Chapter 908, socioeconomic issues

Send a chapter first. I didn’t know what happened in the past few days. God changed his face too fast. Yesterday, the sun was shining. This poor Daoist was squatting in front of the computer, licking his feet and licking his body. Today is better, the temperature is more than ten degrees. This poor Daoist was put on a cotton coat, and almost no way to lick his feet.


The inspected Yaksha was chased away by Ao Yan. It is said that this patrol Yaksha was originally planning to serve at Ao Yan, probably with the intention of Ao Yan.

The idea of ​​patrolling the sea Yaksha is very simple. After the True Dragon adulthood, it will always be independent. At that time, a group of cronies will be required to take care of the waters under their jurisdiction. At this time, they will be close to Ao Yan. It is the big official like the generals of the sea.

But Ao Yan is not surrounded by the patrolling Yaksha. It didn’t take long for the patrol Yaksha to pant, and Demonic Qi was thin and almost dying.

Ao Yan drove it away, but also for its good, but seeing this patrolling sea Yaksha is not willing to leave, Ao Yan probably understands what this guy thinks, simply gives him a title for the generals of the patrol and sends it to him. Go to the chaotic waters.

For the title given by Ao Yan, the patrolling Yaksha was almost excited to faint.

Although at this time, the patrolling sea Yaksha did not have a man, but when he left, it was also an inexplicable official appearance. The walk was a splayed step. If it wasn’t for Demonic Qi, it would be estimated that this guy could not walk a few steps. I have to fall to the ground.

This scene is to make Wei Xiaobei look a little stunned, and his heart can not help but sigh, this kind of thing seems to be no race, as long as the official, it is different from before.

“It feels a little different.”

In fact, this tour of the sea Yaksha is really different at this time. Wei Xiaobei Although I didn’t use Myriad Things Thoroughly Understand, I can see the change of the atmosphere on the patrolling Yaksha.

a trace Silk Ao Yan’s unique dragon gas emerged on this patrol Yaksha, its strength is playing the role of this dragon, slowly rising.

Although this kind of improvement is hard to detect, but the victory is lasting, at this speed, I am afraid that it will take three months. The strength of this patrol Yaksha can be rushed to 4-Star.

And the beginning of this change is just Ao Yan’s mouth to promote it as a patrol general!

During the period, neither Dragon Soul nor Dragon Blood was given. Just a word.

This is a bit too amazing.

To this end, Wei Xiaobei specifically asked Ao Yan.

Ao Yan’s answer made Wei Xiaobei think a little.

The general idea is that the dragon is the length of the hundred scales, and it is born with a hundred scales. The Yaksha in the patrolling sea originally hides a trace dragon bloodline, and Ao Yan’s sentence activates the body’s bloodline.

In time, the patrol Yaksha may be able to become a mixed Dragon species.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei now wants to grab the patrolling Yaksha and take a look at the genes.

But this is not anxious, anyway before leaving Dust World. There is still some time.

After a few words with Wei Xiaobei, Ao Yan showed sleepiness again, and the huge faucet moved towards the ground. I fell asleep again.

Wei Xiaobei originally planned to have a good bit of delicious Ao Yan. You must know that the hundreds of sea fish that are caught back need to be cooked. After you eat it, you can calculate the fishing skills task.

But looking at this situation, Wei Xiaobei can only leave temporarily.

Crossing the desert, Wei Xiaobei stood at the junction of the Great Plains and the desert, and looked at the Great Plains with some stunned eyes.

At this time, the Great Plains was completely different from Wei Xiaobei.

It seems that its area has expanded tenfold. Almost all of the iron-roofed mountains shrouded in the distance were invisible.

The Great Plains is full of verdant farmland, with villages and occasionally a town.

This change is too big, right?

Wei Xiaobei felt a brainy paste and walked slowly to the front of the Zhao Yun military camp.

When we saw Wei Xiaobei coming back, the army guarding the gate will immediately test Wei Xiaobei’s token.

If there is no token, it is more troublesome to enter the camp.

Into the camp, Wei Xiaobei went all the way, many acquaintances. When I saw Wei Xiaobei coming back, I was a little happy and said hello.

For this reason, Wei Xiaobei has delayed for a while.

Zhongjun big account!

The guards on both sides guarded and saw Wei Xiaobei return. Did not say anything, just nod with Wei Xiaobei. However, Zhao Tong just opened the curtain and took a letter and walked out. He saw Wei Xiaobei hurriedly saying: “Second uncle is back?”

It can be seen that Zhao Tong is wearing casual clothes at this time, so he is commensurate with Wei Xiaobei as second uncle.

“The big brother is inside?”

Wei Xiaobei nodded and asked.

Zhao Tong is probably in a hurry, and there is not much to say, then leave.

When Wei Xiaobei entered the Chinese army big account, he saw Zhao Yun sitting in front of the handsome seat. The case was full of various documents, and the brow was slightly wrinkled.

“big brother !”

Wei Xiaobei screamed, Zhao Yun looked up and saw Wei Xiaobei coming back, and couldn’t help but smile: “second brother, you can come back, come and come, help the brother to see.”

Wei Xiaobei is curious, and what can still be difficult to Zhao Yun.

After that, I took the documents in the hands of Zhao Yun. After a while, Wei Xiaobei was a little surprised.

Although the situation on the Great Plains before, Wei Xiaobei also looked at the arried points, but the eyes slightly scratched the forget it.

Looking at these documents now, Wei Xiaobei only understood what the current Great Plains is now.

To put it simply, the Great Plains now has more than a thousand villages, more than 200 towns and ten county towns with a population of more than 200,000.

Even when it was at the height of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it was said to be prosperous.

Zhao Yun’s headaches at this time are probably the following.

First, the grain production in the Great Plains is very high, but the grain farmers are hurting the farmers. Many grain merchants are taking advantage of this big harvest and trying to lower the price of food, which makes the farmers complain.

To say that in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the grain harvest was good, and the farmer would complain that it was an incredible thing, but it also shows that the food output of the Great Plains is much more.

Second, the income of the residents of the counties and towns has dropped sharply, and it is also a complaint.

Third, the Zhao Yun army has reduced taxes.

Well, Wei Xiaobei looked at these three questions and couldn’t help but say: “These three questions are actually a problem, and the food cannot be sold.”

The food price is low, the farmer has no money to go to the county town, the town to consume, buy daily necessities, etc., and this transaction can not get up, the tax required by Zhao Yun Army is naturally not much.

Zhao Yun nodded. “This point, Zhuge’s main book has also said that he proposed that the army pays for food, but there is not much money in the camp, and the glass is not enough.”

Indeed, there is no money in Zhao Yunjun, but I can think of this method. The Zhuge Master Book is not bad.

“In this case, it is better to open a trading market in the towns and towns, let the farmers and the residents trade on their own, and barter goods. And Zhao Yunjun can also participate in it, with sea salt, salted fish and iron as trade items.”

Wei Xiaobei didn’t study much of this kind of thing, but his mind turned faster and he made a suggestion after thinking for a while.

Zhao Yun heard, could not help but overjoyed, hurriedly let the pro-Binger call the Zhuge main book, and then took a shot on Wei Xiaobei’s shoulder: “second brother, this time helped the brothers.”

Wei Xiaobei’s suggestion is somewhat rough, but it makes good use of the existing materials of Zhao Yunjun to solve this problem.

It is necessary to know that because the soldiers on the beach continue to work day and night, shift fishing, salt drying, this Zhao Yun military warehouse, sea salt, salted fish can be described as a mountain, the soldiers estimated that eating salted fish is about to eat.

As for the ironware, the blessing of the iron-clad mountain, from time to time, there is a small wave of iron-and-white monsters that strike the defense line of Zhao Yunjun, leaving a dead body.

These corpses are enough for the entire Zhao Yun Army to build weapons. In addition, the remaining corner scraps are not difficult to build some ordinary irons.

You know, those farmers, clothes, dishes and everything can be woven by themselves, but salt and iron are absolutely indispensable.

Of course, if Zhao Yunjun is involved, it will definitely impact those businessmen, but the social and economic problems are not so easy to solve.

As long as the farmer is stabilized and the supply of troops is guaranteed, the rest of the matter is a trivial matter.

Zhuge’s main book arrived, first met Zhao Yun, and then greeted Wei Xiaobei.

When Zhao Yun said Wei Xiaobei’s approach, the Zhuge main book couldn’t help but laugh: “This is really a big drop in our army!”

Hearing this, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but look at the words of the Three Kingdoms. In the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, those people were a bit exaggerated.

What is the 800,000-strong army? What can this talent be able to reach the 100,000-strong army? What is the strategy for the protagonist to have no need to blow the power of a certain, too much.

What is your own talent? This approach is handy in reality, and Wei Xiaobei always feels this way, and will lead to some trouble in the future.

Of course, listening to people touting themselves, Wei Xiaobei is still very cool, you know, in the Zhao Yun army, the highest strategic figure is the Zhuge master book.

What’s more, people are Zhuge Liang’s nephew! This person praised, Wei Xiaobei quite a bit of praise by Zhuge Liang.

Well, anyway, Wei Xiaobei finally reminded the Zhuge Master Book, the possible sequelae of this approach.

The biggest drawback of this approach is that Zhao Yunjun may replace those merchants and become the only party to trade with the farmers. If so, the residents of those counties and towns will be saddened.

Therefore, this method requires the Zhuge Master Book to find ways to make up for the loopholes.

I heard Wei Xiaobei say this, the Zhuge main book nodded and thanked Wei Xiaobei, saying that he would definitely pay attention to this matter, but now it is necessary to do this in advance.

When Zhuge’s main book went, Wei Xiaobei also said goodbye to Zhao Yun, but when he left the Zhongjun big account, he smelled the tempting food in the direction of the house.

After hearing this smell, Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but laugh. It seems that after his own instructions, the kitchen craft of this house has improved a lot, and it is no longer like the unpleasant taste of the previous cooking. (To be continued~^~)

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