the Bright Department of Light, the waiter sent Wei Xiaobei tea. When Wei Xiaobei took off his hat and sipped a cup of tea, everyone’s eyes were a bit sluggish.

Wouldn’t it be my own blurred vision?

Although everyone listened to the sound before, I knew that it was a girl, but Wei Xiaobei wore a hat, and the bangs fell a little, so I couldn’t see it clearly. Now, Wei Xiaobei took off his hat, and Liu Haili’s ears were behind, and the eyebrows were all revealed. In the flirtatiousness, with the pure and beautiful face, the big men who have not seen the women for a few months have been shown.

Even the serviceman who was at the end of the tea had seen his mouth drooling.

“Scratch it.”

Wei Xiaobei was a bit happy. This situation was the first time I saw it. Although it was a little uncomfortable, it looked very comedy, and I kindly handed a napkin to the serviceman.

“Ah, sorry!”

After the serviceman Reflex came over, he found himself drooling in front of the beauty, and the face suddenly became blushing when he slammed. He was still here to go here, hurriedly turned and left, and slammed into the head. .

Seeing the head of the armed leader, the face of the serviceman was scared, and he said that he was embarrassed. Sorry, he did not stop when he retreated to the door. Probably the nerves were scared.

Seeing the appearance of the serviceman, everyone suddenly laughed.

Wei Xiaobei also felt that taking off his hat really affected everyone’s emotions. So after wearing tea, he put on a hat, and after this service, he was so stunned, but he would bring back the spirits of everyone present. Attention shifted from the beauty of Wei Xiaobei to her purpose here.

The person who asked what he said was the head of the group. At the age of forty, he was also qualified in the army.

Wei Xiaobei I have been away from Green Lake City for a few months, and now I want to hear about Green Lake City.

Next, the head of the delegation gave Wei Xiaobei an introduction to Green Lake City.

To say that after Wei Xiaobei removed the nests, Green Lake City recovered a lot of peace.

But after Wei Xiaobei left, in less than two months, the new Monster appeared again.

The Monster that appeared this time can be called a variety. Up to now, the number of Monsters that have appeared has reached as many as 50, most of which have been verified by experts, and it has been recorded in Classic of Mountain and Seas. Monster!

The only thing that is fortunate is that these monsters, which have been documented in the Classic of Mountain and Seas, are not strong, but they are numerous and start to flourish in Green Lake City all around, occasionally rushing to Wu Han. The city is here to make trouble.

As a result, Wuhan City will establish such a line of defense to prevent those monsters from rushing into Wuhan City, causing greater damage.

It must be said that once the war system of human civilization is launched, it is still useful.

At least, most of the Monsters that have appeared have been registered and made into a guide to monsters.

Hearing that this book appeared, Wei Xiaobei was a bit curious.

Later, the head of the team took out a thick picture book from the desk drawer.

That’s right, the monster guide is a book.

After Wei Xiaobei thanked him, he turned his attention to this monster guide.

I have to say that the contents of this monster guide are very detailed.

Each page records a Monster that has appeared, not only with its large photos, but also with its ability, weakness, and temperament, etc. It can be said that there is no detailed attribute index. In addition, the rest is almost the same as the introduction of the Monster attribute that Wei Xiaobei saw with Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand.

After rushing through the monster guide, Wei Xiaobei nodded. There is no doubt that the value of this monster guide is extremely valuable for these forces on the first line against Monster.

Especially when the soldiers deal with some monsters of the general strength, as long as they know the weaknesses of these monsters, focus on the fire, Shooting, these monsters that can easily kill ordinary humans are easily killed by soldiers.

It can be said that the monster guide makes those ordinary soldiers have the capital against monsters.

After some understanding of the situation, Wei Xiaobei is ready to leave, he is not ready to stay here, the remaining time of the skin copying effect is only about an hour, and Wei Xiaobei does not want to be alive here.

After frequently inviting Wei Xiaobei to leave unsuccessful, the head of the team can only be dejected.

To say that most people present do not think that Wei Xiaobei can be such a weak woman, but the head of the team knows that the world is different now.

Even a young child, old man, if he can be a special investigator of the investigation team, his strength is extremely powerful!

However, accidents always come inadvertently.

Just when Wei Xiaobei just walked out of the regiment and said goodbye to the head and other people, he heard the sound of guns coming from the front line.

“Not good! It happened!”

The head of the team stayed on this line for a long time. Naturally, it was easy to identify the intensity of the sound of the guns. When he heard the sound, he knew that the monsters that had come before could not be!

“Let’s go see.”

Wei Xiaobei smashed the head of the team and then rushed forward in the move.

To say that Wei Xiaobei alone has no problem in the past, but without the head of the group, the soldiers are afraid to see themselves and they will shoot.

The head of the group was also wondering for a while, and one of his grandfathers was easily lifted by a girl.

Fortunately, the head of the team knew that things were prioritized and hurriedly pointed out, let Wei Xiaobei move towards the specially built observatory.

The smoke in the range of hundreds of meters in front of the line has been covered up by the smoke of the artillery. The observatory is more than ten meters above the ground. The military telescope looks at it, and the field of view is naturally wider and clearer than the bottom.

Wei Xiaobei did not say much, and took the head of the group and went to the observatory.

I have to say that the determination of this leader is still relatively accurate.

At this time, a giant beast with a body type of more than 20 meters is rushing toward the line of defense against the gunfire. This giant beast is like a goat, but with four sharp corners on the top of the head, the whole body is yellowish and the eyes are red.

In its all around, it is a group of monsters with the same form, but the body type is much smaller. The body with the largest body type has only a body type of three meters, but the smallest one also has a body type of two meters.

However, they are extremely numerous, and they are like a thousand horses. In the constant bombardment of artillery, many goats fell, but more goats rushed up.


Wei Xiaobei just saw the monster guide, and his eyes were identified.

However, in order to determine a point and block the charge, Wei Xiaobei immediately launched Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand.

Undoubtedly, Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand brought a great Intimidate to those bandits, and the eyes looked like the laser swept through the front of the line of defense, and then forced the body of the bandit who broke through the line of defense, and then fell to the ground.

It must be said that this Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand is very useful to prevent these weaker Monster’s charge.

Name: Bandit

Race: Sheep

Gender: Male

Age: 58 years old

Creature Rank :3-Star Normal

Introduction: This is one of the monsters recorded in the Classic of Mountain and Seas. It is in the form of a goat, the color of the whole body is yellow, the head is four corners, and it likes to eat people……..

Attribute : (slightly)

Soul Strength: 25

Skills: running, swimming, charging

Special Ability: Rapid Charge, Hair Resistance

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate)

Items on hand : none

………(To be continued~^~)

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