The 922 chapter is happy? ! !

The third chapter is sent! Suffering from the scapulohumeral periarthritis, it hurts this poor Daoist, it seems that only the medicinal wine, vomiting blood.


The Dragon Prince is not a fool. After the Dragon Blood drops, he can sense the approximate number of those dragon horses.

Therefore, when the last drop of Dragon Blood dropped, and did not attract a dragon horse, the Dragon King had to scream, True Dragon screamed, and heaven-shaking.

Just like this, hundreds of Water Races were killed on the spot.

At this time, Wei Xiaobei is already bleeding.

Originally, I was able to turn back more than 3,000 dragon horses in one breath. Whoever wants to know is far away from the chaotic waters, and the South Sea Dragon Palace has a way to recruit the dragon horse.

Fortunately, the remaining dragon horses have more than 1,600 horses and ran away from 1,700 horses.

It’s not bad to keep nearly half of the dragon horses.

Just as Wei Xiaobei tried to comfort himself, on the South Sea Dragon Palace, the Dragon Prince had already counted the running dragon horses, totaling 1,798 dragon horses.

According to the dragon horse book of the South Sea Dragon Palace, the total number of dragon horses should be 2,778.

Of course, in fact, even the South Sea Dragon Palace is not clear. The number of registered dragon horses last time was three years ago, and in the past three years, it happened to encounter the period of mass breeding of dragon horses. Therefore, the total number of dragon horses should actually be It is 3,475.

In other words, in the past three years, the dragon horse group has nearly seven hundred pony.

But the Dragon King’s Crown Prince calculations are based on the dragon horse book, so that the dragon horse retrieved 65%!

Crown Prince Crown suddenly lost a big sigh of relief.

If you think about it, you know, if the dragon horse loses all or only retrieves dozens of hundreds of horses, the Dragon King is probably difficult to explain in the South Sea Dragon King.

But now, it’s better to get back most of the time, at least the dragon horse is still there, and the lost dragon horse will not be able to recover.

With this in mind, Dragon King is in a good mood, and the guilty responsibility will be weakened in the future. Even if there is no, of course, if you want to completely avoid guilt, you need some way.

Thinking of this, the Dragon Race’s Crown Race looked around all around the Water Race.

“Bold sinners! Dare to collude with thieves and steal dragon horse! Do it!”

The command of the Dragon Prince suddenly spit out all the Water Race, but the next moment, the sharks under the Crown Prince’s hands were swift, and the humanoid body quickly expanded between the blink of an eye.

The counting time is not enough, and several giant sharks with a body type exceeding 100 meters fall on the sea, causing waves of tens of meters high.

Then a massacre was launched on the sea.

Faced with a number of Creature Ranks reaching the peak of the 4-Star elite, the shampers of all around will be even some of the Water Races attracted by Dragon Blood, which may be opponents.

Suddenly, the frightened Shrimp soldiers, and even other Water Races, have moved towards all around to escape.

But they did not escape far, they were shocked to discover that they could not escape.

The whole sea surface and even the seabed were surrounded by a layer of transparent things. Even if the strength reached the 4-Star’s ordinary octopus monster, it was impossible to smash the thing with a full blow of strength.

Soon, in the sea, in the sea, the blood of the Water Race spread everywhere.

After the last Shrimp soldiers were swallowed by the shark handsome, the Dragon King Crown Prince received the closed sea hood and left with several sharks.

Not long after, there was news in the South Sea Dragon Palace that the Shrimp soldiers would attempt to steal the dragon horse, but they were killed by the Dragon Prince Crown Prince. The Dragon Prince was also slightly injured. The Dragon King was furious and immediately ordered. , annihilated the tribes where the Shrimp soldiers will be!

The Dragon King is angry and the sea is shaking!

And said that the Dragon King knows that the Dragon King is lying, the turtle is sure to know, but things still develop in this way, only to explain that the Dragon King is a bit good face, but also some guards.

But in any case, the Dragon King Crown Prince is probably the one who has Wei Xiaobei, an unknown thief.

Not to mention the series of tragedies caused by the South Sea Dragon Palace, only Wei Xiaobei, all the way to seduce the dragon horse forward, from time to time to open the nose to the maximum degree to prevent sudden, what The fragrant smell came out, and the dragon horse was hooked back.

At the same time, this way in the past, the dragon horse running by the brigade also attracted a lot of attention from Water Race. Some of them are far from being avoided, and they can’t afford to hide. Some are drooling and want to come up and take a sip. .

To this end, Wei Xiaobei can be said to have not rested, and from time to time it is necessary to kill the guy who harassed the dragon horse group, or to drive away.

Among them, 3-Star Terror abounds, 4-Star has a lot of commons, and there are even a few 4-Star elite Giant Sea Beasts.

Of course, if it is not necessary, Wei Xiaobei will drive it away as much as possible. After all, he is following so many dragon horses behind him. If he accidentally runs back to the South Sea Dragon Palace, Wei Xiaobei really wants to cry. .

Anyway, this way back, Wei Xiaobei did not deliberately kill those Water Race, but even so, Wei Xiaobei added more than 10,000 Evolution Points.

This shows how much the Water Race harassment along the way!

But then, Wei Xiaobei not only filled the Storage Ring, but also added Life Altar with a lot of material.

Anyway, those bodies that are thrown into the sea are also cheaper than other Water Races, but they are better to be converted into substances.

Looking far away from the star-shaped ship on the sea, and a yellow color appearing behind it, Wei Xiaobei’s heart suddenly delighted.

Finally I have to be arrived.

Of course, Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to lead the dragon horses, so that the ships of the Zhao Yun army along the way would probably be bad.

As a result, Wei Xiaobei circled a large circle and screamed at the same time.

Undoubtedly, Wei Xiaobei’s Gao Xiao quickly attracted the attention of Zhao Yun Jun.

Not long after, a long and narrow boat quickly moved towards Wei Xiaobei.

Is Zhao Tong?

Standing on the boat with Zhao Tong and several deputies, it is also powerful.

However, Wei Xiaobei didn’t let them come and kill the dragon horse. He shouted: “Others let it go, Zhao Tong comes over!”

Hearing Wei Xiaobei, Zhao Tong’s legs were a little stronger, and move towards Wei Xiaobei, and the boat quickly retreated.

Not to mention the few schoolmasters, the Advanced Army will look at the dragon horses that have been whizzing past, and they are all stunned.

To be honest, the horses that can run on the sea, they are the first to see, one by one can not help but admire Wei Xiaobei’s powerful.

To say that they all know that Zhao Yun gave Wei Xiaobei an order to find a horse. Originally, I thought that on the sea, where to find some horses, even if there are some small islands, I am afraid that dozens of forget it.

But now, how many horses are rushing from the front?

I am afraid there are no more than a thousand!

At this time, Zhao Tong had been handcuffed by Wei Xiaobei, then squatted on his shoulders, his feet did not slow down, and with the wind that made people unable to breathe, Wei Xiaobei arranged things for Zhao Tong.

To put it bluntly, after Zhao Tong went back, the organizers immediately set up a horse circle. Otherwise, if so many dragon horses were brought ashore directly, there might be some confusion.

Listening to the second uncle, Zhao Tong hurriedly nodded. He was not a military camp idiot. Zhao Tong, who was a small soldier in the Zhao Yun army at the age of nine, would not know what these horses mean for the Zhao Yun army.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t pay attention to whether he nodded. After the words were finished, Zhao Tong gave his right hand out.

Seeing that Zhao Tong had come back again, the boat hurriedly approached, and then several troops would pick up Zhao Tong with all his hands.

Watching the boat leave, Wei Xiaobei took the dragon horse and circled the sea.

In short, arrived now, this is a strength to live.

To be honest, taking a group of dragon horses on the sea is not a good thing.

Wei Xiaobei has to pay attention to the movements of the dragon horse from time to time. Although it seems that the dragon horse runs so far, there are still many pony. The pony is already running a little panting.

Wei Xiaobei’s circle is not round, and if the dragon horse is in a mess, then these ponies may be trampled to death.

After a few laps, Wei Xiaobei did not count.

In short, when the bait in the Storage Ring was about to be lost, Zhao Tong came over with a boat and shouted, probably meaning that the horse circle was repaired, and Wei Xiaobei took the dragon horse.

Wei Xiaobei nodded, and took a small circle around the dragon horse group. From the past, the mature dock slammed over the shore and rushed over the moving horse.

To say that, Zhao Tong is not waiting for him in Bai Mayi.

The horse circle was built with the fish bones brought back by Wei Xiaobei. It is probably time-critical. It is surrounded by a large circle, a large circle with a passage that rotates around the horse circle.

The front is close to the beach and the back is deep into the desert.

If it is hard to calculate, it is more than a thousand acres of land in the circle of horses. If you add a channel that rotates outside, I am afraid that there will be no more than three or four thousand acres. The channel formed by the fish bones has a height of seven or eight meters. A circle of rotation into it, invisible also formed more than a dozen fence walls.

I am afraid that the fish bones brought back by Wei Xiaobei are used on this circle.

At this time, the access door has been opened, and Wei Xiaobei took the lead in rushing into the passage. The dragon horses followed closely from behind, and they rushed in. Anyway, they chased Wei Xiaobei.

Wei Xiaobei estimates that if they jump into the magma, these dragon horses will probably have a small half to jump.

One lap, two laps, three laps…

Along the passage, Wei Xiaobei’s rotation in a circle is slowing down, and the same is true of the dragon horse behind it. Otherwise, it will hit the fishbone wall.

For dragon horses, even those fishbone walls can’t withstand their collisions, but subconsciously, they will follow Wei Xiaobei to avoid these obstacles. This is Life Form’s instinct for it. (To be continued~^~)

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