Chapter 895, Petrochemical

Big brother big sister, old Young Masters, youthful girls, and monthly tickets? Recommended tickets are also OK, in short, all tickets must be! ! !


Of course, this may be a strategy of the USA, using the extremely high-profile Alexandria ship to cover up the activities of other warships.

In any case, the Alexandrian ship left the military port, and the investigators sent by Huang Kun immediately sent the news back.

To be honest, Huang Kun was excited when he was given this task by Wei Xiaobei.

I know that Huang Kun has experienced so many experiences. Now, it looks like a tall man with a bit of maturity on his face, but it is undeniable that Huang Kun is still a few months away from fifteen years old.

In other words, the essence of Huang Kun is still a middle two.

Although, the second young in the mouth of everyone with some derogatory meaning, it seems that the second young knows the disaster, is a string in the brain, bloated forward.

However, it is undeniable that the second-year young has the blood and passion that adults do not have. If they look for a goal, they will stick to it.

Of course, I am afraid that the world will not be chaotic. I hope that in the troubled times, the human head will become a big hero, and so on. It is probably one of the two aspects of the second.

Excited for so long, the Alexandria ship finally sailed!

Huang Kun knows that as the destroyer sails, Master is afraid to take action!

Just think about it, Huang Kun is full of excitement, think about it, confrontation with a powerful empire!

How hot it is, how passionate the picture is!

Seeing the excitement and excitement of Huang Kun’s face, Wei Xiaobei guessed the mind of Huang Kun.

This guy may be better in front of outsiders, in front of his own master. Basically, it doesn’t hide.

“Don’t be so excited, you don’t want to be in trouble for the teacher.”

Wei Xiaobei knocked on Huang Kun’s head and let it go outside the door, while he took a human head-sized heart from the Storage Ring.

This heart is made up of stones, but it is amazing that it is still slowly beating, and even the blood vessels on it can see some liquid that emits shimmer is flowing slowly!

The heart of this stone is the heart of Wei Xiaobei from the belly of the granite man!

Quality Immortal Grade!

To say that this kind of heart produced in the granite body, Wei Xiaobei is absolutely necessary to distribute and improve the strength of the discipline.

But before that. Wei Xiaobei needs to taste first to test the harmfulness and effect of this thing.

After all, to test this stuff, you must bear a petrochemical effect.

Wei Xiaobei looked at it, I am afraid that except for myself, the other disciplines could not be tested.

If you are not careful, one of them will have to become a real stone.

of course. Wei Xiaobei is also looking forward to the benefits that this heart can bring.

Your own defense, strength, and so on. They are already very strong, but if they can be upgraded again, no one will refuse.

Especially at this critical time.

In order to prevent accidents, Wei Xiaobei even puts the best Yggdrasil juice and Youth Spring Water at hand. If there is a problem, it can be taken in the first time.

Subsequently, Wei Xiaobei completely locked the door to prevent someone from disturbing himself.

After doing these preparations. Wei Xiaobei took the heart of the granite.

Well, the heart of a basketball-sized stone, I hope it will not work if I want to swallow it.

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei turned the ink glove on his hand into a huge spear form, and then he took it with the sharp head of the tooth towards the stone.

Fortunately, although the heart of the stone is extremely flexible, it is also very hard. But in front of the ink ghost spear, it is really not enough to see.

The sharp tip of the gun is easy to insert into the heart of the stone.

As the tip of the gun penetrates, the frequency of the heartbeat of the stone suddenly increases, and even a yellow shimmer is emitted.

This gave Wei Xiaobei a little unpredictable feeling. Don’t you want to explode this thing?

Without thinking, Wei Xiaobei unplugged the gun from the heart. Then he will arrived the hole and then slammed it!

A liquid with a dusty smell, like a muddy liquid, was inhaled by Wei Xiaobei, and then it fell for a while without falling.

The tongue became numb in an instant, the taste was interrupted, and the touch was interrupted!

Wei Xiaobei took out a mirror and took photos. I couldn’t help but find out that my tongue has become a stone at this time. Don’t say that Flexibility is turning, even if you want to move up and down.

Petrochemical effect!

This is the petrochemical effect!

Wei Xiaobei understood it at this time.

Although the tongue was not completely petrified, only the outer layer turned into a stone, but Wei Xiaobei could feel that as the muddy liquid entered the stomach, a thick breath would move from the stomach move towards Walking around the whole body, it was like a layer of cement, which suddenly turned into a stone.

This speed is too fast, right?

Upon seeing it, Wei Xiaobei had to spur the real mercury and fight against the breath while drinking Youth Spring Water.

The cool, incomparable Youth Spring Water drank, and the touch of the disappearance seemed to recover a bit.

But this is not enough. Wei Xiaobei grabbed the porcelain bottle with Yggdrasil juice and poured it into the mouth.

The next step is to wait quietly.

I have to say that Wei Xiaobei’s early preparation is still effective.

With the infusion of these two top treatments, Wei Xiaobei has a strong confrontation.

The breath constantly swells the organs, bones and even blood in the places where Wei Xiaobei passes, and the drug smell that follows closely from behind continues to recover these petrified parts.

It can be said that this transformation process is not painful, but it will bring extreme itchiness.

It is like the itchiness of a long flesh after a wound has healed, but it is ten times more intense, and there is an extreme impulse that you can’t help but want to force it!

It’s too uncomfortable!

Wei Xiaobei With both hands on the edge of the bed, the bed made of hard mahogany turned into a powder in the hands of Wei Xiaobei in a moment!

The only part that has not been petrified is the head. Wei Xiaobei mobilizes most of the real mercury to block the neck that leads to the head. Although the real mercury will be petrified, it will be recovered by other real mercury. Not even the power of the backhand.

But in this case, the real mercury in Wei Xiaobei’s body is consumed as fast as a war that is evenly matched.

Of course, there are also some places, even if those breaths are fierce, there is no petrochemical.

For example, some of the bones that have been turned into silvery white from the inside to the outside, or the heart that keeps beating, and so on.

After the whole process was maintained for about half an hour, Wei Xiaobei felt that he was dying.

It was finally over. As the last a trace itch disappeared, Wei Xiaobei felt that his body seemed to be hollowed out, and his fingers could not be bounced.

Resting for a while, Wei Xiaobei, who was sweating all over, finally got a little strength. After taking out a few Treasure Grade-level barbecue plugs from the Storage Ring, the big mouth swallowed.

To be honest, Wei Xiaobei doesn’t have the powerful logistics skills of cooking. I am afraid that it will hang many times. Even if it has a lot of benefits, in the case of serious injury or extreme weakness, I want to restore Stamina quickly. It is an impossible thing.

While swallowing the barbecue, Wei Xiaobei looks at the Attribute Panel.

Strength :95.01

Sure enough, strength is enhanced!

The 90.01 point has been enhanced on the basis of 5!

Don’t underestimate these five points. You must know that after the strength exceeds the 80 point, you need to consume 0.01Evolution Points for every 40 point you raise!

In other words, these five points, Wei Xiaobei need 20,000 Evolution Points to be able to improve!

But then again, the powerful king of the granite king is added to Wei Xiaobei, which is a five-point bonus. This shows how powerful the strength of Wei Xiaobei is now.

Of course, the most important thing is not the bonus of these five points.

It is Wei Xiaobei’s mind, a whole layer of gray, which is visible from the inside to the outside.

This is the defensive bonus of the King of Granite!

Although Wei Xiaobei’s Agility main attribute will drop five points after launching this defensive effect, Wei Xiaobei can feel the defensive effect of several times in the body!

After thinking about it, Wei Xiaobei stood up from the bed, holding the ink capsule spear tip, and moved towards the left arm.


The ink spear is sharper than the White Fog Dragon Spear. After a shot, the skin of Wei Xiaobei’s left arm is instantly broken, and then stops when it runs through the bones.

Although Wei Xiaobei’s defensive power failed to block the puncture of the gun head, it is important to know that with the current sharpness of the ink ghost spear, it is difficult to have something to block the slash.

After piercing the skin, Wei Xiaobei could feel the Giant resistance encountered by the gun head. Even Wei Xiaobei let go, and the gun head of the ink capsule spear was instantly squeezed out by Muscle on the arm.

After that, the wound on the arm quickly healed by itself, and even the blood that flowed out was forcibly recovered by the true mercury that was running around.

In this test of light, Wei Xiaobei probably has a clearer understanding of his current defense.

I am afraid that even if it is hit by a large caliber shell, it is difficult to hang it.

OK, let’s do it first.

Wei Xiaobei took back some of his confusing thoughts and called: “Huang Kun!”


A loud bang came, the door was violently broken in an instant, and Huang Kun looked at Wei Xiaobei with a stunned look behind him, Tu Qingqing, Zhu Xinyi and so on.

This can’t blame Huang Kun for being too reckless. Wei Xiaobei’s room is soundproof, but when Wei Xiaobei itch to the extreme, the painful cockroaches are difficult to be shielded. (To be continued~^~)

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