Chapter 914, mixed dragon horse

Children’s Day is coming, this poor Daoist is here to bless all the old children, children, and children!


However, after Wei Xiaobei observed the breath of this mixed lobster, he could not help but shake his head.

This guy does not look at the body type more than 50 meters, I am afraid it is also the first in the shrimp demon family, but its level of strength is probably the ordinary look of 4-Star.

Its combat power may not be weak, but it does not meet the requirements of the promotion of fishing skills.

Wei Xiaobei shook his head and did not alarm the mixed lobster. He turned and left.

Dragon Turtle Island is a large island with a radius of more than ten square kilometers. It is covered with a strange grass tree, which has the height of a big tree, but it is a grass shape. On the head, under the blade is covered with a red fruit resembling a tortoise.

A body type of more than 80 meters of sharks around the island, constantly chasing and swallowing the fish and shrimp encountered.

Shark mixed dragon species?

Wei Xiaobei looked at the other party’s breath and then sighed in relief. Fortunately, this guy’s Creature Rank is 4-Star Elite, and it is indeed a mixed Dragon species.

In the last place, Wei Xiaogou arrived in the sea area spoken by the Shrimp soldiers, but the arrived seabed turned a few laps and did not see any seagrass ditch.

Even if Wei Xiaobei turned on the Heaven People sensor, the electromagnetic field was turned on and it was not found.

In the end, when Wei Xiaobei came to the surface, I saw two body type strong horses, which were racing on the sea and chasing each other. It was a wave-by-wave, every time the horseshoe fell on the surface of the sea. There are waves to pick up. The speed of the horse is constantly increasing.

Is that dragon horse?

Wei Xiaobei Eyesight, carefully looked at it, I saw that the two horses are all white, and there is not much difference between the horses on the land, but there are two rows of small scales behind the ear.

In the end, Wei Xiaobei started Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand.

Name: Mixed dragon horse

Race: Dragon species

Gender: Male

Age: 85 years old

Creature Rank :3-Star Normal

Introduction: This is the product of the true dragon horse and the horse after several generations of blood. Its inner strength contains a trace of true Dragon Blood pulse, and the god is extraordinary, and it can be waved. Mercedes-Benz land is a rare product of the South Sea Dragon Palace……..

Attribute : (slightly)

Soul Strength: 25

Skills: running, swimming, charging

Special Ability: True Dragon Blood, wave-by-wave, fast charge

Evolution Points : X (cannot accumulate)

Items on hand : none


Sure enough, dragon horse! It’s just a mixed-race, and if you want to come, if it’s a real dragon horse, I’m afraid the Creature Rank is more than 3-Star.

You know, that White Fog dragon horse. 3-Star Terror, just the Heavenly Court dragon horse, the drop of the body fluid is so wise, it is so powerful.

This mixed dragon horse. Probably the mixed algebra is much more, and the strength is weakened too much.

But Wei Xiaobei looked at the eyes of the two dragon horses and suddenly turned on.

This is really a break from the iron shoes, and it takes no effort!

Wei Xiaobei was still stunned by his own white horse, but he turned into an infantry, but now, the emergence of this dragon horse makes Wei Xiaobei happy.

Just don’t know how many dragon horses there are.

Probably the fright of the arrived Wei Xiaobei Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand, the two dragon horses that were originally playing on the sea instantly moved toward the sea. Go straight to the seabed somewhere.

Wei Xiaobei didn’t dare to lose the trace of this dragon horse, and then he went up to catch up.

I have to say that although this dragon horse is a mixed-race generation, it is always a dragon horse. As long as it carries a dragon character, it is not an ordinary species.

Its speed of swimming in the sea is almost the same as that of the horse on the land!

Even Wei Xiaobei was behind, almost lost. Its speed is like the swordfish that sprints in the sea. It only turns into two white streamers and disappears somewhere on the seabed.

Wei Xiaobei rushed to the past and finally found the entrance to the seagrass ditch.

A dense seaweed forest covers the entrance, and this seagrass forest has the ability to shield various explorations. As Wei Xiaobei passed through it repeatedly, he could not find the entrance.

Wei Xiaobei will converge after the atmosphere of the whole body. Quietly plunged into the seagrass forest.


After Wei Xiaobei got into the so-called seaweed ditch, there was some blasphemy.

Wei Xiaobei used to think that it was a trench filled with seaweed. It can only be found after drilling. It is a spacious passage, and through the passage, the outside of the passage is actually a water without a sea. Seabed world.

On the top is a ray of blue light, and below is a dense grassland that looks like some endless. Thousands of dragon horses are galloping on the grasslands, sometimes playing, sometimes fighting, playing too much. Happy.


Wei Xiaobei’s eyes are a little red at this time.

This is not Wei Xiaobei’s greed, but Bai Mayi is in desperate need of these dragon horses!

It is conceivable that if Bai Mayi is equipped with a dragon horse, how much will his combat power increase?

Even so, Bai Mayi can still have the ability to fight at sea!

This is important for helping Ao Yan later!

However, to make Wei Xiaobei quite frowning, just outside the passage of the passage, a huge giant is sleeping.

On top of the giant snake body, there are nine huge snake heads.


Wei Xiaobei felt it and decided that the Hydra was a mixed Dragon species, but the Hydra’s True Dragon was weaker than the poisonous scorpion.

Even so, the Hydra’s Creature Rank is up to the awarded 4-Star elite.

This also makes Wei Xiaobei slightly sighed in relief.

The three 4-Star Elite Dragon Species required by the mission are all in place.

Wei Xiaobei slowly stepped out of the passage, but did not leave. He chose a place to lie down in the seaweed forest that could withstand the detection, but his mind began to think about it.

The question now is how to catch three 4-Star elite Dragon species, and it is best not to alarm South Sea Dragon Palace to facilitate Wei Xiaobei to capture the mixed dragon horse!

To be honest, if you arbitrarily fish a dragon species, it doesn’t matter how difficult it is for Wei Xiaobei.

The difficulty here is that you need to fish three! Wei Xiaobei also wants to capture the dragon horse.

After fishing a mixed-race Dragon species, I am afraid it will easily attract the attention of the South Sea Dragon Palace. When the second item is fishing, the team of the people will be killed.

Wei Xiaobei felt a little headache, and rubbed his head with his hand, feeling that he was somewhat weak.

If there are a few people who can help you attract the attention of the South Sea Dragon Palace.

Wei Xiaobei When I thought of this, suddenly the divine light flashed, my heart secretly stunned myself, I was not without help, but I was negligent.

No help, you can cultivate!

Is Life Altar used for display?

In this case, Wei Xiaobei needs a little time to prepare.

After the head stretched out of the seaweed forest and probed it left and right, Wei Xiaobei quietly drilled out and pressed the seabed like a crab and swam away quickly.

After half an hour, Wei Xiaobei appeared near a small island. Although there is no aura in this small island, there is no such thing as the Water Race in the vicinity. However, because there are two warm currents, the number of fish is much more. Unimaginable.

Standing on the edge of the island, Wei Xiaobei stretched out his left hand, and countless shredded pork squirted out in a flash. In the blink of an eye, dozens of small meat balls were formed on the beach.

These meat masses are also less than half a meter in diameter.

After the meatballs burst, the meatballs still have a meatball, the body type is smaller, the size of the fist, and the number of small meatballs drilled in each meatball exceeds thirty.

These meatballs do not have much activity.

Wei Xiaobei grabbed the meatballs and threw them away from the distant sea.

With the strength of Wei Xiaobei’s present, these meatballs are easily thrown several kilometers away from him.

The meatballs are like raindrops, sparsely landed on a circular sea with a radius of five or six kilometers centered on the island.

But soon the meatballs that fell on the surface of the sea changed. They quickly moved toward all around and expanded into a circular film that floated like a lotus leaf on the sea.

The grain blanket, which was the grain blanket that Wei Xiaobei had previously modified, but before that, Wei Xiaobei adjusted the gene slightly again due to the different uses.

These grain blankets float on the surface of the sea, absorbing the sea water and carrying out photosynthesis.

Although the light in Dust World is very dark, in fact, as long as it is not the kind of dead land that is covered with white ash, the gloomy light can still provide sufficient energy for these grain blankets.

Under the rapid photosynthesis, the area of ​​grain blankets has been continuously widened. Although many of the grain blankets are damaged by fish as food, the grain blankets have the ability to grow on their own, as long as they are not swallowed. Going down, being damaged, and being able to grow back quickly.

Not long after, the sea around the island was completely covered by these dark green grain blankets.

Arrived at this time, Wei Xiaobei trained thirty White Fog shrimps.

This is already the ultimate in Wei Xiaobei. The material in Life Altar has not been supplemented on a large scale. It is quite good to be able to cultivate these.

These White Fog Shrimp mothers have been continually remodeled and their ability to multiply has become stronger. The White Fog Shrimp, which has been bred, has enough food to grow to the 2-Star elite.

Of course, growth like this is actually not cost-effective. The more white Fog shrimp grows, the more food they need.

The White Fog Shrimp, which sinks into the sea with the help of guarded shrimp, quickly produces a strip of eggs that start to hatch from the production. Not long after, a group of half-headed White Fog juveniles I drilled out of the egg belt and started moving towards all around to launch the attack.

Well, the attack range of these White Fog juveniles includes everything that can be eaten.

From kelp to seaweed, to coral reefs, from shellfish buried in seabed mud to all around swimming fish, and even the seabed Life Form sacrums are the targets of their attacks. (To be continued~^~)

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