Chapter 898, stunned

Previously, the author area took a while and went crazy until now. Sorry. There are book friends asking about the VIP group. Here, the Tiger Road Chief VIP group is 48170460. Remember, this group can only enter the screenshot.


As a result, the soldiers had to give up their beloved fitness room, but they were not willing to leave.


Suddenly a loud noise, I saw a fitness room, Juhan, who is more than two meters tall, and put a rally on the ground: “****, I can’t stand it! What a ghost place for this horse, even a chick can not see!”

“Rum! Honestly, this is the sea! After the mission is completed, how many women can you want! But now you have to listen to me! Otherwise, I will screw your head down and kick the ball! Do you understand?”

A roost man lying on the floor smoking a knife across his face, looked at Juhan, and learned the evil.

“Well, you are the boss, you have the final say.”

Juhan stopped some of the damage to the fitness room and looked at the soldiers outside the door: “Hey, don’t you, do you want father’s caress?”

Seeing that Juhan turned his gaze, the soldiers could not help but be surprised.

This Juhan was the most embarrassing in the previous battles. Even the poor Knoss was cut off from the arm. No one wants to be cut off, especially at sea. You must know that the medical officer is a drunkard. The second time I was punished was to accidentally leave the surgical forceps in Bush’s stomach during the operation.

Ok, think about how bad it is to think about it.

In any case, there is no Eruption in the fight.

Wei Xiaobei, through the information uploaded by the cell phone, quickly positioned the Alexander destroyer in the sea.

Wei Xiaobei was really itchy after looking for an oceanic behemoth.

Perhaps this is a common problem for men.

For most war weapons, there are hobbies that are difficult to suppress.

If it wasn’t for this thing, Wei Xiaobei wanted to drag it back.

To know. With the strength of Wei Xiaobei, after sneaking into a destroyer, the destroyer could not have any resistance.

The above is just a few hundred ordinary people. If you are together, a few punches can all be killed.

Of course, if the destroyer is towed away, I am afraid that the USA will be completely angry. In that case, the trouble of Wei Family Island is really big.

This is a positive provocation against a country.


Wei Xiaobei sighed. Quietly attached to the shell in front of the battleship, Wei Xiaobei thought of a good idea before he wanted to deal with a warship without any evidence.

With the left hand extended, a group of shredded pork squirted and landed on the steel casing, forming a meat mass attached to it.

Wei Xiaobei’s pork in his hand did not break, but a steady stream of black liquid into the meat.

This way, the development of the Life Form in the meatballs can be accelerated, and Wei Xiaobei only needs to pay some material for it.

Soon, the meatball broke open and a few half-meter-long prawns were drilled out. Then help the shrimp mother tear the shell.

After the shrimp mother was drilled from the broken meat mass, the pork on Wei Xiaobei’s hand was inserted into the body of the shrimp.

Similarly, the black liquid is continuously injected into the shrimp mother along the shredded pork. The belly of the shrimp mother was quickly inflated.

Less than five minutes before and after, the body type of the shrimp mother stuck to the shell of the destroyer was expanded several times, and then a strip of crystal egg was produced from behind it. After floating in the gentle sea breeze, it followed the wind. Stick to the outer casing.

Well, in fact, whether it is prawns, shrimps or egg belts can stick to the steel shell of the destroyer, the main reason is that these guys can make the temperature of the claws much lower. It is attached to the steel and can freeze in a blink of an eye.

That thin layer of ice bears the weight of the shrimp mother and the prawns.

The egg belts standing on the steel shell begin to hatch over time, and soon, small black spots appear on the translucent eggs.

Not long after, the egg shell broke open. A translucent white shrimp spread out of the egg belt and then moved towards it.

Less than half an hour before and after, millions of white shrimps will occupy almost half of the hull, and even the bottom of the boat is covered with shrimp.

Wei Xiaobei doesn’t need these shrimps to grow up, just need them to spray White Fog.

White Fog that has a violent corrosion effect. It is not the ship steel that can withstand it.

Wei Xiaobei quietly sank into the sea, with the order of the shrimp mother. All the shrimps can’t wait to spit out the White Fog liquid in their body.

Sī sī! sī sī! ……..

The White Fog liquid began to corrode the destroyer’s outer shell, causing white smoke to appear on the destroyer’s outer shell.

“My God! What is going on!”

Due to the strong irritating effect of the white Fog liquid corrosive steel, some soldiers who are resting on the deck soon coughed and moved the searchlight around the sea.

They thought it was what happened at sea.

But soon the sharp-eyed soldier looked at the shrimp on the outside of the body of the arrived boat: “What are those? Is it lobster?”

“Lobster, you think, is it a dream?”

Although some soldiers laughed, more soldiers found this scene.

“High pressure water gun! Chong!”

Several officers quickly rushed to arrived and commanded the soldiers to clean the hull with a high-pressure water gun.

Under the action of the high-pressure water gun, those shrimps could not stand on the hull.

As for the shrimp mother, when the searchlight came over, it fell into the water.

But even if the high-pressure water gun constantly scoured the hull, those small shrimps that were stained at the bottom of the ship could not be washed at the root of the high-pressure water gun.

As a result, the radar department responsible for dragging the sounds quickly found the problem.

“Report! 3 drags and fails!”

“Reporting 1 has a problem with the drag and is being processed.”


The tows are covered with dense white shrimps that look quite Terror-intensive.

But very quickly, under the corrosion of White Fog liquid, these unrecoverable drag squeaks became riddled with holes and completely lost their proper function.

It should be noted that these advanced dragging sounds are made of anti-corrosion, high-strength polymer materials, and even in dilute hydrochloric acid, they can last for quite some time.

“Fuck! What the hell is going on!!!”

The complaints on the destroyers continued to rise, but they did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all, but only thought that they had encountered some minor troubles.

Hundreds of thousands of White Fog shrimps are attached to the bottom of the boat. They don’t consume the White Fog liquid. They don’t eat when they are born. In this case, only two minutes of spit will completely drain the body energy. death.

But it doesn’t matter. The White Fog Shrimp, who has sunk to the seabed, is spawning spawning. A lot of food is collected by prawns and served by White Fog.

Thousands of small shrimps are hatched from the egg belt every second to form a shrimp belt that is constantly attached to the bottom of the boat to compensate for the loss of White Fog shrimp.

To say this time, if the Alexander destroyer accelerates to leave the sea, then the hatched shrimp is not likely to catch up with the destroyer, but the deputy captain of the temporary agent made a decision that made him regret his life.

“What? There are a lot of unknown Life Forms at the bottom of the ship? Slow down the speed of the ship and send the frogman down.”

As the speed of the destroyer drops from the 24 section to the 2 section, it is convenient for the action of the frogman.

However, the deputy captain did not know that as the speed of the ship decreased, more White Fog shrimps followed, and the move towards the bottom of the boat.

Several frogmen dragged long snorkels, armed with fish guns, and slowly sank into the sea.

When they were near the bottom of the ship, they could not help but be stunned. At this time, the bottom of the destroyer was densely covered with white shrimp. From a distance, there were more such small shrimps swimming over the bottom of the ship.

How is this going?

The frogman didn’t realize the seriousness of the matter, and even a frogman tried to use the fish gun in his hand to fiddle with the shrimp.

At this time, the orders received by these White Fog shrimps corrode the bottom of the ship. The rest, let alone kill a few guns, even if a group of sharks come to kill, these White Fog shrimps will not be shaken.

But this thing gave the frog people a wrong message, that is, these shrimps seem to be not aggressive.

As the frogman sent the news back, the deputy captain was somewhat puzzled. There were many shrimps at the bottom of the boat. It was not aggressive. What happened to the sound of the sound?

Well, even if the underwater scanning radar is swept out over and over again, except for the shrimps that are constantly moving towards the bottom of the ship, the remaining half of the hair is not found.

After hesitating for a while, the deputy captain decided to report to the captain at this time. After all, in peacetime, it is not a small matter to destroy the sound of the drag.

This is not to say that every drag and drop is worth a million dollars. The key is the nature of this matter.

If it is done by people, then it is the provocation of the USA Navy!

If it is a Marine Life Form, then you need to study the countermeasures as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the war is smashed by the Ocean Life Form from time to time, then things are big, one is bad, and the submarine sneak attacks. game over.

In short, this is a very serious situation.

When the captain wakes up, the captain naturally needs to wash it. After that, he gathers relevant departments to report the situation and study the decision in the conference room.

In the end, the captain made a wise decision and accelerated to leave.

The reason is very simple. In his opinion, it is estimated that the bottom of the ship accidentally caught something, thus attracting these shrimp groups.

Therefore, the best way is to go to a port and clean the bottom of the boat slightly. As for the mission, please, now it is an emergency.

After all, at night, if it is caused by damage caused by marine animals, it is difficult to find the cause.

To say that, before the slowdown of the White Fog shrimp, the first wave of hundreds of thousands of shrimps hanged, the shrimp produced by the White Fog shrimp mother could not catch up with the destroyer. (To be continued~^~)

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