Chapter 889, looks like trouble

Send another chapter, this poor Daoist continues the code word, no nonsense, reading and reading.


Suddenly, a huge stone emerged from the dust, and at the same time, the huge body of the King of Granite appeared out of the dust.

I have to say that this arrow makes it not very good, Arrows directly through his chest, so that his chest reveals a large hole running through the front and back.

But it can also move, which proves that the heart should not be in the chest.


The bowstring then loosened, and the Flame arrow disappeared again on the bowstring. The king of the granite man who had just taken the dust was waiting to move towards Wei Xiaobei, and the body screamed again. The next moment the fire exploded on him, countless Mars sputtered like a fireworks, turning its body into a giant torch.

The king of granite people who had never had any expression in the injury, had a painful roar at this time.

The Flame that burned on it seemed to make it painful, and it was painful to fall to the ground and roll over.

Wei Xiaobei couldn’t help but feel a bit stunned. To know that the Flame arrow is still quite powerful, but the Flame contained in it is Red Bi’s Flame. It is normal to deal with the ordinary creature and easily ignite and kill each other.

But for a Giant Monster made up of granite, such a Flame should not be too effective.

After all, in the impression of Wei Xiaobei, the stone of granite is highly resistant to high-temperature.

But now it has become a torch, and the king of the granite man who has been rolling over has confirmed that the granite man is afraid of fire!

Flame can do great damage and pain to them.

Ok, fear that Flame shouldn’t be the specialty of the plant Monster?

Will the stone be afraid of heat? ? Afraid of Flame? ? ?

Wei Xiaobei feels puzzled about this, out of habit, and can’t take care of the king of granite people who are suffering in the fire. Instead, the cell phone is touched from the Storage Ring.

Well, one thing to note is that ordinary electronic devices can’t be put into the Storage Ring.

Wei Xiaobei’s cell phone is OK, but I don’t know why, but perhaps because of the relationship with Wei Xiaobei, who liked to carry this stuff personally.

Anyway, after Wei Xiaobei checked the granite data with the cell phone, he found some confusion and entered a misunderstanding.

To put it simply, Wei Xiaobei looks at these granite people from the perspective of ordinary people.

Granite is a kind of hard and dense magma formed underground. High strength, weather resistant, corrosive and wear resistant, is one of the most widely used building stones.

But this granite has a drawback, that is, it is not heat resistant………

Really not heat resistant!

Then the performance of the king of granite people can be understood at this time.

The temperature of the Flame released by Red Bi is about 1,500, and the ink bow seems to strengthen the power of the Flame after it shoots the Flame arrow.

At this time, the temperature of the Flame appearing on the King of Granite is more than two thousand degrees!

To say this temperature, for Wei Xiaobei. There is no influence at all, but for the heat-resistant granite king, it is fatal.

This means that the granite that makes up the body will melt rapidly under such a high-temperature. Even the entire body may turn into a pool of magma.

After the screaming of the king of the granite man became weak, Wei Xiaobei slowly walked over and stepped on the hot magma.

At this time, the king of granite people has turned into a magma, and the remaining body is still insisting, but it has been severely deformed, just like a rotten stone with a lot of holes.

Wei Xiaobei stepped on his abdomen, his right foot was gently shaken, and the stone that had been softened by high-temperature burned a hole.

Bend over. Reaching out, a stone heart that is far more than a few times larger than the same kind was caught in the hands of Wei Xiaobei.

It is said that the heart of other granite people is about the fist, and the heart of the king is like a basketball.

Even this heart is more like a real heart than other stone hearts, and Wei Xiaobei even looks at the blood vessels that the heart has spread out.

This is an Immortal Grade stone heart!

Unfortunately, Wei Xiaobei sighed and sent the heart into the Storage Ring.

If you give this granite man the time, then grow up. The strength is probably far more than the 4-Star elite, 4-Star Terror is possible!

But Wei Xiaobei is no longer able to give it a chance to grow up even if it is soft again!

Not to mention whether the granite man has the possibility of conquering, even if it can be conquered by Wei Xiaobei, its rock-like stubborn mind. Extremely tyrannical personality will make them a scourge.

Wei Xiaobei doesn’t want these granite people to harm the Wei Family Island.

To say. As far as the body of a granite man is concerned, fear of water is only a matter of habit. Over time, this habit may be changed.

The distance between the deserted island and the Wei Family Island is about 120 nautical miles, or 200 kilometers. This distance is not an obstacle to the advancement of granite people.

As long as they are willing, it will be easy to spend a few days on the Wei Family Island.

Of course, the most troublesome problem is that they are Life Forms that evolved with Loki’s finger Divine Power.

There is tyranny in his nature, and Wei Xiaobei doesn’t know if this Life Form will form a bigger disaster in the future, such as seduce the Loki’s remnant.

Although the probability of this is less than one thousandth, it is also possible.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobei would rather destroy these guys and not let them survive.

If you want to argue this question, Wei Xiaobei will not continue the experiment of Loki’s finger on the Great Island.

In fact, this kind of experiment will be carried out by Wei Xiaobei in Dust World.

With the mystery of Dust World, we are surprised by the Monster evolved from a group of Loki fingers. It is not a major event.

Even this will be a big killer that Wei Xiaobei has mastered in Dust World.

As for how to use it, I won’t say much here.

After checking the Great Desert Island from start to finish, Wei Xiaobei was still not at ease. He simply put a few weak pigs on the island. After leaving them enough food, Wei Xiaobei got up and left the Great Island.

The time is now a bit tight for Wei Xiaobei.

Even when I returned to the main villa, sitting at the dinner table and eating with my family and the disciples, Wei Xiaobei’s minds were running fast.

One mind is calculating the problem of improving the framework of the genetic map, and the other is to calculate the use of the Life Form to manufacture ships, and even the reliability and cost-effectiveness of the aircraft. These two plans not only determine the Life Form research. After the productivity, it also determines the safety of Ao Yan, Zhao Yun Army and even Wei Family Island in the increasingly chaotic generation.

The two 100% of the mind worked so much that Wei Xiaobei’s cell phone sounded more than a minute later, and he didn’t come over with Reflex.

No way, now the time is too tight.

And Wei Xiaobei believes that in the inherent conception of the leaders of the powerful countries, the personal power is stronger, and they will not believe it until they are defeated.

They only believe in two points. The first point is economic strength.

This real world is a world in which economic strength is used to determine strength and weakness.

Because economic strength not only determines the living standards of the people, but also the level of wages, which determines the level of science and technology in this country.

A country that has no money wants to develop in scientific research, and can only say hehe.

More importantly, the economic strength also determines another point, military strength!

Any country that wants to upgrade its military strength in the face of weak economic power is also a joke.

You know, at this time of generation, military power can be more than just the number of soldiers.

Holding a rifle and launching a charge, it seems to be impassioned and bloody.

But the enemy only needs to press a button, the missile is launched, and in a flash, the army of the charge can be blown into a piece of corpse.

What’s more, once the people of Wei Family Island are extremely powerful and can threaten the strength of other powerful countries, attacking Wei Family Island will become a very probable choice.

But if the Wei Family Island has a sufficient number of military strengths, no single power will easily launch a war at this time.

Of course, there is also a nuclear bomb washing. If it is used to deal with a country or organization with strong military strength, policy makers need to consider rethinking, and ultimately have to give up the use of this killer because of various factors.

Moreover, after embodying the strong military strength, there is also a personal strength that has a great chance to stop the launch of nuclear bombs.

Of course, if you can, Wei Xiaobei thinks about whether he has a few nuclear bombs. Whoever threatens himself and how to do it can threaten how to grow mushrooms.

“Master! Master! Your cell phone is ringing!”

Tu Qingqing couldn’t wake Wei Xiaobei from the running of her mind, or Huang Kun directly grabbed Master’s shoulder and shook a few times.

Of course, when doing this, Huang Kun is also afraid of it.

Once Master blames himself, he will be miserable.

“Ah? Cell phone? Right.”

Wei Xiaobei had to stop a research in his mind after he woke up, turning his attention back to reality and taking out the cell phone from his trouser pocket.

Looked at the number of the missed call, is a very special number, 0871…..

This type of short number is usually a series of emergency public ****** number.

For example, alarm calls, emergency calls, fire calls, etc.

But 0871, it seems that no country has used it?

Only Wei Xiaobei knows what this number represents.

“After dinner, Zhu Xinyi, Huang Kun came to my room.”

Wei Xiaobei slightly thought about the frowned head, then put down the chopsticks, and after two sentences, he got up and went back to the room. (To be continued~^~)

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