Chapter 934, landing

Suddenly I found out that my thoughts were embarrassing. Well, this is just an episode.


After solving this problem, Wei Xiaobei was greatly sighed in relief, feeling that the nose was a little itchy, touched the nose, some sticky liquid, but it was red blood.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t want to make complaints to himself at this time.

Probably myself is the first guy in the world to see a nosebleed on his chest.

Fortunately, there are no other people here. Otherwise, this kind of thing spreads out and Wei Xiaobei really doesn’t want to live.

The ink dragon horse didn’t notice what Wei Xiaobei was doing on his back and ran smoothly on the sea.

Time passed by, and finally the color of the sea changed from tile blue to blue.

This change in the color of the sea means that Wei Xiaobei is close to China’s territorial waters.

Arrived here, ships that may sail at any time on the sea.

Although it is only 10:30 in the evening, the ship sailing is not divided into day and night. With the high-tech satellite navigation, the ships in modern society can easily pass through the narrow fog in the diffuse foggy weather. Strait.

The ink ghost spear shivered, the ink dragon horse turned into a black White Fog gas, and the huge spear was broken into the eye.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei drilled into the sea and sneaked into the seabed before moving towards the land.

The seabed here is actually a part of the continental shelf. The deepest part is only about 150 meters, and most of them are less than 100 meters. At the same time, move towards the land, the seabed will rise continuously. This also makes Wei Xiaobei not have to worry about losing direction.

But then again, seabed like this, some are not just marine life forms, but also some human creations.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t swim far, just look at a shipwreck on the seabed.

The surface has been covered by various marine plants, corals, and the seabed is like a hill. A large number of fish swim during the period, and it is dotted like a marine forest.

If Wei Xiaobei’s eyesight is not sharp enough, it is impossible to identify the shape of the ship.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei is the first time I saw a seabed shipwreck. I used to watch online news to know something like this.

Some curious Wei Xiaobei swam past and tapped the iron anchor that fell near the shipwreck.

A large amount of coral was also grown on the anchor, and the iron anchor was almost covered into a large ball. Wei Xiaobei tapped gently, and the coral on it peeled off, revealing its rusty iron.

This shipwreck should probably be an ancient ship carrying porcelain, silk, and through a gun window, Wei Xiaobei entered the shipwreck.

As Wei Xiaobei imagined, the cabin was full of wooden crates, and the wooden crates were decayed and rigorous. They were gently smashed and then shattered. They contained some porcelain, but most of them were crushed during the shipwreck.

Other wooden boxes contain silk, but these silks have been decayed under the erosion of sea water, and the color has completely faded. It looks very dark, and when it is touched, it turns into mud.

Wei Xiaobei was busy for half an hour and pulled out hundreds of complete porcelains from the shipwreck, including plates, hip flasks and the like.

These porcelains are all antiques of the Song Dynasty. Although Wei Xiaobei is not very clear about the current prices of these porcelains, they do not know whether these porcelains are produced by the so-called official kiln.

But when you put it on the market, you can sell hundreds of thousands of each piece.

Of course, these porcelains actually only satisfy Wei Xiaobei’s little wish for it.

I thought about it. After I went back to Wei Family Island, I changed the porcelain in the restaurant and replaced it with the Song Dynasty porcelain on the ship. The grade was completely different.

After satisfying his own wishes, Wei Xiaobei did not continue to explore the treasure, and along the constantly rising continental shelf, move towards the land direction and quickly rushed.

Probably feeling that Wei Xiaobei was too busy, and when the sea depth dropped to less than 60 meters, Wei Xiaobei found something that should not belong to seabed.

A long column of objects covered with a small number of shells, Wei Xiaobei knew at a glance that this stuff was produced in a modern factory.

After sweeping it with Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand, Wei Xiaobei immediately knew what the gadget was.

The shallow sea is shouting.

Simply put, this thing is a large bug. As long as a ship passes over or near the snoring, the sound from its propeller will be received by the cymbal and passed to the corresponding computer.

And this shallow sea-style sonar producer is an American military fire factory.

To put it bluntly, this shallow sea-like snoring is the US submarine placed here to monitor the ships passing through the channel, and record the Chinese warships, submarine audio, and master the rules of action.

Of course, it is difficult to do this by relying on such a sonar, but Wei Xiaobei also knows that, in general, this sonar will be placed at intervals, forming a sonar giant network in the shallow sea. .

As long as warships, submarines and even civilian ships pass through, they will be monitored.

Don’t underestimate this sonar network. After collecting all kinds of information and analyzing it by experts, you can determine all aspects of a national navy, even its naval forces deployment.

Once the two sides fought and mastered each other’s every move, it would be self-evident that the winning percentage would rise to such an extent.

Wei Xiaobei Although moving house went to Wei Family Island now, but how to say it is also Chinese, of course, USA is really bad for him.

Pā! Hey.

A few soft sounds, most of which were made of special plastics, and the small part of the sonar composed of metal was stepped into several segments by Wei Xiaobei.

This is not the end, Wei Xiaobei simply turned around in this seabed, and found a total of twelve sonars.

These vocals did not end well, and Wei Xiaobei stepped on, or kicked, or folded, and turned into various pieces of seabed.

Just as Wei Xiaobei destroyed these sonars, the USA was already exclaimed from the nearest sonar monitoring station.

The USA military technicians here are psychologically prepared for the damage of the sonar.

Other than that, the destruction of the sonar by the Ocean Life Form is more than ten per year. As for the regular inspection of the shallow submarine by the Chinese submarine, the damage caused by it is even more, more than 100 per year. about.

But the problem is that, as it is now, in less than half an hour, more than a dozen sonars have lost contact, which really makes these technicians unexpected.

Is the Chinese military doing a large-scale cleanup?

Not long after, the frequency of sonar destruction was suddenly reduced to zero, allowing technicians to sighed in relief.

In any case, the cost of these sonars is not cheap, every million dollars, and the sonar, and the risk of sending submarines.

“It seems that I need to dispatch the Poseidon.”

A technician whispered in his mouth.

But after more than an hour, the sonar monitoring station exclaimed, the sonar again suffered losses, and the frequency of such losses is rapidly increasing.

On the big screen showing the coverage of the sonar, the red area is expanding, and in less than half an hour, it almost covers the 10% of China’s territorial waters.

“Shet! What’s going on? Is it a seabed earthquake in China’s territorial waters?”

Colonel Lewis, the director of the sonar monitoring station, looked at the big screen with a stunned look and said something.

Undoubtedly, in his view, like this, the situation of the destruction of the sonar network, except for natural disasters, is almost impossible.

You know, many of the sonars are placed in the coral area, even if they clean it up, it is very difficult.

Not to mention the buzz in the USA sonar monitoring station, Wei Xiaobei is not far from the land.

Wei Xiaobei left the seabed after cultivating a White Fog Shrimp and releasing the task of sweeping away the sound of the seabed.

With the ability of White Fog Shrimp to reproduce, it is not difficult to accomplish this task. The only thing needed is time for it.

At this time, at 0:45 in the morning, Wei Xiaobei boarded the land from a reef area.

Although Wei Xiaobei does not have the ability of Zhu Xinyi after copying the skin, the long hair is inevitably wetted by the sea. After landing, the long hair of the wet hair is placed on the back of the shoulder, and the compassion is also applied to the smooth skin. It’s a bit uncomfortable.

Nothing, after the reproduction of the skin, Wei Xiaobei’s shape is exactly the same as Zhu Xinyi, even as long as the woman should have something, such as long hair.

Fortunately, for Wei Xiaobei, solving such a thing is not too difficult.

The body was gently shaken, and during the rapid vibration, the t-shirt attached to the body became dry in the blink of an eye, and then some salt shavings fell with the vibration.

As for the hair, it is impossible to remove the water, salt, and shattered by shaking. Pulling a towel from the Storage Ring and wiping it for a while can be considered as a solution.

It must be said that from this time, Wei Xiaobei felt the inconvenience of the girl’s body.

Long hair fluttering is good-looking, but if you have some water, especially sea water, it is very uncomfortable. If there is a layer of salt on the scalp, shaking your head slightly, the snow falls, enough to “Zhu Xinyi” The image is completely corrupt.

What makes Wei Xiaobei have a headache is that after the skin phase is activated, the recovery speed of his soul has stopped, and the fatigue caused by the thousands of kilometers of running has not recovered, plus the original extreme weakness, Wei Xiaobei There is an impulse to lie down on the reef for a while.

I need to take a bath and clean it up. It’s a bit uncomfortable with the salt.

However, this area seems to have no smoke, Wei Xiaobei looked at it and found an arrived road five kilometers from the coastline.

Standing on the side of the road, it wasn’t long before a large truck carrying a container screamed from a distance. The two bright lampposts were like Monster’s eyes. (To be continued~^~)

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