The 910 chapter and the full camp are all incisors!

The third chapter is sent! Everyone pays attention to rest early, don’t get too tired, this poor Daoist is also conscious.


Wei Xiaobei just looked at the changes in fishing skills, and was shocked by the conditions of his next promotion.

To upgrade your fishing skills from Perfection to Unfathomable, you need to fish three Dragon Species of 4-Star Elite!

You know, the mixed-race Dragon species goldfish that Wei Xiaobei once received is just the general strength of 4-Star for it.

This 4-Star elite’s mixed Dragon species is probably the mixed-race of the Dragon Crown Prince.

This requirement is not low.

Wei Xiaobei Although it is already possible to crush many 4-Star elite Monsters in the duel, this mixed Dragon species can’t be compared with the same level of Monster. The Dragon species is growing, and Innate is stronger than other Life Forms. A lot.

The 4-Star elite hybrid Dragon species, the body of the true Dragon Blood pulse should be very rich, in terms of combat power, I am afraid it is not so easy to get it.

Just saying that the fishing rod used to fish 4-Star elite Dragon species, Wei Xiaobei did not.

Before, Wei Xiaobei’s own fishing rod was used to fish 4-Star. It was also strong and wanted to fish the 4-Star elite Dragon species. I am afraid that the tail will be cut off and the fishing line will be broken. It is.

Besides, the IQ of the Dragon Species is not low. If you are fishing there, I am afraid that you will find you long ago. It is not a sea fish that looks like a fool.

Wei Xiaobei shook his head and temporarily thwarted the problem with the brain, and then looked at the changes in fishing skills.

To be precise, after the fishing skill has been upgraded to Perfection, the subsidiary ability has also increased by one.

Wishes to hook: Jiang Taigong fishing will be hooked, have a chance to configure the bait that Water Race can’t refuse! Note: Cooking skills have an additive bonus to this ability. The higher the level of cooking skill, the easier it is to configure a particular bait.

So, after seeing this new adjunct, Wei Xiaobei understood it.

If you can configure the bait that Water Race can’t refuse, then even a mixed-race Dragon species might not be able to escape this temptation!

Now, the only problem is how to refine a fishing rod that can’t break the mixed Dragon species!

Wei Xiaobei stared at the top of the tent, and both minds were involved in the calculation of the mixed dragon species strength.

Based on the hybrid Dragon species goldfish as a template, after spending more than half an hour, Wei Xiaobei probably figured out the strength of the 4-Star elite’s mixed dragon species. Even its true Dragon Blood, seawater and so on.

If coupled with the effect of the momentary Eruption force, Wei Xiaobei came to the conclusion that the fishing rod needs to withstand at least 5,000 tons of strength!

Otherwise, the fishing rod will definitely break!

With Wei Xiaobei’s current refining method, if you want to refine a fishing rod that can withstand 5,000 tons of strength, the size of the fishing rod will exceed two meters in diameter!

In other words, the body type of the fishing rod will be so big that Wei Xiaobei fishing becomes very troublesome!

Of course, the most important issue is a fishing rod like this, whose Dragon Fire Cauldron can’t be refining at all.

It seems. This matter can only be rescued by Ao Yan, and I wonder if this guy will be willing to refine such a fishing rod for Wei Xiaobei.

You know, Ao Yan is True Dragon. But it is also a Water Race, so the bait may be useful to it, so refining the fish, Ao Yan may have some conflicts.

But, anyway, Wei Xiaobei is ready to try.

Thinking of this, Wei Xiaobei did not delay time and immediately got up. Just ready to go to the desert.

What Wei Xiaobei didn’t think was that at this time, the soldiers came over and said that Zhao Yun had something to ask.

When Wei Xiaobei arrived in the army, Zhao Yun let the Zhuge master book that came to report the affairs leave, and after the figure of the Zhuge main book disappeared, Zhao Yun moved towards Wei Xiaobei and smiled: “second brother You are hurting the big brother this time.”


Wei Xiaobei looked at Zhao Yun twice. At this time, Zhao Yun’s breath was extremely restrained, so Wei Xiaobei couldn’t see the strength of Zhao Yun at all. The only thing that can be known is that the injury on Zhao Yun has completely healed!

The Immortal Grade dish is not a simple thing.

“Look at me? I have nothing to do, you are going out to see it now. The strength of Manda Camp has improved.”

Zhao Yun said this, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but think about it. I remembered the memory that I had come over before. I thought about the situation of the fishing rod, but I ignored the situation on the road. Now I found the trouble.

Looks like I have just come over, all the soldiers in the past are the strength of the 3-Star elite! There are even some 3-Star Terror inside!

With this in mind, I am afraid that the military will be at least the 4-Star elite.

The seemingly goalkeepers are all armed 4-Star elite.

“Is this not a good thing?”

Wei Xiaobei is somewhat puzzled. Everyone has improved their strength. The Zhao Yun army has become stronger. Is it a bad thing?

Does anyone want to take power? Impossible, with the prestige of Zhao Yun in the army, I am afraid no one dares it?

But it is also hard to say.

Is Zhuge’s main book? Is unlikely, is it that Zhang Xin’s military judge? This guy knows the law? Or vice president Zhou Da…

In an instant, Wei Xiaobei has dozens of names in his mind, but Wei Xiaobei also feels that these people should not have the ambition of arrogance.

Seeing the look on Wei Xiaobei’s face, Zhao Yun is a bit stunned. The worship of brother in Dust World is not as unconstrained as it is in reality. At least Wei Xiaobei is thinking about what is in his mind. Zhao Yun can probably also be from his face. See a little.

“Not what you think, there is a reward and punishment system in the military. If you work hard to a certain extent, your position is to be promoted! And the position requires the cooperation of strength. It is not enough to be tired.”

Zhao Yun said this, Wei Xiaobei’s mind was dispelled and he understood it.

I want to come to this Zhao Yun army. There are a lot of people who have worked hard. I used to have enough strength and couldn’t make a promotion. But now, Wei Xiaobei has a big meal of fish and meat. Many people have improved their strength, even Some people have also surpassed their promotion positions.

In this way, the fair character of Zhao Yun is naturally implemented in accordance with the system, and the soldiers who are tired enough will be promoted.

However, there are only a lot of military positions in the Zhao Yun army. Recently, there are no military officers and no vacancies. Although Zhao Yun can formulate several special positions to arrange the promotion, it is impossible to breathe. Have you drafted many such special positions?

“How many people need to be promoted?”

Wei Xiaobei would like to have an idea, just to see how many people in Zhao Yun need to be promoted.

“The captain is two thousand, Capital Senior, 100-Man Commander three hundred, the front door will be, the department is governed by one hundred and seventy, the army is the horse twenty, the ten is ten, and the school is six!”

Every time Zhao Yun spits out a number, Wei Xiaobei will quickly calculate it in his mind and convert it into the corresponding Creature Rank.

Wei Xiaobei also calculated this number when Zhao Yun stopped.

3-Star is two thousand, 3-Star Elite has three hundred 3-Star Terror, 4-Star is one hundred and seventy, and 4-Star is thirty-six!

This is too Terror, right?

3-Star is better than saying that there are 206 people who have been promoted to 4-Star and above!

But then again, it can be seen that this Zhao Yun army can be called a hidden dragon, and so many military powers.

“Why don’t you get some of the troops into the White Horses? Then you will set up another army, called the Navy! Specializing in the sea.”

Wei Xiaobei thinks about what to say, he naturally wants to give himself to the jurisdiction of Bai Mayi to plan a little more people into the classroom, Baima Yiyi from the two hundred people, feeling too awkward.


Hear Xiaobei said that Zhao Yun was a little hesitant. He had to say that Wei Xiaobei’s thoughts were somewhat similar to himself, but Zhao Yun just wanted to transfer people into Bai Mayi, but did not think of another army.

“The second brother suggested that it is very good, but another army, but the brother does not have this power, but can be divided into a fishing camp under the big camp, but it can be arranged two school, five are …. ”

Having said that, Zhao Yun conceived it in his heart.

When I heard the name of the fishing camp, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t sweat from the back. Obviously, Zhao Yun listened to what he meant.

However, Zhao Yun’s words are not wrong. It’s not his power to set up another army. This seems to be the power of Liu Bei.

Seeing Zhao Yun in contemplation, Wei Xiaobei did not speak, quietly left, ready to go to Ao Yan to see if the guy woke up.

However, along the way, Wei Xiaobei can indeed feel that the strength of the Zhao Yun army has improved a lot. In the past, the 3-Star ordinary sergeant was the captain level, and now, many long, Wu Chang, It’s all 3-Star is normal.

At the captain level, many were promoted to the 3-Star elite, 3-Star Terror.

Regardless of how trouble Zhao Yun feels to do with the improvement, Wei Xiaobei feels that the improvement of Zhao Yun’s strength is definitely a good thing, especially at this time.

Wei Xiaobei just stepped into the desert, and a red line came. The next moment, Xiaohong stood on Wei Xiaobei’s shoulder and screamed and combed his feathers.

In this area, there is probably only the environment on the side of Ao Yan, which makes Xiaohong prefer, so when Wei Xiaobei leaves the desert, this little red will leave, in order to enjoy more heat.

This made Wei Xiaobei feel like make complaints. When it was still under the cave, the piece of magma formed by Xiaohong would not be worse than Ao Yan. Now, Xiaohong has learned to take advantage of it and it is warm.

Arrived place, Ao Yan did not wake up.

But don’t worry, Wei Xiaobei took out the dragon scale pot, and just got the accessory ability that he just got started: the wisher hooked up and made a batch of bait.

The main ingredients and accessories of the bait are selected immediately after Wei Xiaobei’s ability to start. They are all ingredients in the Storage Ring.

For example, the main ingredient is fish, rice, and accessories are superior Yggdrasil juice, swan fairy meat, in addition a little Finest Quality spice. (To be continued~^~)

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