Chapter 918 is finally over

Today this poor Daoist feels special miserable, power failure at 5 o’clock in the morning, and then until this time, the phone code is out of power, but the daytime is a delay, it is really vomiting blood, power supply transformer, that Slow, this poor Daoist doesn’t want to say more.


At the same time, while grabbing the silvery stream, Wei Xiaobei sank into the liquid while avoiding the greedy attack of Ba Snake.

In the dense liquid, Wei Xiaobei’s hands were forced, the true mercury disappeared instantly, and the strength of the body increased a lot, so that Wei Xiaobei became a lot easier when he drilled out of the liquid.

In the following period, Wei Xiaobei grabbed a few more real mercury and enhanced his strength.

After avoiding an attack by Ba Snake, Wei Xiaobei took a sigh of relief and his eyes fell on the faint light golden air.

So now, it seems that you should change your goals.

In fact, nowrived, under the constant capture of Ba Snake and Fire Dragon, the pale gold flow in Dantian is not much, and the light golden airflow that Wei Xiaobei can now see is only about 30.

The direction of the pale gold airflow is disordered, and Wei Xiaobei can’t see the direction in which they move next towards the next time.

But even so, Wei Xiaobei jumped up in advance when a pale golden airflow passed over the fifteen or six meters above his head. He grasped it firmly and grasped it firmly.

But at this time, Wei Xiaobei saw a Flame move towards himself.

There was no Fire Dragon for Wei Xiaobei before. At this time, Wei Xiaobei caught a light golden airflow and seemed to be unable to bear it.

Flame is a faint red color that doesn’t seem to be very powerful, but in fact, when Flame is less than ten meters away, Wei Xiaobei can feel his hair seems to be burning.

Fortunately, Wei Xiaobei has no hair at this time, and some are just bare scalp.



Wei Xiaobei was desperately twirling the body in the air, trying to escape the Flame.

But it seems that I can’t escape.

Wei Xiaobei was in the middle of his heart, and did not pay attention to the Flame. The light golden airflow that was grasped by both hands was inserted into the move towards the mouth.


A roar came, Wei Xiaobei was instantly hit by the Flame, as if the gate hit by the siege cone, bursting open in a moment, forming a myriad of fragments.

At the same time, above these pieces, Flame is still burning, and Wei Xiaobei is almost unconscious.

But in the next moment, the light golden air that swallowed turned into a warm current and flowed through Wei Xiaobei.

Ok, actually, this feeling is very weird.

Wei Xiaobei At this point the body has been hit into pieces, but this feeling still occurs.

When Wei Xiaobei fell into the liquid, he suddenly found his body restored to its original state. The only change was the numerous cracks in his body, but even these cracks disappeared quickly, leaving only a light glimpse. The scars and dead skin disappeared.

At the same time, Wei Xiaobei can clearly feel that his body has become more solid.

In the past, Wei Xiaobei always felt that his body was like a balloon with half of sand, some careless, and some could not control.

But now it seems to be getting tougher.

However, at this time, when not considering these issues, Wei Xiaobei struggled to get out of the liquid.

At this point, the light golden air in the Dantian space is less, and it seems that there are fewer than ten.


In the following period, Wei Xiaobei under the attack of Ba Snake and Fire Dragon, captured two pale gold airflow and swallowed it.

There is no doubt that Wei Xiaobei’s body has become stronger and sharper after swallowing two pale gold streams.

Just as Wei Xiaobei was ambitious and ready to catch a few light golden air, the last light golden air was swallowed by the Ba Snake.

The next moment, Wei Xiaobei had a flower in front of him, but the mind was driven out of Dantian, the forest in front of him, the Dragon Turtle Fruit, the hill and even the sea in the distance, and he had regained control of the body.

For a long time, Wei Xiaobei only put out a breath.

To be honest, for the previous situation, Wei Xiaobei temporarily touched a few reasons.

There is no doubt that this kind of thing has something to do with the Dragon Turtle Fruit that I take.

The problem is for the hair itself to appear in the body formed by the human bloodline, not Ba Snake? Fire Dragon ?

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei feels that his human bloodline body is too weak.

It’s really too weak.

At the beginning, I was almost killed by the Ba Snake instant kill.

You know, Wei Xiaobei used to feel something in the form of the Dragon Blood.

After a long period of contemplation, Wei Xiaobei decided to temporarily put the matter aside and solve the problem at hand.

The left hand stretched out, and countless shredded pork squirted out. In the blink of an eye, forty meatballs were formed on the forest floor.

The meat mass quickly ruptured and drilled a Common Person from the whole body.

Although the material reserves in Life Altar were almost consumed when the White Fog Shrimp was cultivated, the consumption of forty Common Persons can still be paid.

However, this is also the last substance, and the material reserves in Life Altar are consumed for the first time.

On the Dragon Turtle Island in this Dust World South Sea, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t have to worry about these Common Persons being insulted, so they don’t have to prepare clothes for them.

With a command from Wei Xiaobei’s mind, these unbroken Common Persons began to get busy.

Picking Dragon Turtle Fruit is the only mission of the Common Person at this time.

Although Wei Xiaobei has also joined the ranks, there is no doubt that there are forty Common 2-Star Common Persons, which will greatly improve the speed and efficiency of fruit picking.

After all, Wei Xiaobei is fast, just a person for it.

As Wei Xiaobei’s figure sways, the Dragon Turtle Fruit in the Storage Ring is constantly increasing, and in the open space between the forests, the returning Common Person will pile up the Dragon Turtle Fruit on top of the already-formed fruit hill.

Time by bit, past…

Suddenly, Wei Xiaobei leaped to a hill, looking towards the distant sea, a Giant’s dorsal fin pulled a wave of water on the surface of the sea, moving towards Long Turtle Island.

Undoubtedly, the shark mixed blood Dragon species is back.

Upon seeing it, Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to waste time. He even took the pile of fruit trees into the Storage Ring, and at the same time desperately moved toward the sky, and the Common Person was hidden in his mind.

As the Common Persons plunged into the grass and shrubs, the dragon Turtle Island was restored to tranquility, and only the sea breeze blew the rustling of the leaves.

The giant shark feels very satisfied, and the giant fish makes it full.

To say that, in its capacity, the grandson of the Crown Prince of the Dragon King, the grandson of the South Sea Dragon King, it is a joke to say that he did not let it eat.

But for a shark that has a considerable degree of shark’s bloodline, it’s always hungry or hungry at all times, and it looks like its race innate talent.

Even if the giant fish had just been eaten clean, and now back to Dragon Turtle Island, the scorpion shark seems to feel a little hungry.

Eat a few fruits and scrape oil?

No, Grandfather said before, Grand Turather’s production is rare. It is the South Sea Dragon Palace. He has secretly eaten a few. If he eats more, it is discovered by Grandfather. The ending seems to be a little miserable. ?

But I really want to eat a few more fruits! ! !

Wei Xiaobei has not yet reached the fog at this time, and looks back from time to time.

The giant shark is now wandering around the Dragon Turtle Island, and it looks like he wants to do something, but he doesn’t seem to dare.

Well, Wei Xiaobei is not worried about the Common Person being discovered by the giant shark.

You know, in the words of Blue Crab Monster King, those Common Persons are uninspired and give it a feeling like a stone.

In fact, for monsters, the determination of food is good or bad. Of course, this taste is not the same as human standards.

For example, a person, a whole body, in the eyes of the same kind, is probably filthy, even a few eyes will feel sick.

But in the eyes of the monster, this human may be very delicious, even if it is sweaty, it will probably be scented by the monster, which is probably the so-called human taste.

Thinking of these things, Wei Xiaobei finally broke into the fog.

Ink ink spear, take out the fish line, hang a bait made of squid, throw!

The squid, which was soaked in balsamic vinegar and then lightly fried with a slight fire, moved towards the sea and fell.

What makes Wei Xiaobei somewhat awkward is that the fishing line has not yet reached the end. When the squid is more than three hundred meters away from the sea, the giant shark leaps from the sea and swallows the squid in a bite.

In fact, the shark’s vision is relatively poor. It just saw that something suddenly fell from the sky. As for what was not seen, even the taste was not smelled. It was just comfortable when swallowed. .

Well, if Wei Xiaobei knows that the scorpion shark swallows the bait is such a thing, it is estimated that the bait will be wasted.

A guy like this, let alone the carefully prepared bait, it is estimated that even if it is a stone, it can probably be hooked.


When the scorpion shark felt the intense pain in the throat, and then struggled with Eruption, Wei Xiaobei only felt that the ink spore on his hand was almost unstoppable.

Compared to the poisonous cockroach, this shark is not afraid of panic, but feels that he is bound by the award, and his heart is extremely uncomfortable. Don’t say that the throat is sore, if you really feel unhappy, even if it is a day, you have to take a hole. come out.

It is also this character, whose father has been suppressing it all the time, but now, the pain that comes from the throat will break the shackles that have been tied to it.

Imagine the movement of a giant shark that is more than 80 meters long and struggles in the air.

Eighty meters, probably the length of a frigate.

And its weight is more than 1,800 tons, so when struggling, the strength of Eruption comes out in a moment, and Wei Xiaobei, whose strength has reached 95.01, feels that some of the inks can not hold the hand.

Can’t you be honest?

Wei Xiaobei Muscle with his arms is completely raised, but the body moves toward the following.

Arrived At this time, even the ability to walk freely, it is impossible for Wei Xiaobei to stand firm in the air. (To be continued~^~)

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